The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4041: Stupid lack of money

Chapter 4041: Silly lack of money

"In the next Dongyang Zhenzhen."

Dongyang Zhenzhen licked her lips slightly.

Since meeting Xu Feng, she has doubts about her appearance and charm.

Xu Feng seems to have never looked at himself for himself, and he is calm.

"Nice to meet you."

Song Li smiles and looks good.

Dongyang Zhenzhen nodded and said: "I am very happy too."

"Big Brother, who do you think will win?"

Dongyang Zhenzhen immediately turned his attention to Xu Feng, she was a little curious, what did Xu Feng think?

Dongyangtai and others all squinted and looked at Xu Feng.

"The man holding the sword will lose."

Xu Feng’s words rang.

For a time, the people around me are all wrong.

In the obvious situation in the field, the men’s victory with the sword is a violent sword fluctuation.

However, the man who exerts the palm of his hand is obviously not an adversary, and he is constantly regressing to avoid the sword.

"Big Brother, how do you feel this way? The man with the sword has the upper hand."

Dongyang Zhenzhen does not understand.

Xu Feng said in a light way: "The situation of the battle itself is changing rapidly. One move and one style are changing. The man who applies the law may not really be defeated, but the man holding the sword may not be the real festival. victory."

Dongyang Zhenzhen can hear and understand.

Dongyang Ping felt that Xu Feng said it makes sense.

"I really don't know what to read and understand. It's still so talkative. I don't know if he thinks how good he is."

Song Li is very polite to Dongyang Zhenzhen, which is very satisfied with the beauty of Dongyang Zhenzhen.

However, for people like Xu Feng, Song Li can not be merciless, directly sarcasm.

"The swordsmanship of the sword-bearing man is the sixth-order superiority of the Holy Spirit. It is much higher than the skill level of the man who uses the palm of his hand. Moreover, the cultivation of the sword-bearing man is better than the other. Be strong."

"Everyone can see that the man holding the sword wins the pursuit, and the man who applies the trick is a shackle, waiting to be killed or defeated by the sword man."

"You can still pull out so many useless theories now, and I have to admire your courage."

Song Li’s words rang and his face was smiling.

Several people next to them also laughed.

"Two sons, others want to pretend to be forced, they are so embarrassed by you. With your strength, naturally see the outcome, but also give others a face!"

Song Li’s side, a young man pretending to sympathize with Xu Feng’s expression, said to Song Li with a smile.

It seems that he is really pleading for Xu Feng. In fact, he is ridiculing Xu Feng.

"That boy is really pitiful. I want to force it in front of the beautiful woman. I know that I was dismantled on the spot by the second son."

A few people, you said a word, I have been trying my best to make a knot, and ridicule Xu Feng.

Only Xu Feng's face is extremely calm. If he only had 70% of the grasp, the man who showed his hand can win the victory.

Then, with the man in the gladiatorial field, the man who showed his hand, and after showing the three tricks of the successive moves, he became more certain.

The man who applied the palm of his hand, the palm of his hand, was obviously in the process of avoiding his edge.

If Xu Feng guessed well, the man who applied the palm of his hand was constantly showing weakness, waiting to use the strongest killings at any time.

"Since you are so arrogant, it is better for us to make a bet!" Xu Feng was secretly funny, with a contempt in his eyes, saying: "If the sword man wins, I will give you ten sixth-order best spirits."

"If the man who is using the palm of his hand wins the victory, how many of you will give me five hundred talents, how?"

Xu Feng stared at the opposite Song Li, raised his brow and asked him with a provocation.


People around Xu Feng have looked at Xu Feng.

Watching the battle in the arena is coming to an end.

It is inevitable that a man with a sword will win a victory.

They don't know, in the end, Xu Feng's confidence in coming, I believe that the man who applied the law.

After all, it is still losing ground.

You must know, not to mention the cultivation of the sword man, obviously stronger.

"What, don't you dare?"

Xu Feng looked at the opposite Song Li and others, with a scornful tone, he is very clear, such a blind child, must love face.

Just need him to be a little radical, and the other party will agree.


Song Li's face disdain, staring at Xu Feng, slowly said: "I was thinking, can you come up with ten sixth-order best spirits? I will bet you when you get it, if you can't get it, Wouldn't it be a waste of time with you?"

"If you don't feel relieved, we can ask the deacon to testify."

Xu Feng looked not far away, the staff of the arena.

The middle-aged man came over here.

"Excuse me, what are the needs of the two?"

Xu Feng said: "I want to bet with him. The man holding the sword in the field won the victory. I gave him ten sixth-order best spirits. If the man who showed his hand in the field got the Holy Spirit, he gave me five hundred. Zhongpin Lingjing. Please come to be a witness, how?"

"The rules of the arena are presumably familiar to everyone. If anyone dares to go back, he will die."

The middle-aged deacon said to Xu Feng and Song Li.

"A man who uses his palms, if he can win, I will give you a thousand spirits. I hope that you can not go out of your way, when you go to the rules of the arena, you will die very badly."

Song Li looked at the deacon of the arena to help witness, and immediately disdain.

Xu Feng's face is wrong, he thinks that the number of five hundred yuan in the spirit of crystal, there are fewer points.

I did not expect that Song Li himself had doubled the Chinese product Lingjing, which was simply a stupid man’s stupid money.

"It’s not the second son of Song’s family. It’s a big money, and it’s a thousand-year-old spirit, worship.”

"The next generation must be reborn, so that you can become the second master of Song Li."

Xu Feng mouth slightly raised, simply standing there, closing his eyes and rejuvenating.

Waiting for the battlefield to fight, and win the game.

He is very clear.

The cultivation and strength of the two people are similar. If you want to fight against the outcome, you must have strong willpower.

It is really rare to want to defeat each other in a short time.

"Hey! You found that there is no, it seems that in the past ten minutes or so, the man who applied the law gradually began to reverse the situation on the scene, and he was able to crack the sword of the other side."

"You don't say that I really didn't find out that the man who applied the trick really began to take the initiative."

Dongyang Zhenzhen looked at the huge battlefield, and the man who applied the law, the spiritual flow of his body.

In an instant, he attacked the man with the sword.

From the recent retreat, I began to take the initiative.

"How could this be?"

Song Li’s face was astonished. As time went by, the man who had just applied his hand began to take the initiative.

If this continues, the man in law will inevitably win the final victory.

(End of this chapter)

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