The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3985: Invitation from Dongyang ancestors

Chapter 3985 Invitation to Dongyang's ancestors

Xu Feng stood there, his face was light, smiled and looked at Lin Da, faintly said: "This will not bother you worry about me."

Lin Daqi’s body trembled, but he also knew that Xu Feng couldn’t move. Dongyang’s ancestors sheltered Xu Feng in this Hongcheng city, unless it was Chen Xianlong or the Feihe ancestors personally came, almost the same.

"Hong Jie, this account I wrote down Lin Dao, I will definitely repay it in the future." Lin Da did not expect that this time to come to Hongcheng's small secret, he was prepared to do everything, and wanted to kill the young talents of Hongcheng. Suppress Hongjia.

I know that there is such a situation now, it is completely lost the wife and the soldiers.

Not far from the Dongyang ancestors strolled, has come to Honghai's front, the old eyes are slightly flashing, he really did not expect that Hong Hai, this salty fish, can also break through to the life of the triple.

"The disciple meets Master!"

Hong Hai was very interesting, and immediately smiled and looked forward to the Dongyang ancestors.

Lin Dao and other big eyes, with incredulous, whispered: "This Hong family is crazy? Just because of his talent, but also want to become a disciple of Dongyang's ancestors, is simply daydreaming."

However, his words have just been finished, and Dongyang’s ancestors immediately hit their faces.

"I promised you before, if you can break through to the life of the three times in the prescribed time, you can accept you as a disciple."

"I don't think you can really break through, which shows that your potential is not small."

"If you want to worship me as a teacher, you have to be mentally prepared. Follow me, it will not be as easy as it is now."

Dongyang's ancestors are full of serious faces.


Hong Hai suddenly opened his mouth and squatted on the ground, and said: "Master, I followed you not to travel to the Northern Territory, play everywhere?"

"Yes, travel to the North Kings territory and play everywhere." Dongyang's ancestors nodded, but let the big stone inside Hong Haixin fall down a little, but before he could slow down, he said: "But, that It is my right, what is the qualification of a weak chicken like you?"

"Of course, when I play, you follow and look at it. It's okay to give me tea or something."

"As for you want to play with it, unless you will break through to the legal world in the future, it will be almost the same."

The words of Dongyang's ancestors made Hong Hai's face completely changed.

I am so good at the Hongcheng when the salted fish, how comfortable and happy days.

If I knew that Dongyang’s ancestors were so strict, and they still worshipped the fart, they immediately wanted to stand up and said, “I...think...”

"If you dare to repent, you will rebel against my face. I will throw you to the hospital! I will find professional players over the age of 50 and give them three days and three nights without stopping!"


Everyone almost didn't spurt blood. Is this really the Northern King's territory, the famous Dongyang ancestor?

The body that Hong Haigang stood up, suddenly bowed down, because he heard the words of Dongyang's ancestors, his legs trembled.

"The disciple is willing to follow Master's teachings and follow Master's efforts to cultivate!" Hong Hai almost didn't cry.

Everyone looked at Hong Hai’s appearance, and one by one was disdainful: “What is really lazy is lazy, and I don’t know where he is qualified to become a disciple of Dongyang’s ancestors.”

Seeing Hong Hai as a disciple, but also the appearance of a dead aunt, many young people can not wait to rush up, suffocating this loaded force!

Lin Dao looked at Hong Hai as a disciple of Dongyang's ancestors, and he was still a pro-disciple, and he almost did not go on the spot.

What is it?

His daughter and son are top geniuses.

However, the status of the Feihe family is not high.

The son is the martial artist of the children of the Feihe family.

You must know that there are several people in the core disciples of the Feihe family.

However, his daughter is only the Feihe family, the wife of a talented young man.

Otherwise, if the status is higher, the strongest person will be arranged directly and the Hongcheng will be destroyed directly.

This time, several disciples of the Feihe family sent to Yunchiling, or his daughter, made a meritorious deed in the Feihe family, and they barely arranged for a few people.

"let's go!"

Lin Dao is very clear, and then I want to retaliate against the Hong family. I am afraid I need to weigh it.

After all, Hong Jie’s son became a disciple of Dongyang’s ancestors, and his achievements will inevitably be limited.

Seeing that Lin Da and others were escaping, many young people in Hong’s family could not help but cheer.

In the past few years, Yunchiling Lindao has not been bullied by Hongcheng.

Many times grabbed the Lingjing vein of Hongcheng.

If it weren’t for the goodness of Hong Jie’s strength, I’m afraid I couldn’t wait to annex Hongcheng.

"Dongyang predecessor, Xu Feng brother, I have already arranged good food and wine, please go to celebrate."

Hong Jie is also very happy inside.

Hong Enxiu was promoted to Dan Yuanjing.

Hong Hai became a pro-disciple of Dongyang's ancestors.

Lin Dao’s disappointment left and the crisis in Hongcheng was lifted.

Everything about it is perfect.

"You don't want to hide, your treasures that have been treasured for centuries, don't be embarrassed."

Dongyang’s ancestors seemed to hear the words of wine and began to talk.

"Too enough!"

Hong Jie said with a smile.

The group of people walked toward the city government.

The banquet is prepared very quickly, with delicious dishes and aromas.

During the dinner, Dongyang’s ancestors will call Hong Hai, and they will be called to the side.

He also did not want to stay in Hongcheng and was about to leave.

Hong Hai is now a disciple of Dongyang's ancestors, naturally following the Dongyang ancestors everywhere.

"Her, if you are outside, don't be so capricious, listen to Master's teachings, work hard to cultivate, know?"

Hongjie husband and wife are both unbearable at the moment.

Xu Feng came to Dongyang's ancestors and said: "Predecessors, is there something?"

Dongyang ancestors smiled and said: "I know that you have a tiger in your heart, otherwise you really want to accept you as a disciple."

"Now the North King is chasing you everywhere, and you kill the people of the Feihe family. They will not be willing to give up. It is better to follow me for a while. In another two months, Dongyang’s comprehension is very lively. When I go to Dongyang, I will be there. Don't dare to move you, how?"

Dongyang's ancestors appreciate Xu Feng's heart and talent.

He did not want to see such a peerless genius and died halfway.

"Two months Dongyang collar is very lively?"

Xu Feng asked some mistakes.

If it is a family of Dongyang family that has been inherited for hundreds of years, there are lively things.

It’s not what the secrets are, or the inheritance.

Xu Feng is really interested.

Dongyang’s ancestors nodded: “After two months, Dongyang’s collar will have a tomb that once had a strong peak of the heavens. This tomb should be a strong man almost a thousand years ago, when the entire Northern Territory Inevitably, many strong geniuses will come."

(End of this chapter)

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