The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4007: Five Ants

Chapter 4007 Chapter Five Ants


Xu Feng did not really think that his cultivation was a breakthrough and he became so strong in the realm of life.

Zhang Hu, the sixth peak of Dan Yuanjing, is not his opponent.

According to Xu Feng, his current strength.

It should be similar to the Shimao in the room.

If he is fully committed, he will certainly be able to kill Shi Mao.

However, Shimao went all out, but could not kill him.

"The living room will be cleaned up. I believe everyone is a person who wants to survive."

Xu Feng put away the Aurora Magic Knife, as if killing Zixi Qizi for him, there is no fluctuation in his heart.

Both Sihan and Gao Yu were excited. They did not expect that Xu Feng became so strong in a short time.

With the buddies of the pharmacy, and Simhan and Gao Yu at the same time, several bodies were dragged to the corner and piled up together.

"I think everyone should think very clearly. You are now telling me how to choose?"

Xu Fengduan sat on the main seat, and his eyes were calm and heart-wrenching.

Zhuo Yunzhao took the lead to stand up and look at Xu Feng. He smiled and said: "I am sorry, this little brother, you also know the character of Zhuo Yunzhao. I have always been used to the wild crane. You want me to surrender now, I really have a bit Not used to it."

"I don't like to be a nosy, as long as you let me go today, and later in Silvermoon, what do you want to do, it's your business, it has nothing to do with me? How?"

Zhuo Yunzhao’s words sounded and he said it was sincere.

However, Xu Feng’s mouth raised slightly and smiled. “Do you think I will believe what you said?”

At the same time, Xu Feng looked at Zhuo Yunzhao with a firm look. He said: "I can promise you. If you are willing to surrender to me and join Xu in the future, I can guarantee that within three years, let you upgrade to Legal world."

Xu Feng did have such a sigh of words to say such a thing. In three years, it was not difficult for him to become an eighth-order alchemy teacher.

At that time, refining some eighth-order Holy Spirit Dan, help Zhuo Yunzhao improve and repair.

Zhuo Yunzhao heard the words, his face changed slightly. He didn't know where Xu Feng came from and said such words.

"You better not threaten my father. I am the core disciple of Zhenyuan Villa. If you die in the pharmacy, you will not be able to explain it."

Zhuo Ting's eyes are flashing, and I want to use the Yuanyuan Villa to threaten Xu Feng.

I know, Xu Feng heard the words, a faint saying: "I am not afraid of Chen Tianba, do you think I am afraid of you?"


Looking at Xu Feng with a killing eye delivery, Zhuo Ting looks a little wronged.

I am also a beautiful woman, even if it is in the Yuanyuan Villa, there are many people who pursue her.

Now, Xu Feng is so threatening her, it is simply too much.

“I am very curious, how do you know that I can help me break through to the French environment for three years?”

Zhuo Yunzhao is very clear that it is really difficult to break through to the legal environment.

Especially since he has been, he has not yet realized the existence of his state of mind.

The key to the breakthrough of the law is the breakthrough of state of mind.

Xu Feng said faintly: "If I told you, I am a seventh-order alchemy teacher, do you believe?"

Xu Feng’s words just finished, Lu Yidan stood up in the distance and said: “Impossible! How old you are, you can’t be a seventh-order alchemy teacher.”

Lu Yidan's old face is shaking, he is proud of the identity of the alchemy.

Up to now, it is only the sixth-order elite alchemy teacher. How old is Xu Feng in front of him? How could it be the seventh-order alchemy teacher?

However, Xu Feng is too lazy to explain with Lu Yidan that it will be in the ancient city of Qingzhou.

Feng Xi, the president of the Qingzhou Ancient City Alchemy Association, applied for the identity token of the honorary elder of the Liyang City Alchemy Association of the Northern Kings, and directly took it out and handed it to Lu Yidan.

"Look at it yourself! I am the honorary elder of the Liyang City Alchemy Association."

Lu Yidan looked at the token in his hand with his hands trembled. The simple token, as the sixth-order elite alchemy master, he went to the alchemy headquarters of Xiangyang City, and also knew the true and false of this token.

"No wonder... No wonder, the quality of the medicinal herbs produced in your pharmacy is much higher than the quality of my refining."

Lu Yidan’s voice was a little trembling.

Hand the token to Xu Feng.

"If you are willing to surrender to me, it only takes three days, I can help you and become a seventh-order alchemy teacher."

Xu Feng stared at Lu Yidan, a slow way.

"Ah! Is this true?"

Lu Yidan stared at Xu Feng with amazement, and his look was awkward.

"If you are willing to believe, you will believe, you will not be willing to believe, you will become a dead person. This is your choice."

Xu Feng looks light.

Silver Moon led the six strong, occupying the silver moon for so many years, has long been used to swearing.

Xu Feng is very clear that it is not enough to just surrender such people.

"I am willing to surrender to you, and later bring people to join Xu Fu." Lu Yidan began.

I know that Xu Feng waved his hand and smiled. "Are you kidding? Do you really think that I have to be in Xufu? Those people under your hand, if you want to join Xufu, they still honestly go to Ming Xuan. Leading Ziyuan City Xufu, participating in the assessment, they are not qualified."

A few disciples who followed Lu Yidan, with anger on their faces, did not dare to attack.

Who makes others a seventh-order alchemy?

"it is good!"

Lu Yidan bit his teeth, and now there is no better choice.


Xu Feng found a medicinal bottle from the storage ring, and saw that he poured out a red remedy.

There is a suffocating breath on the top of the medicinal herbs, as if it is all over the body.

"What is this medicine?"

Lu Yidan’s old face was full of horror.

"This medicinal herb is the five ant soul hunter that I refine. You can understand that this remedy is a poison dan, or it can be understood as a good medicine for the body."

"Once you take the five ants, you will be bitten by thousands of ants. At this time, the body will instinctively resist. As a result, it will play on the body. Great role."

"However, this kind of remedy needs an antidote once a year to suppress dozens of poisonous insects inside. If the suppression is wrong, the poisonous insects will completely erupt, and the body will be completely eaten away by the poisonous insects."

Xu Feng faintly finished the Five Ants Soul Eater.

Not far from Zhuo Ting, she was scared to pale.

"I don't believe you, but you can't believe me for a while. Maybe one year later, when I give you the antidote, you will be glad to join Xu."

The five-ant soul-eating Dan was separately refined by Xu Feng, and the purpose was to control these people present.

Even if these people are really willing to surrender, he will not believe it.

He does not want to put his life in the hands of others.

(End of this chapter)

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