The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4002: That's right! I am just playing you!

Chapter 4002 is right! I am just playing you!

"Zhuo Erge, please inside!"

Gao Yu watched Zhuo Yunzhao walk over the fan and immediately greeted him with a smile on his face.

You must know that this Zhuo Yunzhao is the six strongest of the silver moon, second only to the existence of the Zixi ancestors.

However, this Zhuo Yunzhao’s interest in the disputes of the forces is not very large, almost a person who is a wild crane.

However, Gao Yu is very clear that the strength of this Zhuo Yunzhao may not be much weaker than the Zixi ancestors.

It is said that Zhuo Yunzhao used to be the second child in the family, so everyone called Zhuo Yun Zhao Zhuo Erge.

There are even rumors that the origin of Zhuo Yunzhao is not simple, not the person who leads the silver moon.

The reason why I came to the silver moon collar seems to be to avoid the pursuit of the enemy.

Anyway, all versions have it.

There is even Zhuo Yunzhao running away with a lover.

"Thank you for your high deputy!"

Zhuo Yunzhao is the first person to express his gratitude to Gao Yu.

The whole person looks gentle and elegant, and the look is calm.

However, his eyes have already been observed around the pharmacy.

"Where is Zhuo Erge said, our pharmacy will do business in Yinyue in the future, only to seek wealth, and hope that Zhuo Erge will take care of one or two."

Gao Yu smiled at Zhuo Yunzhao.

"Ha ha ha..."

Zhuo Yunzhao laughed and walked toward the pharmacy.

Just entering the pharmacy, his eyes picked up slightly and paused.

"Father? What's wrong?"

Zhuo Ting looked at Zhuo Yunzhao's face and asked.

Gao Yu’s heart is a tremor, and he said: “Does this Zhuo Yunzhao know how to do it?”

Even if it is not far from Xu Feng, standing on the shelf of Dan Medicine, it seems to be a pharmacy folk.

The heart is also dark and dignified. If Zhuo Yunzhao now finds the formation, then he can only open the array immediately.

"Zhuo Erge, is there something?"

Gao Yu took a step forward and asked calmly.

"Nothing... nothing, just feel some special breath, but it is some accident."

Zhuo Yunzhao’s inner thoughts are secretly lining up, and he walks toward the living room, and his eyes are deep, but there is a dignity.


Zhuo Ting immediately approached Zhuo Yunzhao and asked quietly.

"If there are any abnormalities in the meeting, you remember to run first, don't worry about me... do you know?"

Zhuo Yunzhao was in the moment of entering the living room, facing Zhuo Ting's tone of dignity.

"Hey... Zhuo Erge..."

"Zhuo Erge..."

As Zhuo Yunzhao came to the living room, the original fierce Zhang Hu and the Jiang Meng, who had just smashed Zhang Zhang, stood up one by one and greeted Zhuo Yunzhao one by one.

In the depths of their eyes, they all have deep jealous colors, and their faces are full of awe.

The strong is respect!

Zhuo Yunzhao is very low-key in the silver moon collar, but for his strength, everyone is recognized.

"Oh... I don’t think everyone is coming very neat." Zhuo Yunzhao smiled and looked at Zhang Hu and other Zixi seven sons and asked: "After going back, I will say hello to your teacher."

"Thank you for the second brother of Zhuo Er, I will definitely bring the greetings of Zhuo Erge to the master to respect his old man."

Although Zhang Hu used to be arrogant, but in front of Zhuo Yunzhao, he did not dare to make it.

Zhuo Yunzhao glanced at the living room, took a step, walked toward the front, but did not go to the main seat, but came to the second position on the left hand side and immediately sat down.

Zhuo Ting also sat down.

"Everyone is sitting... sitting..."

Zhuo Yunzhao looked at the standing people and made a gesture of sitting down.

After everyone sat down, they all fell silent.

There are things in one heart.

They came to the pharmacy, but they wanted to meet the people behind the pharmacy.

But it is also very clear, that is to divide the profits of the pharmacy.

Yin Xia Bing took the lead to open her eyes and looked at Jiang Meng. "Gan Meng, I heard that you intercepted the medicinal materials of the pharmacy, and released mad words. Want a profit of one-third of the pharmacy?"

Everyone has looked at Jiang Meng, especially Zhang Hu and Lu Yidan, and their faces are not very good-looking.

If the profits of the pharmacy are occupied by Jiang Mengba, then how do they divide them?

Especially Lu Yidan, almost all of his drug business was taken away by the pharmacy.

"Oh! Good! The medicinal materials of the pharmacy have to pass through my site. I want a profit of one-third. It is not an exaggeration."

Jiang Meng is not afraid of Yin Xia Bing, although he is only a late stage of Dan Yuanjing.

Yin Xia Bing is just a matter of Dan Yuan, and it is impossible to kill him.

"In the six strong men of Silvermoon, your strength is the weakest." Lu Yidan's old face trembled and sounded: "You want a third of the profits, you are afraid of whimsy."

Jiang Meng laughed haha ​​and said: "If you distribute the profits of the pharmacy, according to the strength, it is better to distribute the profits directly to Zixi ancestors and Zhuo Erge. What are we going to do?"

"Hold it!"

Zhuo Yunzhao sat there, his face calm, but he looked at Jiang Meng with some dissatisfaction, and the killing in his eyes appeared.

How can he not see it, Jiang Meng is trying to bring him in, and to deal with everyone.

"I will first show my position. I am not interested in any profit in the pharmacy. If there are people who want to bring me in and use Zhuo as a gun, please ask yourself to measure the amount, not enough!"

Zhuo Yunzhao’s words sounded, but although the words were calm, they were all overbearing.

This is the strength of strength.

Jiang Meng naturally did not dare to provoke Zhuo Yunzhao.

Although he knew that Zhuo Yunzhao was threatening him, he did not dare to speak back.

"Ha ha ha... you will talk about, why do you divide one-third of the profits?"

Yin Xia Bing smiled with a disdain and asked.

"What about Sihan and Gao Yu? You invited us, don't you just get out?"

The anger of Jiang Meng’s face, knowing that he does not take any advantage, can only transfer his inner resentment to Gao Yu and Sihan.


"The owner! These people are a bit arrogant. Just sit down and talk about how to divide the profits of our pharmacy?"

Sihan’s face was full of anger, and if the thousands of predecessors came to the silver moon collar, which rounds would get these people arrogant.

It should be known that after the restoration of this period of time, the Thousand-Handed Ghost King has reached the peak of Danyuan.

"Go out and meet them!"

Xu Feng’s face was calm and his face was light.

Take a step and walk towards the living room.

Gao Yu and Si Han, respectively, followed Xu Feng.

"Everyone, don't worry!"

Xu Feng had a faint smile on his face. He just came to the living room and said to the crowd.

"What do you count, and are you qualified to host the overall situation here?" Jiang Meng looked at Xu Feng and was furious.

"Under the next thing, I am the person behind the pharmacy. Do you not come to see me?"

Xu Feng’s mouth swelled and stepped forward, moving towards the position of the main seat.

"You are playing us?"

Jiang Meng and others are a little angry.

Just kidding, a young man, how is the person behind the pharmacy.

Xu Feng turned and sat in the main seat.

"Yes! I am playing you!"

(In a blink of an eye, this book has spent three years, thanks to many people who accompany us, I hope that you are healthy and happy! A lot of time ago, I have been conceiving, how to give you a big story in the 4000 chapter, the most This story is very hearty, in one go! Now, the story of four thousand chapters will make people burn! Finally, thanks to the people who have been supporting a lot, thanks!)

(End of this chapter)

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