The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4020: Look at each other (four more)

Chapter 4020 is eye-catching (four more)

Red blood octopus ants are fourth-order top monsters.

For any one present, the top four monsters are very junk.

However, the red-footed octopus is a fourth-order top monster, but it is different from most other fourth-order monsters.

This red-blooded octopus ant monster is based on a group of people, usually hundreds of thousands.

This is also the reason why those monsters killed by red blood octopus ants have only skeletons in the end.

Red blood octopus ants are only the size of the finger, but have eight legs, small size, and moving fast.

Red blood octopus ants are not interested in all plants, they are interested in flesh and blood.

Now they are such escapes, the speed of red **** ants, it is very likely to catch up, and after a wave of them, they become white bones, and they have no time to react.

"Can't you run? If you run away like this, everyone will die!" The wings of Xu Peng behind Xu Feng showed up, and the speed immediately caught up with the foremost Dongyang Zhenzhen.

The patrol's people looked at the chasing Xu Feng and the little leopard, all of them were surprised.

Their worst repairs are all four elements of Dan Yuanjing, and Xu Feng is only the peak of his life, and he is able to come up later and catch up.

Behind him, the buzz of countless monsters has been heard.

Looking back, dozens of feet away.

It is a dense red blood octopus.

"Do you have any way to withstand the red blood octopus?"

Dongyang Zhenzhen's speed can not slow down, asked Xu Feng.

"Red blood octopus is only interested in flesh and blood, we only need to find a place with shelter. Six of them patrol this area for such a long time, they will certainly find it."

"It's better to have a cave that is not too big!"

Xu Feng said to Dongyang Zhenzhen.

"I know a cave, two or three miles from here."

If it is two or three times in the usual, it is a maximum of a few minutes.

But in this case, two or three miles is equal to the distance of death.

The red-blooded octopus ants behind him have caught up, and the ground is a squeaky voice.

Red blood octopus ants are getting closer and closer to everyone.

"not good!!"

Dongyang Zhenzhen's face became pale and she thought of the red **** octopus. They could only leave the skeleton in the end. It was really miserable.

If she knew this early, she should follow Xu Feng’s words and leave with everyone.

It’s too late to regret it now.

"Run it!"

Xu Feng can think so much.

If they can't get to the caves that the patrol members said, they will wait for death!

"Who do you have a strong blood in your hand?" Xu Feng fled, and snorted at a few people.

"Glory blood flower?"

Dongyang Zhenzhen quickly took it out of the storage ring and didn't know what Xu Feng was going to do.

"Hurry up and throw it on the ground! You take it in your hand, do you want to die?" Xu Feng looked at Dongyang Zhenzhen not only took out the blood of the yang, but also caught it in the hand, surrounded by red blood octopus, seems to smell To the taste of the blood of the yang, the speed becomes faster and more crazy.

You should know that red blood octopus ants are almost obsessed with the blood of the yang.

As long as there is a place where the blood of the yang is bloody, the red-blooded octopus ants can't even swallow the soil.


As Dongyang Zhenzhen will swell the blood of the stagnation, heading for the distance behind him, he will quickly fly out.


For a moment, countless dense red blood octopus ants, crazy to catch up with the blood of the raging sun.

"The cave is there!"

The patrol man pointed to the edge of a cliff not far away.

Everyone saw the cave.


I know, just in this moment.

Not far from the cave, a group of red blood and eight-footed ants, I am afraid there are hundreds of them, and they are quickly coming over to everyone.


Dongyang Zhenzhen is very clear that these red blood octopus ants must be killed as soon as possible. Otherwise, when the big forces of the red-blooded ants are caught up, it is hard for them to die.

The strength of Dongyang Zhenzhen is really good, and it has already reached the four realms of Danyuan.

Of course, the six people in the patrol are more powerful.

They rushed out and killed the red blood octopus.

In the hands of Xu Feng, the Aurora Magic Knife emerged.

I went out with a knife and a knife.

In an instant, countless red blood octopus ants were killed by Xu Feng.


The members of a patrol team are only five elements of Dan Yuanjing and have already made a scream.

The crowd looked at the place where the screams came, only to find that he had been wrapped up by the red blood octopus.

"Kill it!"

Dongyang Zhenzhen's face is full of shackles, holding the long sword in his hand and heading out to those red-blooded ants.

"my hand……"

In just a few breaths, the other party made a scream, and the flesh and blood of the whole arm was completely swallowed up by the red blood octagonal ants, leaving only **** bones.

Everyone is bursting into the cold, and now it is too late to deal with it, only to be able to kill crazy.


It was discovered by everyone that Xu Feng’s knife was very strong, and the number of red-blooded ants who died in Xu Feng’s hands was not much less than them.

A few of the entire patrol team, looking at Xu Feng's eyes at the moment, with a trace of awe.


The man of the injured patrol, the flesh and blood of one arm was swallowed, how miserable.

With the red **** octopus that the people will be surrounded, after the killing, he made a heartbreaking snoring.

"Hurry up into the cave!"

Xu Feng screamed at everyone.

The red-blooded eight-footed ant behind him has already swung.


Inside the cave, some red **** octopus ants followed suit.

Xu Feng did not hesitate, and the Aurora Magic Knife madly went out.

Members of several patrols are also desperate to resist.


The number of red **** octopus ants that Xu Feng eyes are watching is increasing. Continue to tremble like this, they will die.

At the moment of the explosion, several people on the patrol team rushed out behind them.


Haven't waited for them to come back, Xu Feng's hands, a flame instantly burned, flew out toward the entrance to the cave, and burned directly.

Those red blood octagonal ants are just the fourth-order monsters, and they can't resist the burning of the heavens and the earth.

However, such a group of monsters, the flame for them, is almost a natural nemesis.

As the piles of red blood octopus ants were burned to death by flames, the other red blood octagonal ants at the mouth of the cave did not dare to continue to sway and circled outside the cave.

Several people in the patrol, looking at the cave entrance, the flames burned, and the red blood octopus ants resisted outside the hole.

They all fell softly on the ground, panting with a big mouth.


The man who had just swallowed his arm by the red blood octagonal ant, only the patrol man of the bone, made a scream and pale.

"Thank you!"

Dongyang Zhenzhen came to Xu Feng's body with a heartfelt thanks.

If there is no Xu Feng's guidance, they are really possible, and they are dead on the spot.

Several people in the patrol team looked at Xu Feng’s eyes and changed completely.

(Four more updated, everyone good night! Try to keep more updates! I hope everyone can support!)

(End of this chapter)

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