The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4018: Count your kid good luck

Chapter 4018 Counts Your Kid Good Fortune

"You little guy, I don't want to take your love. But I don't need these things, you give me a waste, you know?"

"If you swallow it yourself, the strength will increase a lot. You can grow up quickly, and you can fight with me in the future, you know?"

Xu Feng walked to the side of some angry little leopard, gently reached out and patted the head of the little leopard, and the voice said softly.

The little leopard can understand the meaning of Xu Feng, but can't express it. After all, although he is a monster, he has no blood like a kitten and a fire.

"Uh huh!"

The little leopard nodded quickly and excitedly, and turned the demon crystal toward the mouth and swallowed it quickly.


However, Xu Feng’s eyes were slightly picked up.

Because someone is approaching here.

The little leopard is also staring at the surroundings with vigilance.


"Missy is the little leopard, we watched him kill the sixth-order monster."

"With my experience of patrolling the Dongyang Forest all the year round, the little leopard must be a different kind of monster."

"I don't think of the area of ​​Dongyang Forest that our family is responsible for.

"If it can be cultivated well, this monster is different and will help us enter the core of the Dongyang family."

A few people who followed the patrols of Dongyang Zhenzhen stared at the little leopard from the gap between the grass.

Dongyang Zhenzhen closed her eyes slightly and said: "The little leopard, should it be the pet of the young man?"

"Missy, the man who rules him, we just kill him, and God doesn't know."

A middle-aged man of a patrol, with deep sorrow in his eyes, with greed.


Dongyang Zhenzhen instantly denied the other party's thoughts.

“Father always warns us, don’t do things that go against my conscience.”

Another patrol person said, "But this guy with his own monster, hunting the monster in Dongyang Forest, is so unscrupulous, it is simply not to put our Dongyang family in the eye."

"Come out!"

Xu Feng's eyes fell on the place where several people were in Dongyang Zhenzhen, his eyes slightly picked up.


A cold snoring sounded.

Not far away, Dongyang Zhenzhen, with six patrols, walked out of the grass.


The little leopard made a squeaking voice, and his eyes were not good.

Xu Feng swept across the seven people.

The strongest person turned out to be the rebuilding of Dan Yuanjing.

The heart is secretly sighed.

It is worthy of the site of Dongyang.

The strength of these warriors is really too strong.

"Hello with a monster, in the forest of our Dongyang family, such a rampant, indiscriminate killing of the beast, it is too much to be seen?"

A middle-aged man from a patrol, some cold and stern.

Xu Feng is a bit wrong.

"I'm sorry, you didn't understand me too much?"

Listening to the other party's meaning, this Dongyang forest can only let people from Dongyang family enter.

"Hey! You don't want to know how to be confused. Dongyang Forest is our Dongyang family. The ancestors of all ages, the forests that have been built with countless efforts, are the great wealth of the Dongyang family."

"You take the monster and hunt us more than ten sixth-order monsters. This is the loss of our Dongyang family."

The man of the patrol who spoke just now, slowly.

Xu Feng thoroughly understands.

Dare to Dongyang Forest, no other people are allowed to enter.

No wonder he just came over from Silvermoon.

I feel very strange.

Why Dongyang Forest has so many spiritual materials and monsters.

But did not see other military personnel entering.

It seems that Dongyang Forest does not allow other warriors to enter.

"I am very sorry, I just came to Dongyang Forest, I don't know, I can't hunt the monsters inside."

"How do you look at this, killing more than ten seven-stage monsters, I use fifteen sixth-order best spirits as compensation, how?"

Xu Feng feels that the value of the sixth-order monster is also similar to the sixth-order best of the Holy Spirit.

Even, it is not as good as the sixth-order best of the Holy Spirit Dan, fifteen medicinal herbs as compensation, is already very good.

"Hey! Kid, do you really think that our Dongyang family lacks medicinal herbs? Are you afraid of not knowing it? We are Dongyang family, but within the entire northern kingdom territory, the alchemy division has the most power."

The members of the other party's patrol team are still not arrogant.

Xu Feng slightly frowned.

If the other party is still so unwilling.

Then, he can only be indifferent.


Dongyang Zhenzhen has a smile on his face.


Some members of several patrols did not understand, looking at Dongyang Zhenzhen.

"Thank you, Miss, understand!"

From the storage ring, Xu Feng took out 15 pieces of the sixth-order best of the Holy Spirit Dan and handed it to Dongyang Zhenzhen.

Dongyang Zhenzhen is not too concerned about these sixth-order best holy spirits, and does not look much, it is included in the storage ring.

"We will leave Dongyang Forest."

Xu Feng turned and was about to leave.

Dongyang Zhenzhen said: "Slow!"

Xu Feng is really angry.

If the other party is repeatedly martyrdom, he is not a good temper.

It’s not a big deal.

"Don't ask if you want to go to Dongyang collar? Is this going through Dongyang Forest?"

Dongyang Zhenzhen looked at Xu Feng and was not very familiar with Dongyang Forest. He asked.


Xu Feng nodded.

"Hello, I am Dongyang Zhenzhen. The area of ​​Dongyang Forest that you cross is the area where our family is responsible for patrolling and guarding. If you don't mind, I just need to go back, you can leave with me."

Dongyang Zhenzhen has a smile on his face.

Also revealing two tiger teeth, it looks very cute.

"That would be a thank you."

Xu Feng is facing the treasure of Dongyang.

After all, he and the little leopard are in the forest, and they are screaming everywhere.

In case you go to the area where other families are responsible.

When the time comes, the ghost knows what will happen.

"To count your good luck, that is, Missy is kind. If you are a young master, you don't know how your child died."

A man from a patrol couldn’t help but scream.

Dongyang Zhenzhen immediately turned around and looked at the man who was screaming at the patrol team. "If you continue to care about this matter, I don't mind going back, and then I will change myself to join the patrol."

"Missy... I am not awkward..."

The middle-aged man was immediately paralyzed.

After all, the patrol is a fat errand.

Although entering the depths of Dongyang Forest, there is a certain danger.

However, there are many benefits.

It is worth a lot of people to rush to see the spirits and spiritual materials that can be seen everywhere.


Dongyang Zhenzhen said to the six patrols.

Xu Feng did not say much.

Followed by a few people.

"Everyone is careful, don't forget the purpose of our visit."

Dongyang Zhenzhen is slowly talking to the six people on the patrol.


Six people nodded and their eyes were always on the look.

Xu Feng secretly followed and found that Dongyang Zhenzhen and others seemed to be looking for something.

(End of this chapter)

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