The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4019: not good! Red blood octopus ants (three more)

Chapter 4019 is not good! Red blood octopus ants (three more)

"Miss, what are you looking at?"

Not far away, there is a forest bone.

From the luster of the bones, I am afraid that this monster has not died for a long time.

"Let's see it in the past!"

Dongyang Zhenzhen immediately took the lead and walked toward the place where the beast died.

However, Xu Feng’s eyes swept around.

The face changes slightly.

Because he found the bushes around.

And those flowers and trees, there is no damage.

Yes, that's it.

What kind of monster, can you swallow the flesh and blood of the scared beast in front of you?

"What monster is it?"

Dongyang Zhenzhen could not help but swear.

When she came to the forest this time, she was looking for what it was. In the forest area where her family guarded, she constantly hunted the monsters, and only the bones were left.

"The problem now is that we don't even know what monsters are the other side? And there are no traces of fighting around."

The members of the patrol team have been inspecting the Dongyang Forest for a long time. For the first time in many years, they have encountered such strange things.

Xu Feng has already guessed that the things that Dongyang Zhenzhen wants to investigate are the cause of death of these monsters.

After all, the area of ​​this forest is the responsibility of their family. If there is a large-scale death of the beast, it will bring great losses, and then their family will be punished.

Xu Feng bent down and came to the next place, reaching out and spreading the jungle.

The face is slightly ugly. From the traces of the ground, it seems that in a short time, a monster, a monster that is directly dismembered, can not find a few.

"what have you found?"

Dongyang Zhenzhen walked over to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng was slightly indulged.

Slowly said: "Don't you think about it, there are few kinds of monsters that can swallow the flesh and blood of the beast in a short time. Nothing is just a few kinds of monsters in groups. ""

"Yeah! Why didn't I think of it!"

The Dongyang Zhenzhen authorities were fascinated. He heard Xu Feng say so, and suddenly he slammed his head and couldn’t help himself.

However, the man of a patrol not far away directly vetoed: "Impossible!"

"Several monsters in your mouth that are group-based are unlikely to appear in the Dongyang Forest."

"The entire Dongyang forest, in almost every region, has Dongyang family members responsible for guarding patrols."

"If there are several kinds of monsters in Dongyang Forest, they have already been discovered."

"And, the species of the monsters in the entire Dongyang forest are registered. Can it be that the monsters in groups are produced out of thin air?"

The middle-aged man’s words are very firm. He is a member of the patrol team for almost twenty years.

For the entire Dongyang forest, it is clear that there is no possibility of a monster in groups.

After all, once the monsters in groups appear, it is a devastating blow to Dongyang Forest.

Because, these kinds of monsters are not strong, but a group is too horrible.


The other man of the patrol also nodded and agreed.

"We are all careful, continue to investigate and say."

Dongyang Zhenzhen is also clear.

The members of the patrol are telling the truth.

The entire Dongyang forest is under the control of the Dongyang family.

The monsters in groups are never possible.

do not know why.

There is always an unpredictable feeling in Xu Feng’s heart.

The little leopard was next to Xu Feng and looked a little uneasy.

"You let us go quickly?"

Xu Feng is very clear, the little leopard is more sensitive than himself to the perception of the monster.

"Hey! It’s timid as a mouse, it’s good to leave early." This is a member of the patrol team that Xu Feng is upset, and suddenly he said.

They looked at Xu Feng’s eyes with contempt, and they all felt that Xu Feng was afraid and deliberately made up the little leopard.

"Miss Zhenzhen, I hope that we will leave as soon as possible. If it is OK, it is better to inform the strong people of your home to come to handle it."

Xu Feng is very convinced of the instinct of the beast.

Before he took the kitten, he experienced many forests.

Many times in life and death, it is a matter of an instant.

"If it is a little thing, we must retreat. In the future, where are our faces, let's go and hurry."

A patrol man yelled at Xu Feng.

Dongyang Zhenzhen knows the character of several patrols and will not leave now.

"I'm sorry, this is my token. You take the token and leave. When you meet the Dongyang family, you will give my token to the other party, that is, the person who wants to get out of Dongyang Forest."

Dongyang Zhenzhen took a token from the storage ring and handed it to Xu Feng.

Although Xu Feng wants to leave.

It is not his style.

"But it!"

Xu Feng shook his head, carrying a small leopard, and continued to follow a few people.



Several people lurked in the jungle and carefully searched for clues around them.

I know, it is at this time.

There was a horrible snoring on the left hand side.

The moment the sound is heard.

Inside the forest, there was a loud voice.

"Is it not good? It seems to be the voice of the seven-order top-level monster, the golden-eyed green wolf."

A middle-aged man's face is a bit ugly.

The Golden Eyed Wolf is one of the top seven monsters in their patrol range.

Strong strength.

Now it is a miserable buzz.


"Looking at the past!"

Dongyang Zhenzhen has deep eyes and is filled with calm.

"I think it is better for us to leave now."

Xu Feng is more sure of his inner guess.

The screams of the golden-eyed green wolf can be forced.

It is very likely that the monsters are in groups.

However, the character of Dongyang Zhenzhen itself is very hot.

Can be seen from the wear.

She didn't hear Xu Feng's words at all, and she had already screamed at the screams of the golden-eyed wolf.

The six people of the patrol did not hesitate any more, and immediately followed up, very fast.


Xu Feng followed them walking and suddenly found that something was wrong.

Because the monsters in this area are almost everywhere.

From time to time, the voice came from the ear.

Everyone just came to the site of the Golden Eyed Wolf.

I saw it in the valley not far away.

Already bare.

The dense red is like a piece.

"Not good! It is red blood octopus ant!"

The face of Dongyang Zhenzhen instantly became pale.


She has no hesitation.

He screamed at the patrol and turned and ran.

The six people of the patrol team had no time to regret it. They did not listen to Xu Feng’s dissuasion and fled.

Xu Feng's face is very difficult to see, he is very clear, the degree of horror of red blood octopus.

They are now fleeing like this, fearing that it is a dead end.

(End of this chapter)

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