The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3974: Black **** eyes come

Chapter 3974, the arrival of black blood

Lin Dao suddenly stood up and his powerful momentum broke out.

His eyes stared at Xu Feng, and his eyes were stunned.

"Hong Jiazhu, who is this young man, why have you never seen it before? Not your Hong family?"

When Lin Dao spoke, the words almost squeezed out from the cracks in the teeth and looked very angry.

He originally brought a few young people to Hongcheng, just to give Hong Jie a horse.

I know, suddenly a young man emerged, and he was killed by a punch.

Xing zero is not the person of Yun Chiling, but the martial arts youth from the Feihe family.

Today, Xing zero is killed, and he is not very good to go back.

Hong Jie haha ​​smiled and raised his mouth. He said: "How many young people brought by the lord Lin came from the Lin family?"

Hong Jie did not say it before, but he felt that there was no need to break it. Since Lin Dao talked about this, he would naturally not be polite.


Lin Dao snorted coldly and looked at Xu Feng. "You know who is killing?"

He is prepared to use the identity of Xing Feifei’s collar to oppress Xu Feng, lest the other party assist Hong.

"I care who he is, but it is a waste." Xu Feng stood there, dismissively said: "It is also him who wants to challenge me. Now the skill is not as good as people are killed, but also wants to move out of the power, Do you not feel embarrassed by the pressure of people?"

Xu Feng’s words rang, and when Lin Dao’s mouth was over, he would give it to the hard life.

As Xu Feng said, if Xing zero comes from the Feihe family, then the skills are not as good as people, and there is self-reporting, it is not even more shameful.

However, Xu Feng looked at the young people around Lin Dao, faintly said: "If you are not convinced, you can go together, I am here waiting for you to challenge me?"


The people of Hongjia are shocked. They all look at Xu Feng. They are very curious. One person is this young man who dares to be so arrogant.

At the same time, their hearts are also a little scared, do not understand the embarrassment of Hong Hai, how can you know such a young genius.


The two young people around Lin Dao were eager to move, but they were intercepted by Lin Da. If several people were brought to be killed by Xu Feng, he would not be able to explain to Fei Hecheng after he returned.

"You are not his opponent. His cultivation is the ninth peak of the soul." Lin Da's eyes are dignified. Xu Feng just killed Xing Xing, and almost no use of spiritual power.

This means that Xu Feng, who is very likely to stand not far away, is a genius from the top six forces.

Moreover, it is still the kind of combat that can be leveled.

"I advise you, don't come here, it's better to be drowning, otherwise it will be bad if you get drowned in the water."

After Lin Dao finished, he stood up and took a sleeve and walked outside the Hongjia Mansion and quickly left.

"Thank you, Xu brothers for helping."

Hong Jie looked at Xu Feng and was grateful.

He really didn't know what to do if Xu Feng stood up.

Hong Enming is practicing at a retreat. If he is forced to interrupt, it is not good.

"Hong family is not polite, I am eating and living in your Hong family, doing a little bit of power, is also good."

Since Xu Feng came to Hongjia, Hong Jie was very polite and did not ask their origins.

Everything is very entertaining.

Moreover, Xu Feng proposed that he wants to enter Hongcheng's small secret cultivation.

Hong Jie didn't even think about it, he agreed directly.


Saying that the sky is fast, return to Xiangyang City at the fastest speed.

Chen Xianlong heard the slogan of Lang Xingtian, his face was a bit ugly.

It seems that I have only destroyed the Purple Pavilion, but I still can't shake the power of the entire Northern Territory.

"Dongyang ancestors, this old man, really thought that I can't take him anyway?" Chen Xianlong was full of anger, the things of the year, Dongyang ancestors let him lose face, now also to protect the disciples of the Purple Pavilion, it is simply Clearly facing him.

"Since he wants to protect Xu Feng, I have to kill Xu Feng anyway."

Inside Chen Xianlong’s eyes, the killing is stunned and his face is firm.

Not long after, the two figures came to the opposite side of Chen Xianlong.

"See North King!"

Black blood scorpion can be described as a strong person who has become famous for many years. The two are cruel and bloodthirsty, killing countless people, and means hot.

Almost in the entire Northern Territory, many people will feel chilly.

"Do you both have the confidence to be able to contain Dongyang's ancestors?" Chen Xianlong knows the strength of Dongyang's ancestors, and it is almost impossible for black and blood to kill each other.

Especially to repair the realm of Dongyang ancestors, it is very difficult to easily kill.

The black blood screamed and glanced at each other and said: "If it is just a containment, it is not difficult."

The two felt that the strength of Dongyang's ancestors would be even stronger, and they could also contain each other.


Chen Xianlong heard the words and nodded immediately.

"In this case, you both went to Hongcheng with the waves and the sky. You two are responsible for the containment of Dongyang's ancestors, and the waves are complicated to capture Xu Feng."

Chen Xianlong is very clear that Xu Feng is a five-minded genius with a high ceiling.

It is absolutely impossible to raise a tiger.


Black blood is awkward, how can Dongyang's ancestors be in Hongcheng?

The wave of the sky is about to be the cause of the matter, telling the **** eyes.

After listening to the two, they said, "Give the order of the North King!"

"You three people will be together, so be sure to bring Xu Feng back. If you can't catch it, then kill it directly."

The purpose of Chen Xianlong is very simple. The genius disciple who wiped out the entire Zige can never raise a tiger.


Waves and black blood, and immediately left the North Palace.

Chen Xianlong’s eyes are deep and sparkling.


"what's your plan?"

Dongyang ancestors looked up and looked at Xu Feng.

He is very clear about Chen Xianlong's character. If he knows that Xu Feng is in Hongcheng, he will not be willing to give up.

Although he is not afraid of Chen Xianlong, but in the event that Chen Xianlong arranged a lot of strong, he will not be able to take care of Xu Feng.

"I am going to wait for Hongcheng's small secret to open and enter it for a period of time." Xu Feng also did not conceal his intention to stay in Hongcheng.

After all, his current cultivation is a nine-fold peak in the life of the soul, and he can't break through the realm of great perfection, which also makes him somewhat distressed.


Dongyang's ancestors nodded, and Xu Feng's current cultivation is the peak of the life and the nine peaks. It is indeed a critical juncture.

However, Hong Kong's small secrets are full of spiritual power, and special micro-spirits can be used for cultivation. It is indeed a very good place.

"After going out of Hongcheng's small secrets?"

Dongyang ancestors continued to ask.

Xu Feng heard the words, slightly indulged, said: "There is no place to go, I want to go."

Xu Feng wants to walk around the Northern Territory and see if he can find the trace of the kitten.

(End of this chapter)

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