The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4042: Maximum proportion of history

Chapter 4042 The largest proportion of history

"Big brother, your eyes are too poisonous."

The man who saw the palm of his hand really started to counterattack.

The sword man continued to retreat.

Just a few breaths of time.

The man who exerted the palm of his hand took the initiative moment, his hands suddenly condensed, became a mountain, and the huge virtual shadow became a horrible palm print, so he went to the impact of the sword man.

The man holding the sword obviously did not think that the other party still hides such a powerful Holy Spirit.

At the moment when the emperor resisted, a blood spurted out of his mouth, and his face was full of horror and unwillingness.

At the moment when the whole person was shaken out, the man who applied the law, and stayed up, was ready to kill each other.

"I surrender……"

The man holding the sword screamed.

The entire arena is silent.

The managers of the only arena are blooming.

Almost all of the bets were held by the sword man to win.

"Our battlefield, this battle has made a big profit."

A staff member of the arena is full of excitement.

Song Li and others, their faces have become difficult to look.

You must know that they and Xu Feng’s bet are a thousand Chinese spirits.

Don't be kidding.

A thousand Chinese spirits, not a small number.

"It’s really a lot of money, so quickly exchange a thousand Chinese spirits!"

Xu Feng looked at Song Li and said.

Song Li’s face was disdainful and angry, saying: “I don’t have a bet with you, you don’t want to filthy me.”

"No, you ask the deacon, have I personally gambled with you?"

Song Li’s words rang, the deacons of the arena, and the depths of the eyes, with hesitation and entanglement.

Song Li is the second son of the Song family in Heluo City, but can not easily offend.

The middle-aged man hesitated again and again.

I feel that Xu Feng is just a Dongyang family, an ordinary small family, which is not enough.

However, the opposite of Songli, it is the second son of Heluo City Songjia.

After weighing the pros and cons.

Coupled with the five fingers that Song Li quietly extended, he completely understood that Song Li promised to give him five hundred fine spirits, and immediately said: "I don't know if you have any gambling, I don't know."

As the words of the middle-aged deacon rang, Dongyang Ping’s face was full of anger, saying: “You just presided over the gambling here, but now you’re going to be ruined. Are you afraid of being punished by the arena?”

You know, the arena is profitable by reputation.

If you let people know, the arena has a fake game.

Then, who will come to the arena later.


The middle-aged man has deep eyes and a disdainful color.

The people in front of me are Dongyang family. I don’t know how many generations of the side-family family. He can’t believe that the other side can find the top of the arena.

Song Li’s mouth twitched slightly, staring at Xu Feng, cold and cold: “Yes, what about my bet and losing? How can you help me?”

At this moment, Song Li can not care about the image in the eyes of Dongyang Zhenzhen. He said that a thousand middle-class spirits, even if it is five hundred middle-class spirits, he can not get it.

What's more, now I give Xu Feng a good spirit, and I don't want him to be very faceless.

"Is this what I want to do?"

Xu Feng’s mouth raised and asked slowly.

"How about playing tricks?"

Song Li dismissed the question.

"Nothing, I hope to be there, you can still be so hard." Xu Feng's mouth raised, his eyes fell on the deacon not far away, said: "You can't ask me for a chance."

The disdain of the deacon's face, the young man in the district Danyuan, can also turn up the waves.

Dongyang Zhenzhen and others are indignant, and her attitude towards Song Li at the moment is also disgusting.

As the saying goes, I am willing to gamble and lose.

A person who can't afford to lose even is a waste.


"Hey, Dongyang Ping, I can find you for a long time!" Dongyang Yu took a few young people and came to Dongyangping not far away, his mouth raised and with disdain, he felt that Dongyang Ping took people, certainly deliberately Dodge.

This is to bring his own people and look around in the arena.

"How? First fight a battle? Two hundred Chinese spirits?"

Dongyang looked at Dongyang Ping and asked.

"Go, go to the front to register."

Dongyang Pinghe Dongyang Temple, at the same time came to the corner of the field to register the battle.

The young people arranged by Dongyang Temple are repaired as the five realms of Dan Yuanjing, and the strength can rank among the top three in the more than ten young people he brings.

However, after Dongyang Ping registered Xu Feng's situation, the registered deacons were hesitant. They asked Dongyang Ping: "Is you sure that you have not made a mistake? The person you want to send out to fight is really a re-construction of Dan Yuanjing. ?"

Dan Yuanjing is one of the most important battles in Danyuan. Unless it is a top genius or a genius, it is possible.

However, such a top genius, how can come to the arena, participate in such a fight.

"No mistake!"

Dongyang Ping is very firm, and this is what Xu Feng means.

"What? You sent Dan Yuanyuan to fight again? It seems that you really want to admit defeat." Dongyang Yi feels that Dongyang Ping must feel that he is all concession, it is better to arrange a Danyuan situation, and still be able to lose a decent.

"Watch it!"

Dongyang Ping took Xu Feng and walked behind him.


With the end of three more battles.

"The following battle, I also met for the first time. Dan Yuanjing, a heavy warrior, Fengxu battle, Dan Yuanjing, five heavy late Dongyang Bai, the bet of winning and losing, is two hundred in the middle of the spirit, there is a need to bet People, hurry to bet."

"Wind wins, one loses twenty, Dong Yangbai wins, loses one."

The sound is heard.

The entire gladiatorial field is completely boiling.

Have to go to the bet.

Just kidding.

Dan Yuanjing once faced the late fifth stage of Dan Yuanjing, and there was no chance of winning at all. It was good not to be spiked.

Despite the high proportion of wind deficiency, they still won the victory of Dongyang Bai. After all, it is a steady profit.

"One loses twenty, it is the biggest difference since the establishment of the Heluo City Corner."

"I don't know who Dan Yuanyuan is, I am simply looking for a dead end."

Everyone feels that there is absolutely no chance of winning the wind.


Xu Feng smiled and looked at Dongyang Ping. He said: "Hurry and give me a bet."

Xu Feng took a step and walked toward the center of the arena.

Dongyang Bai also went inside the arena.


"Meng elders, how can we arrange such a battle in the arena, I am afraid that it will be lost."

"Now, there is already about 50,000 yuan in the middle of the spirit of Dongyang Bai, and the wind is only more than 600."

Behind the gladiatorial field, a middle-aged man, looking at the opposite old man with a puzzled face.

The elders of Meng are the elders of the arena, and the entire arena is responsible for his operation.

"Don't worry, Dan Yuanjing defeated Dan Yuanyuan's five heavy ones, and many of the four talents can do it."

"Not to mention, the next person to participate in our arena competition, he is a top five genius."

The words of the elders of Meng rang, and the middle-aged men across the face were full of shock.

The top five geniuses appeared in the battlefield of Heluo City.

It’s incredible!

(Thank you for your support, thank you! I wish you all a happy start to school, and more have to go to class!)

(End of this chapter)

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