The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4008: Ways to deal with Zixi ancestors

Chapter 4008 Measures against Zixi's ancestors

Lu Yidan bit his teeth, and from the hands of Xu Feng, he took over the five ants.


At the side of Lu Yidan, several disciples could not help but frown.

If this medicinal medicine is taken down, it will be allowed to be slaughtered by the young people in the future.

"Master Xu, he is old, I will help my master to take this medicine..."

He is a disciple of Lu Yidan, and his disciple has the worst qualifications.

At the age of 50, it is only a fifth-order Chinese alchemy teacher.

Xu Feng looked at the handsome middle-aged man and said, "What is the name of your disciple?"

Lu Yidan said: "Pang Jin."

"Well! Let him follow you to Xu Fu. As for the other disciples, after you take the five ants, you will look at it. I don't want my identity to be defeated."

Xu Feng’s current enemy is the Northern King Chen Xianlong, who has his eyeliner in almost the entire Northern Territory.

If Xu Feng is the news of the Xufu government, once it is defeated, I am afraid that the entire Xufu will face a devastating blow.

"We are also willing to join Xufu..."

Several people have come to Xu Feng in front of them, full of fear.

Lu Yidan could not help but sigh.

These disciples are of good talent, but they are all wall grasses.

Pang Jin’s talent is general, but he knows the Entu newspaper.

"The owner, please also ask you to have a few last five ants, so that they can also take the remedy!"

Lu Yidan said to Xu Feng.

"No... we don't want to..."

Several people are pleading with their faces.

I think that the five ants who are Xu Feng said that they are horrible.

"You really think that the five ants are the Chinese cabbage. I can tell you that if this medicinal medicine is sold out, it must be worth the price. After you take the medicinal medicine, the benefits are great, and you know it." ”

"Your disciples, no wisdom, no cleverness. They are not qualified to take my five-ant soul-seeking Dan."

Xu Feng spoke to Lu Yidan.

He believes that Lu Yidan has lived so much age and naturally knows how to deal with it.

"These poisonous Dans are all me refining. I need an antidote three months after taking it. After you take them, let them come to you for three months to get the antidote. I will tell the formula of the antidote. you."

Xu Feng approached Lu Yidan slowly, took out several other poisonous Dans and handed them to Lu Yidan.

"Thank you for the owner!"

In order to be promoted to the seventh-order alchemy teacher, Lu Yidan was completely desperate.

Immediately, swallow the five ant soul eater Dan.

At the moment of swallowing, the whole body was shaking.

Both eyes are jealous.

Everyone sucked a cold breath, and I am afraid that it would be painful to take the five ants.

This kind of pain is only about a few minutes.

I saw that Lu Yidan’s face became ruddy and a lot of blood, and it seemed to be young and ten years old.

Even if Lu Yidan was shocked, the repair of the whole body suddenly rose, saying: "I broke through to Dan Yuanjing eight?"


Even Zhuo Yunzhao, it was completely shaken.

Poison can also bring such a big effect.

"I have given you enough time. How about the three of you?"

Xu Feng looks at Zhuo Yunzhao, Shi Mao, and Yin Xia Bing.

Zhuo Yunzhao stood up.

Zhuo Ting took Zhuo Yunzhao’s hand and his face was a little white.


Zhuo Yunzhao nodded to Zhuo Ting, with a decision on his face.

Judging from Xu Feng’s actions, if he does not surrender, I am afraid that he will not let go of their father and daughter.

It doesn't matter if Zhuo Yunzhao died here, but he couldn't bear to watch Zhuo Ting die.

"I am willing to surrender to you, but I have a condition." Zhuo Yunzhao's eyes are absolutely in the depths, saying: "I don't want my daughter to take your poison, I can assure you that today's things, she A word will not leak out."

Xu Feng shook his head and said: "Zhuo Erge, I hope you understand me. My current enemy is Chen Xianlong, but it is not a cat."

"I don't like to mention the conditions one after another. If your father and daughter don't want to, you can choose again."

"How do you guarantee that your daughter will not go out? She just threatened me with Zhenyuan Villa."

Xu Feng voice is indifferent.

He really doesn't believe in Zhuo Ting.

The other party is still using the Yuanyuan Villa to threaten themselves.

When it is not allowed to arrive, she will really go to the Yuanyuan Villa to inform.


Zhuo Ting's eyes are all fearful, and there is aggrieved between the looks.

Xu Feng and her age are similar, how is it so embarrassing?

Zhuo Yunzhao's face is a bit ugly, but still from the hands of Xu Feng, take two five ant soul eater Dan.

"Tinger, it's okay, I will take it first." Zhuo Yunzhao took the five ants to the soul of the soul, and at first he only felt that the whole body meridians were tearing, and the sustainable time was not long.

Those tearing sensations turn into a burst of warmth that constantly moistens the body.

Zhuo Yunzhao only felt that the breath of his body seemed to have improved a lot.

It is no wonder that Lu Yidan took the five ants to slay the soul, and then broke through to the Danyuan.

"Tinger, nothing... you take this medicinal medicine, remember later, today's things, can't reveal half a word, do you know?"

Zhuo Yunzhao handed the five ant soul hunter to Zhuo Ting.

Seeing Zhuo Yunzhao, they all chose to take the five ant soul eater Dan.

Yin Xia Bing and Shi Mao, both stood up at the same time.

They have no choice.

It’s better to die than to live!

Shimao swallowed the five ants, Soul Eater.

Almost exactly the same as Lu Yidan.

After Yin Xia Bing served, he improved a lot.

"The owner, Shi Sanshi four are my brothers, and I also ask you to reward them with two remedies!"

Shimao is very clear about the benefits brought by the five ants.

Not to mention Shi Sanshi four on the spot to break through.

Seeing Xu Feng talent is so good.

In the future, there will be boundless future.

If Chen Xianlong can't kill Xu Feng.

In the future, the entire Northern Territory will become the site of Xu Feng.


Xu Feng's refining status is not much in the number of five ant soul hunters. After handing four or two stone three stones, only a few are left.

Then, Xu Feng did not continue to recruit other people to join Xu Fu, but like Lu Yidan's disciple, taking poison Dan is indispensable.


"Welcome everyone to join Xu Fu!"

With Xu Feng on his face with a smile.

The moment when the hands dance.

On top of the four fires, the five heavens and the earth were in full swing, and at the same time they flew down and headed into Xu Feng’s body.

Lu Yidan and others are completely stunned.

Xu Feng unexpectedly surrendered five kinds of heaven and earth, but it is no wonder that the formation is so terrible.

"I think everyone of you is clear, we are about to face, a common enemy, that is, Zixi ancestors."

"You, is there any good way?"

Xu Feng is very clear.

The death of Zixi Qizi, the news must not be able to hide for a long time.

More than five days, as little as one or two days.

Zixi ancestors will be investigated.

(End of this chapter)

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