The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4013: Zixi ancestors drink and hate on the spot

Chapter 4013 Zixi ancestors drink and hate on the spot


On Xu Feng’s body, the second-order peak kills the moment when the meaning of the soul is filled, and the momentum of the soul of the soul is also erupting.

Even Zhuo Yunzhao and others are stunned. Before they knew, Xu Feng realized that the second-order peak killed the righteousness.

However, at this moment, the second-order peak of Xu Feng’s body is more powerful than before.

The depths of Xu Feng's eyes are filled with cold light.

Even the Zixi ancestors are still alive.

He also wants to kill Zixi's ancestors.

What is the breakthrough to the legal world?

The same is to kill.

Today, he kills the sky, not kills.


"Ha ha ha..."

With the laughter of Zixi's ancestors, from the central pit of the ruins of Zixifu, one wave after another spread.

In the eyes of countless people, I saw an old man with white hair, it is the old ancestor of Zixi.

The clothes on his body looked dilapidated and covered with blood.

However, the breath of his body is extremely terrifying.

The momentum of the law of heaven spreads, and countless people feel difficulty breathing.

Even some people, directly exploding in the blood, died on the spot.

"I don't think that the old man is struggling to find a breakthrough in realm for decades. In the end, he will eventually break through the repairs."

Between the old ancestors of Zixi, the old eyes, bursting out of the bursts of light, it is extremely exciting.

Having said that, his face looked at Xu Feng, and opened his mouth. He said: "The old man has never suffered such a big loss for decades. You are really the first one."

"You can rest assured that treating a genius like you, I will never let you die easily."

"I will let you die slowly. I will torture the people around you, one by one, and let you know that what is called life is better than death."

Zixi ancestors said that in the end, the old face, with wrinkles.

The old ancestor of Zixi was in the silver moon, but the veritable hegemon, he had suffered losses.

Today, if he is not lucky enough to survive, repairing just to break through, and wearing a strong treasure, I am afraid that he is now dead and no place to die, it is almost smouldering.

What made him most angry was that such a powerful Holy Spirit technique was actually displayed from a young man who was at the peak of his life.

"You are so sure, can you kill me?"

Xu Feng stood there, his voice was light and his face was calm.

The second-order gravity of the body is accompanied by the second-order knife.

Three second-order ambiguities emerge at the same time.

The soul of the soul is full of perfection, far more powerful than the ordinary life and soul.

At this moment, the momentum of Xu Feng is at least comparable to that of Dan Yuan, or even the existence of six.

"Who is that young man? It is clearly the life of the soul, but the momentum is comparable to Dan Yuanwu?"

"I feel his momentum, it seems to be more horrible than Dan Yuanyuan, it is incredible."

"However, I think he is somewhat whimsical. Even if Zixi's ancestors did not break through the realm of heaven, he is not the opponent of the other side, let alone the Zixi ancestor has already broken through to the legal world."

"I don't know where he came from, and dare to do this with Zixi's ancestors."

Seeing Xu Feng standing opposite the Zixi ancestors, his face was calm and there was no fear.

Moreover, the breath of the body is still so strong, many people have issued exclamations.

They were surprised that Xu Feng was reluctant to replace Xu Feng with his strength.

Zixi's ancestors stared at Xu Feng, coldly. "Isn't you thinking that I will give you a second time to prepare the Holy Spirit skills that I used before?"

When Zixi’s ancestors fought with Zhuo Yunzhao and others, they felt a vaguely strong atmosphere.

However, when he looked at Xu Feng, he felt that the other person looked so young and didn't have to worry.

I know, Xu Feng almost let him die in Zixi.

"Who said that I want to use the same means to kill you?"

Xu Feng asked again.

"I am really curious, how do you kill me?"

Zixi ancestors are very clear, the opposite youth, most likely from the six major forces of Xiangyang City.

According to the breath of the other party, it is at least a genius.

Such a peerless genius is rare.

Zixi ancestors thought very clearly.

After he killed Xu Feng.

Those who will know this thing are all killed.

At that time, even the forces behind the youth could not find him.

The breath of Zixi's ancestors began to flow, and the spiritual power of the whole body seemed to be an endless stream of rivers.

The sword in his hand before, with the bursting of the burning Buddha, the sword has been destroyed.

Nowadays, the long sword in the hand is very different from the previous long sword. It is used to kill a young man with a life and soul, but more than enough.

"I used my six feathers and swords to subdue you first."

The swordsmanship of Zixi's ancestors criss-crossed, and the moment a sword came out toward Xu Feng.

It seems that the whole heaven and earth, the spiritual power, is surging toward the place where he is, and it is magnificent and terrifying.

Zhuo Yunzhao and others are holding their breath, they really don't have the power to fight.

Now, all the chances of living are on Xu Feng.

I saw Zixi’s ancestors coming to the sword.

"Good to come!"

Xu Feng burst into a bang, the body of the three second-order esoteric, while condensing the moment.

Inside his hand, a knife with a **** red glow suddenly appeared in his hand.

"Aurora kills the knife!"

"The Promise!"

When Xu Feng used the blood knife for a moment, he felt that the body of the soul of the soul of the soul was instantly torn and cracked.

The meridians of the whole body are breaking and smashing, and the blood is moving toward the blood knife and mad.

However, when such a knife went out, the whole void was under the **** knife, and the inch was broken.

"Ah! The knife is so horrible!"

Many people feel that as Xu Feng casts his knife, the blood knife follows the operation.

Their qi and blood are all in the opposite direction, and many people who are low-educated on the scene are dying on the spot.

The blood-red knives seem to be able to kill the whole world.

The long sword of Zixi's ancestors displayed the seven swords of Biyu.

Already from Xu Feng, it is only the distance of three breaths.

However, with this knife coming out in an instant.

The pupils of Zixi's ancestors suddenly contracted.

The whole person madly fled behind him.

Because the sword in his hand is just the moment of touching the **** knife, the blade has been completely shattered.

However, the opposite of Xu Feng’s eyes are blood-red knives.

"Ah! Don't kill me..."

Zixi ancestors made a miserable snoring.

The **** red knife has no stopping at all.

He had no time to turn and flee.

Knife Mang completely drowned his body.

In an instant, from the back of Zixi's ancestors, a knife fell.

Zixi ancestors stood on the ground like this, wide-eyed.

All faces are frightening and incredible.

(End of this chapter)

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