The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3989: Purple spirit beads

Chapter 3989 Purple Spirit Pearl


The old Li’s face was full of horror.

Xu Feng actually was able to mobilize the formation of Hedong Village.

However, the two middle-aged men wanted to rush out and said: "We will tell the village chief that you are not a spy."


I know, Xu Feng directly blocked the way of the two people, his eyes slightly picked up, said: "If I guessed it well, you two are afraid to know some secrets that are unknown."

The two heard the words and suddenly looked away. "What do you want to do? What do we know about secrets? You can't ask us, we don't know anything."

"Quickly let go, let's inform the village chief and tell him that you are not a spy of the purple frost."

A middle-aged man urged Xu Feng.

Xu Feng’s mouth raised slightly and said: “You are afraid to inform the village head, can I mobilize the formation of Hedong Village?”

Judging from the eyes of two people, Xu Feng’s inner guess is more accurate.

I am afraid that the village head of this Hedong Village is the spy of the arrangement of the Purple Frost, but he does not know the other party. What is the purpose of doing this?

"You don't talk nonsense, here is Hedong Village, we want to leave and want to stay and stay."

Two middle-aged men will rush out to the outside. The spiritual power of Xu Feng is just the moment of his body. It is just a trick, and he will fly two people out.

The two of them were squatting in the yard, staring at Xu Feng, and said: "You turned out to be the soul of the soul?"

"Kid, we advise you not to take care of yourself, or you don't know how to die when you get there."

A middle-aged man stared at Xu Feng with his eyes, and the eyebrows revealed cold.

"I really don't like nosy. But I, I never liked others to threaten me."

Xu Feng really does not like others to threaten him. The original thing is the matter of Hedong Village, and he has little to do with him.

However, the heart of the old village chief is really a bit vicious.

Even if I don’t say anything, I want to kill myself.

"What's the matter?"

The old Li’s head was wide-eyed, and Xu Feng’s dialogue with the two men was somewhat forced.

"Old Li head, I am not the spy of the purple frost." Xu Feng looked at the old Li head and smiled: "Thank you for your fish soup, the taste is really delicious."

Lao Li’s head is awkward. You must know that he is still in the fish soup and added a drug. He said: “Little brother, I was really embarrassed. But the two of them are going to tell the village, why are you not allowed?”

"Since you are not a spy, everyone is misunderstanding, unraveling the misunderstanding, sitting down and drinking, you can."

"If I tell you, the village head of your Hedong Village is very likely to be the spy of the Purple Frost. Do you believe it?"

Xu Feng stood there, a touch of the road.

The old Li head heard the words, some mistakes and horror.

However, the two middle-aged men on the ground immediately began to say: "Old Litou, don't listen to him nonsense. The village chief is doing his best for Hedong Village, how could it be the spies of the purple frost."


I know, the old Li head heard the words, first surprised, and immediately sighed with some loss.

Xu Feng’s heart was a little surprised. It seems that Lao Li’s head also found some things, but he could not believe it.

After all, Hedong Village is simply a paradise. Everyone is a family and love each other.

I have always taken care of Hedong Village and tried my best. In the eyes of everyone, the image of kindness, how can it become the spies of the Purple Frost, and betray the entire Hedong Village?


"If I guessed it well, the village head is for our Hedong Village, the rumor that has been circulating for many years."

"It is rumored that Hedong Village used to be a place where it was isolated. Until one day, a super strong person was born. He took Hedong Village out of that place and went all the way to the silver moon collar. When he discovered the river, he Set up Hedong Village on the edge of the river."

"And then, the strong man in Hedong Village, arranged the formation method. This is why, the purple frost sects three times and five times to arrange spies, to come to test our Hedong village."

"Hedong Village's formation is very powerful. Once there was a strong legal person, he was killed by the formation."

Lao Litou is very familiar with the entire Hedong Village, and it is a slow road.

"And, as everyone knows, our array of methods in Hedong Village is a strong arrangement. In fact, the formation of Hedong Village is a purple spirit spirit. This purple spirit pearl contains pure Spirituality, used to cultivate, is twice the result with half the effort. The most important point is that the purple spirit beads can be used to detoxify."

Lao Litou said that Xu Feng would understand it completely.

However, he did not expect it.

Such a small village like Hedong Village, even with purple spirit beads, is simply unbelievable.

You must know that the Purple Spirit Pearl is a cultivation of treasure, and it is rumored that the purple gas will come to the east.

I want to come to the village head of Hedong Village, the body is poisoned, and the other side wants purple spirit beads to dissolve toxins.

"Do you want to get this purple spirit pearl, what is the clue?" Xu Feng looked at the old Li head.

The strength of the village head of Hedong Village is the strongest in the entire Hedong Village.

In this case, if he wants to use purple spirit beads to resolve body toxins, he does not need to choose to rely on the purple frost.

"It is not a simple matter to get the purple spirit beads." Lao Li’s head slowly said: "Before there was a strong person, I also found the purple spirit beads of Hedong Village, I want to take it."

"Which know, if you haven't got the purple spirit beads, you will be killed by the array. It is conceivable that the method of Hedong Village is so powerful."

"And, the regime of Hedong Village wants to open, and it is necessary to have four people from Hedong Village gather together and use their own blood to be able to open up the formation."

"When the formation is turned on, it means that it is controlled. If I am not surprised, the old village chief wants to use the purple frost to deal with Hedong Village, forcing us to open the formation with him."

"At that time, he can capture the purple spirit beads."

The words of Lao Li’s head are finished.

The two middle-aged people on the ground suddenly screamed and said: "Old Li head, you know a fart! The village chief wants to become strong, lead us to the Hedong Village Silver Moon collar, and no longer be bullied by anyone. ”

Xu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, I don't know why, he felt vaguely inside, things are not that simple.

"You will put us back soon, or the village chief will doubt that you will die."

A middle-aged man stared at Xu Feng.

Xu Feng smiled and said: "You want to go back is not easy? Tell me what you know?"

"What do we know, isn't it the same as what Lao Litou said?" said a middle-aged man.

"If I guessed it well, the village chief’s plot is not a purple spirit, but another picture."

When Xu Feng’s words came out, Lao Li’s head was shocked.

However, the eyes of two middle-aged men flashed slightly.

Raised his head and said: "You are nonsense."

(End of this chapter)

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