The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4004: Killed on the spot (sorry just wrong!)

Chapter 4004 is killing on the spot (sorry just wrong!)

Chapter 4002 strangles on the spot

"Shun Chang, the opposite is dead!"

All the people on the scene were stunned and stunned by the faces. They really couldn’t imagine the courage of Xu Feng, and said such words.

Not to mention Zhuo Yunzhao's second master, Dan Yuanjing's nine peaks, Mo said that it is in the entire silver moon collar, even if it is placed in the entire Northern Territory, is also the second-best strong.

Even the silver strongest six strong, the weakest Jiang Meng, Xu Feng is simply helpless.

In the end, who gave Xu Feng such great courage to say such arrogant words.

At the scene, everyone was stunned.

Jiang Meng heard the words, his face full of anger, suddenly stood up, pointed at Xu Feng, screamed, said: "What are you doing, dare to say such words? Are you afraid of being tired?"

Xu Feng sat quietly on the main seat, his mouth slightly raised, said: "You don't seem to understand what I mean, Shun Chang, the opposite is dead? You intercepted the medicinal material of my pharmacy before, my hand thought John is looking for you to talk, you even have a big lion, what are you doing? Trouble you in your position, believe it or not, I am killing you now, and after the silver moon, the six strongmen will become the five strongest."

Xu Feng’s words were loudly screaming in the entire living room, and everyone squinted slightly.

They don't understand, in the end who gave Xu Feng such a big enthusiasm, to know that the current Qingshan, under the siege of Chen Xianlong, has become history.

The existence of the Four Fire Royal Array method made Xu Feng fearless.

Especially if the Zixi ancestors did not arrive, it means.

The six strong players on the scene, even if Zhuo Yunzhao started, did not help.

Especially when Zhuo Yunzhao still took his daughter, Xu Feng believed that Zhuo Yunzhao would make the right decision.

"What are you doing, dare to talk to my older brother like this, you are afraid that you don't know how to write dead words?"

After the body of Jiang Meng, a five-year-old middle-aged man of Dan Yuanjing suddenly stepped out, and his eyes were deep in the eyes.

Ming knows that Xu Feng has just punched and killed the existence of Dan Yuanjing, but he is still fearless.

With a sense of killing in both eyes, Xu Feng suddenly stepped out and said: "You really don't know how to live and die. I will send you to die now. After the whole silver moon, I will have no medicine hall."

The middle-aged man's face is fierce and sorrowful, his eyes are suffocating, his mouth is arrogant and arrogant.

At the moment of stepping out, the first-order sinister power of the body is filled with the power of invincibility.

An endless wave of moments emerged instantly, and at the moment when Xu Feng shocked, his hands became claws. He attacked Xu Feng’s head and smashed, and Xu Feng died on the spot.

"You give me to die!"

The middle-aged man made a violent scream, and Dan Yuan’s five-fold and four-fold were still very different.

However, Xu Feng still stood in the same place with a cold smile on his face. He said: "You don't seem to understand what is going on? With your five-year-old cultivation, you dare to work in front of me. You are alive. Are you impatient?"

Everyone did not understand, in the end, where Xu Feng came from, said such words.

Xu Feng’s life was completely resurrected, and the second-order killing of his body condensed.

In an instant, a fist is displayed, and the exhibition is the birth and death of the boxing method. The boxing method contains a breath of life, as if it does not die, bringing horrible waves, so it is so sly to the middle-aged man , greet you.

Jiang Meng’s face was disdainful, and his mouth was slightly raised. He knew very well that the man who had the five elements of Dan Yuanjing was his right-hand man, and his strength was extremely strong.

He is very aware of his own strength, and the middle-aged man of Dan Yuanjing, who is a five-handed man, is extremely powerful and can tear the void. Xu Feng is just the peak of his life. How to resist it?

Zhuo Ting is also wide-eyed and can't help but open the door: "Hey, this young man will die, but it is the peak of his life. How to resist the attack of Dan Yuan's five-fold attack, especially the holy spirit of the guy, seems to cultivate gradually. Enter the realm of good times."

Zhuo Ting is very clear that even if he is the strongest of his own ancestral halls, he wants to resist the five-fold attack of Dan Yuanjing, and he also needs to display the sixth-order best holy spirit.

However, the sixth-order best of the Holy Spirit is not so good for cultivation, and it is difficult.

She is also a genius disciple of Zhenyuan Mountain Villa, but the cultivation of the sixth-order best of the Holy Spirit is also full of twists and turns. Until now, she has only cultivated into the realm of Dacheng.

Xu Feng suddenly stood up from the top of the main seat and stared at the middle-aged man opposite. He dismissed the message: "Do you want to kill me like this garbage? It’s a crazy dream."

Said, Xu Feng stepped out of the moment, the double fist to display the world of birth and death boxing.

"The world is gone, life is endless!"

With a breath of breath, the boxing method is continuously derived, and the second-order peak kills the righteousness in an instant, instantly blending into the boxing method and attacking the middle-aged man.


The moment when the middle-aged man's claws and Xu Feng's fists collided with each other, the heavens and the earth seemed to stop instantly.

Immediately afterwards, the man of Dan Yuanjing’s five-fold man was flew out by Xu Feng’s double fists.

Blood spurted out of his mouth, with an incredible, full of horror in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the middle-aged man squatted on the ground and died completely.


Everyone on the scene was completely sucked up with a sigh of relief, one by one with a wrong face, and all eyes were awkward.

No one expected that Xu Feng could kill the existence of the five peaks of Dan Yuanjing, one by one.

Only Xu Feng’s face is calm and faint: “Since I said that I’m a good person, I’m going to die, and naturally I have my reason.”

Ginger covered his face and looked at his two subordinates, so he was killed by Xu Feng.

With a face full of anger and anger, the body of Dan Yuanjing’s seven-year-old repairs broke out, staring at Xu Feng, saying: “Today, if I don’t kill you. I will have any face in the silver moon.”

Said, Jiang Meng's spiritual power surging, before he started, Xu Feng suddenly stood up and said: "You first intercepted the medicinal materials of my pharmacy, and then grabbed the sacred spirit of my pharmacy, you are not I thought that my pharmacy would not be bullied?"

Said, Xu Feng's hands danced, and immediately ignited the four fires.

The moment when the array is activated.

The fire was surging, and several groups of flames targeted the attack on Jiang Meng.

Jiang Meng’s hands are so powerful that he wants to resist the flames.

Nailu Yidan suddenly stood up and said: "Is this heaven and earth?"

Everyone's breathing has become urgent.


Hearing the screams of Jiang Meng, the whole person was burned by the constant fire of the heavens and the earth, and the miserable snoring made everyone creepy.

The power of the heavens and the earth is very clear to everyone.

In this way, Jiang Meng is in the flame, slowly burning to death.

(End of this chapter)

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