The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4003: Shun Chang, the opposite is dead!

Chapter 4003 Shu Shunchang, the opposite is dead!

"Yes! I am playing you!"

When this statement comes out, the atmosphere of the living room will instantly drop to the freezing point.

Only Zhuo Yunzhao, his eyes slightly picked up.

Deep in the eyelids, watching Xu Feng with dignity.

From Xu Feng’s body, he saw that only the big families could cultivate the temperament.

Zhuo Yunzhao had seen her since the pursuit of her daughter's genius disciple of the Yuanyuan Villa.

Sun Zihai is a top-notch genius, and his strength is absolutely strong. He is only a five-fold cultivation of Dan Yuanjing, but his combat power is comparable to that of Dan Yuanjing.

However, Zhuo Yunzhao feels more horrible than Sun Zihai from Xu Feng’s body.

"Where do you know the dead boy, do you dare to play us? I am killing you!"

After Jiang Meng, a big man with a big face, his face was stunned, and the killing of his eyes appeared.

On the body, Dan Yuanjing's four-fold repairs emerged, stepping out in one step, and the spirits surging on his hands, slamming out toward Xu Feng's fist, and the fists were brought on by the violent momentum.

Many people can't help but frown, especially Yin Xia Bing and others, who feel the repair of Xu Feng's life and soul, and some can't bear to watch it.

They feel that the fist of the big man is going down, I am afraid that Xu Feng will be killed on the spot, and death can no longer die.


However, the situation they wanted to see did not appear.

Xu Feng sat on the seat and the golden light on his body broke out.

In this way, the moment when the fist is broken out, the sound of broken bones is shocking.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Feng’s body suddenly stood up and punched out against the chest of the big man.


This is the case with Xu Feng, a simple two-boxing, so that he flew out like a bombardment. He was heavily squatting in the center of the living room, his eyes were round and the blood was flowing from his mouth.


The entire living room instantly became dignified.

The disdain and smile of Jiang Meng’s mouth just now were instantly collected.

Yin Xia Bing couldn't help but look at the first time. He looked at Xu Feng and began to look at this young man.

Lu Yidan's old eyes are twinkling and surprised.

Shimao is sucking a cold breath.

The two fists killed the Dan Yuanjing, even if it was the Shi Sanshi and the four brothers behind him, they might not be able to do it.

However, the most important thing is to kill the young people of Dan Yuanjing, and the cultivation of the body is only the peak of the soul.

"Come on, drag his body to the side, so as not to be here, affecting everyone's appetite."

Xu Feng snorted.

On both sides of the living room, the buddies of the two pharmacies came up.

Come to the body of the big man, drag his body to the corner of the living room, and put it there.

"I don't like this person to do it. Everyone and a drink of alcohol, talk about the day, eat some delicious food, isn't it?"

"If you have to come, you will be so arrogant, and you are not really going to die. Why?"

"Do you think I am right?"

Xu Feng's face was light, his brow was picking up, he picked up the glass of wine and looked at everyone, and asked in a soft tone.

"Why do you kill me, and dare to do nothing, do you really think that I am not bullied?"

Jiang Meng suddenly stood up from the seat, his face full of anger.

I know, Zhuo Yunzhao took the glass and smiled: "I think the little brother said it is correct."

"This wine, I Zhuo Yunzhao naturally wants to drink. After all, such a fine wine, do not drink white or drink."

Said, Zhuo Yunzhao will drink the first drink.

The rest of Lu Yidan, Yin Xia Bing and others, their faces are not good-looking.

They guessed that behind the pharmacy, it might not be simple.

I did not expect that behind the pharmacy is such a genius.

You must know that from Xu Feng’s hands and repairs, it’s at least five geniuses.

However, the entire Northern Territory, with five genius forces, nothing more than the top six sixth-order forces.

"I know that everyone here is very concerned, I am Xu, who is the origin?"

Xu Feng's eyes swept across the crowd, slowly.

Everyone's breathing is also tight.

If Xu Feng really comes from the top six forces, they are still dare to provoke points.

In the future, I will only be able to let Xu Feng lead in the silver moon. The business of the pharmacy will be bigger and bigger.

"I am sorry to tell you that you must not be afraid of my identity. I am from the green hills of the Purple Pavilion!"

Xu Fenggang finished.

Jiang Meng took the lead to jump up and said: "You are the embers of Qingshan. The North King is chasing you everywhere. Are you dare to be so arrogant here? It seems that I will arrest you and give it to the North King. It is also a great achievement. ""

The news that the Northern King Chen Xianlong wants to arrest the Qingshan Eight Sons can be said to be spread throughout every corner of the Northern Territory.

Zhuo Yunzhao’s heart is also full of horror, and he said: “I’m not the famous Qingshan Bazi, I don’t know this young man. Who is it? It’s rumored that Qingshan Bazi, everyone is like a dragon.”

"It’s boring to catch me to Chen Xianlong. Don’t you think about it, why can I have a pharmacy and be able to refine so many medicinal herbs. After all, have you just robbed the shelves of my pharmacy?"

Xu Feng sat on the chair and looked at Jiang Meng calmly.

"What do you want to do?"

Jiang Meng stared at Xu Feng and asked directly.

Lu Yidan also followed the opening: "Since you are a disciple of Castle Peak, the old man is too lazy to participate in these things. As long as your pharmacy leaves the silver moon collar, I can ignore your business."

Lu Yidan was a traitor, and he was very aware of the horror of the Castle Peak. Only the fools like Jiang Meng wanted to take the young people in front of him to Chen Xianlong.

If you let other disciples of Castle Peak know that you have caught the people of Castle Peak, you don’t know how to die.

"Oh... businessmen can do it. The medicinal herbs that you refine are too rubbish, and blame me for stealing your business?"

Xu Feng looked at Lu Yidan, but the other side was playing the wishful thinking.

"I care who you are? I will ask you now, my teacher will let me tell you that if the pharmacy continues to operate in Yinyue, he will have a profit of one-half. Otherwise, the pharmacy will not want to live in peace." Doing business."

"And, my three divisions came to the pharmacy three days ago, and they disappeared inexplicably. I also asked you to give me an explanation."

Sun Hu’s face trembled and asked, he was extremely overbearing.

Shi Mao also wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Xu Feng.

"Give me shut up!"

Xu Feng screamed and the killing in his eyes began to emerge.

"I think you seem to be mistaken! I will find you today, but I am not talking about profit distribution, but to tell you, either you will be mixed with me later, or you will become a dead person. After that, the silver moon collar is my Xu Feng. The world."

The spread of Xu Feng’s overbearing atmosphere is beyond doubt.

"Shun Chang, the opposite is dead!"

Xu Feng followed, spit out six words, the fierce light appeared, and the double eyes seemed to be a sword.

(End of this chapter)

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