The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4012: Killing the sky, killing

Chapter 4012 kills the sky, will kill

"Burning the Buddha!"

The wings of Xu Peng on Xu Feng’s body are instantly filled.

At this moment, everyone's eyes are gathered on Xu Feng.

His speed is too fast.

Just a few short breaths.

Even the Zixi ancestors did not react.

A fiery red lotus flower, just above Xu Feng's palm, slowly flew out.

The moment when the fire lotus floats out, it brings a devastating atmosphere. Wherever you go, the void is burning.


The old pupil of Zixi’s ancestors suddenly contracted, and madly wanted to avoid the attack of burning Buddha.

A scream came from his mouth. He grabbed the sword in his hand, desperate, and the horrible power of his body surging.

Everyone found out that the Zixi ancestors just did not go all out.

The long sword of Zixi's ancestors danced into countless swordsmen, and wanted to resist the burning of the Buddha's lotus.


However, with the long sword of Zixi's ancestors, it touched the moment of burning the Buddha.

The burning Buddha was instantly split and formed four kinds of flames, so that he burst in the place where he was.


The deafening sound came out.

At the fastest speed, Xu Feng came to the place where Zhuo Yunzhao fell.

Zhuo Yunzhao’s body, carrying a place that bursts into the flame, quickly smashed out.

Behind him, a horrible wave of air rushed toward his back.

If Xu Feng is the peak of the soul of the soul, I am afraid that his body will really be torn.


This is the case, Xu Feng with Zhuo Yunzhao's body, fled to a few dozen feet away.

The gas bursting of the flame still did not disappear, as if the entire Zixi House had been razed to the ground.

At the moment when Xu Feng displayed the burning of the Buddha, Xu Shishi four began to escape with the body of Shimao.

When the two fled to the outside of the Purple River, the blood spurted out of the mouth, and the internal organs were shaken apart.

Yin Xia Bing, also carried by several people, fled the center of the flame burst.

However, the disciples of the entire Zixi House are really fierce.

The disciple who escaped, one of the ten.

They really didn't think that Xu Feng was so young.

Can display such a powerful Holy Spirit.

The people who survived, all of them are full of fear.

The purple creek in front of us turned into a sea of ​​fire.

Especially in the central part, it seems to be a dark bottomless pit.

Xu Feng quickly took out the healing remedy and swallowed it.

At the same time, they also gave Zhuo Yunzhao their service.

Yin Xia Bing's injury is the most serious.

At the moment, there is only one breath left.

After serving Xu Feng several kinds of healing Dan, there is still no sign of recovery.

Even Xu Feng did not expect that the four burning fires of the heavens and the earth were so horrible.

Countless people have looked at Zixifu, and all of them are full of faces.

"Heaven! What happened in Zixi House, how it feels like a flame."

"Who dares to go to Zixifu to make trouble, I am afraid that I am impatient, let's go and have a look, don't miss the opportunity to watch the show."

"In the moment, I felt like the whole house was picked up."

People around Zixi House have quickly moved closer to where Zixi House is located.

Zixi House is the most powerful strength of the entire silver moon.

Today, Zixi House makes such a big move.

Naturally, it will attract the attention of countless people.


"The owner, is Zixi old dying dead?"

After Zhuo Yunzhao took care of the wounded Dan, the injury recovered a lot and stared at the ruins in front of him.

The heart is shocked and frightened. It is really the burning of the Buddha, which Xu Feng displayed. The power is terrible.

If he didn't see it with his own eyes, he really couldn't believe that such a scene was made by a young man who was at the peak of his life.

Such destructive power and killing ability, even if it is a strong legal person, may not be instantaneous.

Xu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, shaking his head in secret, saying: "If there is no accident, Zixi ancestors should die."

"Is the old creek of Zixi dead?"

About a few minutes passed.

Many people who came to Zixi House were stunned.

Staring at the scene in front of me.

Who is it, destroying Zixi House like this.


"Wow, wow..."

Among the ruins in the center of Zixifu, there was a huge pit on the ground. Inside, an old man was stunned, wounded everywhere, and blood was flowing wildly.

"Fortunately, the Lingbao I got in my early years, I have been refining myself for so many years. If it weren't for that Lingbao, I am afraid that there is no bones now?"

The old faces of Zixi's ancestors are all scars, and they look awkward.

The Lingbao he obtained in his early years is a broken treasure.

I have been wearing it for so many years.

However, despite wearing a treasure, it still suffered a serious injury.

The most important thing is that he took the moment of the drug.

The state of mind that I have not been able to perceive for so many years has actually broken through in an instant.

He realized the state of mind and repaired it into a legal world.

Zixi ancestors had just taken the medicinal herbs, and the old faces were all excited.

"I broke through... I broke through..."

For so many years, the cultivation of Zixi's ancestors has been stuck outside the threshold of Fatian.

I have never been able to break through to the legal world. When I think of it, the mortal crossing is really broken.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Zixi's ancestors were laughing in the huge pits, and the voice contained a horrible momentum.

Xu Feng’s face suddenly changed greatly. His ability to perceive was very strong. Naturally, Zixi’s ancestors had already broken through to the French realm.

"How is it possible? Zixi ancestors did not die?"

Zhuo Yunzhao and others are full of dignity.

Such a horrible Holy Spirit technique, the entire Zixi House a few hundred meters, was razed to the ground.

Now, the Zixi ancestors can still survive.

"The owner, let's run soon!"

Zhuo Yunzhao said to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng bit his lip, and his eyes are deep and savage.

He is very clear and fled today.

The whereabouts are bound to be revealed.

In this case, simply do not endlessly, do not kill Zixi ancestors, vow not to give up.

"Hey! Don't run! I want to kill him!" Xu Feng's voice was firm, so he stood outside the ruins, staring at Zixi House, waiting for the Zixi ancestors to come out.


Zhuo Yunzhao and others are full of mistakes.

"The owner, now is not the time of impulsiveness, we are seriously injured, unable to continue to contain the Zixi ancestors, and he may not continue to be fooled."

Zhuo Yunzhao also thought that Xu Feng wanted to continue to kill Zixi's ancestors with the means just now.

"I didn't say that I want you to help, I want to kill him alone."

On Xu Feng’s body, the second-order peak kills the righteousness and is lost.

The killing temper is terrible.

All of them are wrapped in blood red light.

(End of this chapter)

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