The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3986: The back hand of the moon protection method

Chapter 3986, the back hand of the moon protection method

"The grave of the strong peak of the heavens?"

Xu Feng couldn't help but open his eyes, and immediately said: "Since such a tomb, it represents the inheritance of the strong. Why do you not digest the Dongyang family yourself, and even invite the people of the entire Northern Territory to come to the competition?"

Dongyang ancestors heard the words and smiled: "Your thoughts are very clear."

Then he said: "The grave of the strong-minded person is not so good."

"This person is one of the top leaders in the area of ​​the Northern Kings. He is very hot and can be foreseeable. The inside of the tomb will be in jeopardy. If you are not careful, you don't know how to die. ”

"However, this person's treasures must be many. To know that when Chen has not yet controlled this area, that person is one of the hegemons of this area."

"The rumor that he did not know why, when he was seriously injured, he killed his own disciple and used them to bury him. The grave he built was more prosperous than the palace."

"It is built out using an independent mystery. This person's title: the infinite monk."

After listening to Xu Feng, they were all surprised. A monk turned out to be so vicious and hot.

However, the more so, the treasures in the tomb are probably numerous.

We must know that since the other side is the strongest person in the world of law and law, it has also been in the territory of the Northern King for nearly a hundred years.

I am afraid that his disciples are more powerful than the high-order law.

However, even if there are a few of these people, they are killed and buried.

All are worth a lot.

"How? Is it very interesting?"

Dongyang ancestors with a smile on their faces.

He naturally wouldn't tell Xu Feng, there is another very important thing, that is his granddaughter, who will openly select the husband and wife in the Northern Territory.

"Well! Two months later, the younger generation must go."

Xu Feng nodded.

His current priority is to improve his strength.

As for the tomb of the infinite monk, whether it is a crisis or not is not important to him.

The banquet ends, at midnight.

Xu Feng sat down on his knees and began to practice.

early morning.

The Dongyang ancestors took Hong Hai and left Hong Kong early.

After they left, Xu Feng also left with a small leopard.

Hong En stared at Xu Feng's back and was deeply embarrassed. He said, "Thank you for your help!"

Hong En knows very well that in the small secret of Hongcheng, if it is not Xu Feng’s desperate rescue, he is really dead.


"It seems that we need to find a place to try to refine the sixth-order bloodthirsty magic that is left behind in the body."

Before Xu Feng refining the fifth-order bloodthirsty moth, it is not too difficult to refine the sixth-order bloodthirsty moth.

Leaving Hongcheng in the direction of Xiangyang City, the closer it is to Xiangyang City, the more powerful.

However, those leaders who are close to Fuyang City are very strong and their chances are correspondingly more.

Xu Feng walked to the noon with the little leopard, and saw a place not far away, a mountain peak straight into the cloud, it seems extraordinary.

Plus, the area is full of bareness, and the temperature in the air is high.

"Look for a place, arrange a magical array, take a break."

Xu Feng casually found a place, took out the polylith, and began to arrange a magic array.

With a small leopard into the array, with deep eyes and firmness, said: "The bloodthirsty magical species left by the bloodthirsty protection method is a time bomb. I don't know when it will explode. I will refine it first."

Immediately after taking out a few medicinal herbs, the body's breath stabilized.

Xu Feng began to mobilize the breath of his body, and he now breaks through the realm of life and soul.

The strength is much stronger than when the bloodthirsty moth is planted by the moon protection method. Together with the creation of the tripod, he believes that refining the sixth-order bloodthirsty moth is not too difficult.

You must know that before the blood-sucking cult of the Cangyuan protection method, the fifth-order bloodthirsty magic species, were not refining by Xu Feng?

With the slow mobilization of the sixth-order bloodthirsty moth, the body's creations also began to rotate.

A strong **** atmosphere filled the air from the inside of Xu Feng's body.

His eyes were slightly congested, and the suffocation of the sixth-order bloodthirsty moth was directly suppressed.

We must know that Xu Feng is aware of the existence of the state of mind, and the mood of the heart is emerging.

No matter how rich the blood of the blood, can not change his firm heart.

As Xu Feng began to refine the sixth-order bloodthirsty magic species.

He suddenly found out that in the sixth-order bloodthirsty moth, the breath of the moon-protecting method was actually transmitted.

Xu Feng is somewhat unprepared, and he needs to know that he has used the Huading Ding to cover up the breath.


Northern Territory.

A blood-red altar, a strong man who was bathed in blood, suddenly opened his eyes.

The breath on the body is terrible, far more than the Cang Yuan guardian law that Xu Feng encountered before, and there is too much horror.

As if his eyes were like two blood-red moons, his **** atmosphere filled his body.

"It seems that the bloodthirsty species I planted, every seed has been chosen very well. I want to try to refine the bloodthirsty species I left behind, but unfortunately, unless I die, the bloodthirsty species cannot be refined. Chemical."

The eyes of the moon protection method were slightly raised, the corners of the mouth raised, and the faces were proud.

"I thought that the smell of this bloodthirsty demon disappeared, but I didn't expect it to be covered up in some way."

Some time before the moon protection method, it was impossible to detect the smell of bloodthirsty species in Xu Feng's body.

I thought that the seeds of the bloodthirsty species would die and the breath would disappear.

It seems that the breath is still there.

That is, Xu Feng is still alive.

"It seems to be the direction of the silver moon?"

The eyes of the moon-protecting method are slightly raised, and the corners of the mouth rise.

"Unfortunately, my cultivation is up to a critical juncture, otherwise I can go and find it myself."

It is only when the repair of the moon protection method is resumed.

Immediately, a **** seal on his body screamed out of the altar.

After a short time, I saw a middle-aged man with a slightly burly body and a strong breath.

"See the master, what is the order of the master?"

The middle-aged man is the territory of the Northern Kings, second only to the lords of the Shenyingzong, the chief of the six-level peak force, Yanhuang.

This person is powerful and talented. He is a sacred sect of the Seventh-order forces.

"I will give you an image, arrange your men, go around the silver moon collar, look for something. If you can catch it, I have a lot of rewards."

The moon-protection method said to Yan Huang.

Immediately, the moment the arm swung.

It is the portrait of Xu Feng.


Yanhuang replied.

“There is a small amount of blood supply recently, is there any problem?”

Asked about the moon protection method against Yan Huang.

"Master! The Condor is only a sixth-order force, and the gap between the six major powers is very large."

"Plus, recently, Wang Xianlong, the northern king, wants to destroy several major forces and unify the territory of the Northern Kings, causing everyone's alertness to be serious."

"I don't dare to be too arrogant to capture the power of several major forces."

Yan Huang was slightly indulged, his brow shook slightly, said.

(End of this chapter)

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