The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3973: So garbage can dare to be arrogant?

Chapter 3973, so garbage can dare to be arrogant?


Hong Jie could not receive Lin Dao alone.

Only a few elders can be invited to accompany them.

Wine, delicacies and hospitality will not be slow.

Hong Jia Hao is also a big family with famous surnames. If it is not entertaining, it is still a joke.

"Oh... I have heard that the young people of Hongjia have come forth in large numbers. I have brought a few young disciples to come here. I want to take this opportunity and want to communicate with the youth of Hongjia. I don’t know if Hong’s family can be fulfilled?"

Lin Dao’s words seem to be very polite, but anyone can hear it, it’s completely aggressive.

I want to force the young talents of the Hong family to learn from the young people he brings.

As everyone knows, Hong’s youth in recent years.

Talent is not the same.

That is, Hong En is the strongest.

However, people are so provocative.

If the Hong family still does not respond.

It is bound to be a joke.

Said that their Hong family is afraid of Lin Dao.

"Go to pass the flood and wait for people."

Hong Jie waved his hand, and an elder stood up and walked out to start summoning people.

Not long after, Hong Neng and other Hong family youths came to the banquet hall, and the breath of each person did not exceed the seven souls.

"Oh... Hong Jiazhu, I thought the Hong family youth genius came out, but I didn't expect it to be a rumor."

"I have just brought a few disciples from Yun Chiling, and their cultivation is a seven-eighth life."

Hong Neng and others were humiliated by Lin Da, and they bite their teeth one by one. They are the family of the Hong family, but the strength is indeed very weak.

"Isn't you a Hong family, is it really a bit poor, and the sunset is over?" Lin Dao's words can be described as unceremonious, directly ridiculing Hongjia and thin Xishan.

"I am going to fight!"

Hong Neng bit his teeth and rushed to the center of the ballroom.

"If you want to compare, in such a small ballroom, naturally not. It is better to go to the Hongwu's Yanwu Square!"

"In any case, everyone is also full of food and wine, and it is enough to go to the Yanwu Square to learn."

"Since we have come to the Hong family, as long as the Hong family is challenged, we will never postpone it."

Lin Da stood up and took a few young people around him and walked outside the banquet hall.

The crowd walked toward the Hongwu's Yanwu Square, and Lin Dao's words were too mad.

So that Hong Neng and others can't stand it, rushing out to fight with Lin Dao.

"You can just take it alone! Remember not to start too heavy, or the Hong family will not be able to face."

Lin Dao will take care of Hong Jie’s face.

It is all about trying to threaten the Hong family.

Hong Neng stood in the Yanwu Square, and the repairs in the middle of the six-year-old souls appeared, and his eyes were dignified.

Opposite the young man from Yunchiling, he has been the seventh peak of his life. He is on the opposite side of Hongneng. He said: "You are not my opponent. If you are begging for mercy, maybe I can consider, spare you. One life. Otherwise, within three strokes, you will die."

Hongneng bit his teeth: "I admit that you are strong, but don't look down on people like this!"

"Who wins and who is not known?"

Xing zero face disdain, said: "Since you are so self-sufficient, I will let you know our huge gap."


After Xing zero finished, the seven-year-old repair of his life was an outbreak. He turned out to be a genius.

Suddenly, both hands condensed into a palm print, and they rushed out to Hong Neng, and the palm print was magnificent.


Hongneng tried his best to resist the palm print of Xing Zero. He knew that the moment of the attack and the collision of a blood, he was hit by a heavy blow and suddenly slammed on the ground.


The entire Yanwu Square has become silent.

Hong Neng is at the Hong family and is also a rare young genius.

Almost second only to the existence of Hong En.

Now, he was seriously injured by Xing Yiyi.

I am afraid that the entire Hong family, and only Hong En, can fight with one.

"Oh... it’s really weak, it’s not very interesting.”

Xing zero mouths raised, with mockery.

Hong Jie’s face became iron blue.

"Hong Jiazhu, isn’t you a young talent from Hong’s family, is it so disappointing?”

Lin Da could not know the situation of Hong Jia.

Today is the intention to humiliate the Hong family.

"Oh... I don't hear it, Hong's family has a righteous son, and his talents are different. How can he not let him come out to fight?"

Lin Dao exclaimed and asked.

Xu Feng took the little leopard and walked in the house of Hongjia.

I wanted to make a turn, I didn't expect to meet this scene.

With a small leopard, walked toward the front.

"The monster is different?"

Lin Da's double pupils suddenly contracted, and immediately moved a look at Xing Zero, indicating that the other side tried to challenge Xu Feng.

Xing zero naturally understood the meaning of Lin Da, and immediately laughed and said: "Hey... this brother, presumably also a Hong family, do not know if I dare to accept my challenge?"

Xu Feng looked around and had a strange look on his face.

"Don't look around, I mean you!"

Xing zero is at the top, and the toes are high.

"You want to challenge me?"

Xu Feng's eyes wide open, do not understand whether Xing zero is looking for abuse, fear of self-abuse.

"How? Do you dare to accept my challenge?" Xing tweeted his mouth and asked disdainfully.

However, the people of Hongjia are all wrong, saying: "Is that young man not the one who returned with the young master?"

"I don't know how good his strength is? But I don't think it is Xing's opponent."

"This is also true, and I don't know Yun Chiling, where there are so many young talented disciples."

Xu Feng haha ​​smiled, did not understand the confidence of this Xing zero, and the seven souls challenged themselves.

In his current realm, if the other party is Dan Yuanjing, he is really jealous.


Xu Feng moved in the footsteps, and the spiritual flow of his body appeared on the opposite side of Xing Zero. He said: "You can bear my fist and not die, I admit defeat!"


Xing zero did not expect that the young genius of Hongjia in the district would dare to be so arrogant in front of himself.

He is not a genius of Yun Chiling, but a martial art disciple from Fei Heling.

This time I came to Yun Chiling, the purpose is to help Yunchiling forest rice, to fight against the momentum of the Hong family, to be able to annex Hongcheng.

"So crazy, I want you to die!"

Xing zero's spiritual power is surging wildly, bringing a strong momentum, and his eyes are about to spur anger.

If he came to the Hongjia area, he was humiliated. He returned to the flying crane collar, and he was not to be laughed at by others.

Therefore, he went all out, with his hands on it, the palm prints condensed, and the momentum was magnificent, and he went toward Xu Feng and the smashing impact.


I know, Xu Feng stood there, and when he raised his fist, he punched it out in such a flatness.

At the time of the fist-hand collision, Xing zero’s face was sneered and ironic, but he did not expect the moment immediately.

I only felt the filth of the internal organs, the blood and blood flow back, the huge force shocked, and the hands and veins broke.


A spurt of blood, he did not have time to make a scream, he was shocked to fly out dozens of meters, fell to the ground, wide-eyed, dead.

"So garbage can dare to be arrogant?"

Xu Feng stood there, a touch of the road.

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(End of this chapter)

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