The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3988: The splendid beauty of the purple frost

Chapter 3988, the beauty of the purple frost

Xu Feng had long discovered that there was a drug in the soup, but these drugs were not fatal at all.

He pretended not to know that he was still drinking and looking as usual.

From the eyes of those who hide in the dark.

It is highly probable that Lao Litou mistakenly regarded him as a person of the Purple Frost.

With Xu Feng drinking constantly.

He can feel it, Lao Litou is a kind person.

Or, the people in the entire Hedong Village are very pure in character.

Take Xu Feng's current strength.

The people in the entire Hedong Village are not together.

Since the other party is so confused about him.

He simply counts on it, but he has to look at what this group of people in Hedong Village wants to do.

"This wine... there... there... poison..."

After Xu Feng finished drinking a glass of wine, he pretended to stand up and immediately rubbed his head with his hand, so he squatted on the table.

"Grandpa... This big brother doesn't seem to be a bad person. Do we really want to catch him?"

Next to the little child, looking at Xu Feng lying on the table, some hesitantly asked.

However, the little leopard also drank a lot of drugs, he is not Xu Feng, a hundred poisons do not invade.

When I wanted to go away, I found that my limbs were so weak and weak, so I fell to the ground.

"Well! Grandpa also thinks that he is not like a bad person, but he is not afraid of 10,000, just afraid of it."

"Our Hedong Village has been living here for generations. It is impossible to live and work in such a way. It is absolutely impossible for the people of Zishuangzong to take away the treasures of our lives."

The voice of Lao Litou is firm. He knows that Hedong Village can live here for generations without any change.

The most important thing is that they have a purple pearl.

Once there was a great power to help Hedong Village, and arranged a very powerful array.

Once this array is opened, even if it is a strong law, it must be retired.

This is also the reason why Zishuangzong plotted the wife of Hedong Village, but he did not dare to act rashly.

Later, Lao Litou immediately came to the front of the yard and opened the door directly: "I will immediately find the old village and let him see if this young man is sent by the Purple Frost."

Several middle-aged men outside the yard immediately ran out to the place where the village of Hedong Village lived.

Xu Feng is still on the table, always pay attention to the situation around, always ready for everything.

Not long after, a white-haired old man, the cultivation of his body is the peak of his life.

He grabbed a cane in his hand and followed several warriors from Hedong Village. He came to the courtyard of Lao Litou and asked: "Old Litou, you said that the **** of the purple frost is really true. Is it true? ?"

The old man is the village of Hedong Village, and it is also the most powerful presence of Hedong Village.

His prestige in Hedong Village is very high, and most people are very obedient to his instructions.

However, when Xu Feng felt the breath of the village chief of Hedong Village, his heart was slightly congested.

If he guessed it well, the village head of Hedong Village, I am afraid that he will die soon and will die.

Because the vitality of the old village is actually gradually broken, as if it can not be condensed again.

"Is this guy poisoned?"

Xu Feng’s heart was secretly surprised.

I did not expect that the old village chief of Hedong Village was poisoned.

The old village chief took a step and walked into the yard.

His eyes fell on Xu Feng's body.

The eyes are slightly congested, saying: "This person must be the spies of Hedong Village, kill him directly and throw it into the river."

When I heard the words of the old village, even if Xu Feng’s heart was shocked, how did the latter conclude that he was the spy of the purple frost?

Lao Li’s head was somewhat puzzled and asked: “Chairman, how are you so sure, is he the spoiler of the purple frost?”

"I think his character is simple and unguarded, and it is not like the purple frost."

The words of Lao Litou sounded, and some people nodded, feeling that Li Litou said it makes sense.

The old village chief heard the words, and the air was a little trembling: "Oh... you are such a large age, do you still rely on intuition?"

"You don't think about it. The purple frost sects have arranged three spies, and we want to mix them with our village."

"Now, since he has arranged for the spies, it is necessary to arrange the kind of suspicion that we are not prone to."

"And this young man is not like this. You think he is very simple. I don't know, he is very dangerous."

The head of the old village analysis is the Tao, but did not say the key point, that is, from where to prove, Xu Feng is a spy?

"It seems that this old thing is a bit weird?" Xu Feng secretly indulged, thinking of it, suddenly said: "Isn't this old guy, is the spoiler of the purple frost?"

Xu Feng feels that this possibility is very big, but since he is the spy of the purple frost, and the strongest of Hedong Village, why is it necessary to turn around? Why not just do it directly?

I have these questions in my heart.

The old village looked at Lao Litou and said: "Since people are caught by you, you are responsible for handling it."

"I will give you two hands, kill him and throw it into the river outside, and I don't know."

After the village chief finished speaking, he turned and walked outside the yard.

Deep in the eyes, twinkling with cold light.


The old Li head looked a little embarrassed, but found that the old village chief had left, leaving two middle-aged men, all from Hedong Village.

The strength of these two people is also good, come forward, said: "Old Li Shu, don't be indecisive, Zishuangzong wants to destroy our heart in Hedong Village, we can't be peaceful."

Thinking of this matter, the life and death of Hedong Village, Lao Litou did not dare to care.

"Old Li Shu, I think you can't bear to do it, let me solve him." A middle-aged man, walking toward Xu Feng, pulling out the long sword, will **** out toward Xu Feng.

"I am not a spy of the purple frost."

I know, Xu Feng suddenly stood up from the table, and his eyes fell on the two middle-aged men opposite.


Both of them were shocked by Xu Feng’s reaction.

Old Li head is surprised.

He clearly put a lot of drugs.

How can Xu Feng be safe and sound?

Before, he used the poison, the purple war Zongdan Yuanjing a heavy warrior, have been fascinated? Not to mention the youth in front of you?

"Are you okay?"

Both young people are taking a step back at the same time, with fear on their faces, it is a bit of fear.

Lao Li’s head came forward and said: “Little brother, since you are not a purple frost, what evidence do you have?”

"I don't need to prove that if I were a spy of the purple frost, you would have finished."

Xu Feng swept over the old Li head, and the hands began to float. The whole process of Hedong Village was also flowing.

"It’s almost impossible to trap me in such a simple way."

(End of this chapter)

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