The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4044: Eat a general uncomfortable

Chapter 4044 has eaten the general uncomfortable

"Day! One stroke second defeated Dan Yuanjing five heavy late, is this five geniuses?"

In a loft in the gladiatorial field, the middle-aged man looked at Xu Feng and defeated Dongyang Bai with a punch.

Suddenly exclaimed, scared other people, they all looked at him, his face was not happy.

However, the elders of the elders of Meng, with amazement, said: "No wonder even Chen Xianlong is so jealous, this talented horror is simply unheard of."

When Meng Elder saw Xu Feng’s first sight, he already saw Xu Feng’s true identity.

You must know that Chen Xianlong had arranged a lot of people to chase the disciples of Zige Qingshan everywhere.

Among them, the most severe young man to be chased is the five geniuses named Xu Feng.

He had seen the portrait and introduction of Xu Feng at that time, so he learned that there was a young man in Dan Yuanjing who had to fight with Dan Yuanjing in the late five years. He immediately went to see the "wind deficiency"!

At first glance, it was exactly the same as he expected.

That is, this wind is nothing but Xu Feng's pseudonym.

The elders of the elders also admire them.

Within the entire territory of the Northern Territory, Xu Feng was arrested everywhere.

However, Xu Feng is still so calm.

Also dare to appear in the arena of Heluocheng.

It’s incredible.

This is precisely the fact that there is a tiger in the Mingzhi Mountain.

"Meng elders, we are in the arena, this battle, earned over."

Middle-aged man is full of excitement.

The entire arena, in addition to more than 700 of the Chinese goods Lingjing, besides Xu Feng, the other are the East Yangbai.

Even if Xu Feng is paying a loss of twenty, now it is just over 10,000 yuan. And this battle bet has already exceeded 60,000 yuan.

Many people think that the third stage of Dan Yuanjing, the battle of Dan Yuanjing is a heavy one, it is simply a steady earning.

Therefore, many people know that the proportion of compensation is very low, and they still have a lot of Dongyang Bai.


Dongyang’s eyes have become sluggish.

You know, he just went to the bet.

He put his own more than 1,300 Zhongpin Lingjing, all of them to Dongyang Bai.

The youth around Dongyang, who was originally arrogant.

At this moment, one by one is like eating a cat.

The expression on their faces is purple.

It is too ugly.

I have just praised the young people who are powerful in Dongyang Baisheng Spirit. They are even more eager to swallow their own words.

"How could this be? Dongyang Bo Big Brother's strength is so strong, that wind is really a genius?"

A young man couldn’t help but say to Dongyang’s side.

Dan Yuanjing is a heavy one, and a punch will be carried out in the late five-year period of Dan Yuanjing. He will fly out and lie on the ground, and his life and death are unknown.

It is only possible that only the existence of the five elements of Dan Yuanjing can be achieved.

“Dongyang Ping’s family, what kind of dog has gone, can it be related to the five geniuses?”

Another young man, looking at Dongyang Ping, was full of indignation.

"What should I do? I only have more than two hundred of the remaining products, and I have all taken the bet."

"Mys is not all bet, and then I will go to Dongyang City. I am afraid I will cut back on food."

"I knew Dongyangbai was so weak, I wouldn't bet."

Dongyang’s inner heart is really over the river.


Song Li was full of mistakes and stayed there.

Staring at the center of the arena.

Both eyes are killing.

"Two sons, I can't think of that wind is so powerful."

With the dog legs around Song Li, I couldn’t help it.

"How is it so powerful? Dare to provoke me to Song Li, I must have him die without a place to die."

Song Liben thought that the wind is only a general genius, and now it seems that the talent is so powerful.

If this is the case, then don't let the other person leave Heluo City alive.

They are in Songluo, and they are also one of the major families.

It’s easy to kill the wind.


"I want to report, the arena held a fake game? What kind of joke, Dan Yuanjing five heavy garbage?"

Someone directly in the arena, making a fierce roar.

You know, he just took the whole family and took Dongyang Bai.

Now, Dongyang Bai has lost.

He lost a light.

Can't help but scream.

By his side, there are many people like him who have burst into roar and feel that they are holding a fake game.

The deacon of the gladiatorial field came to the side of the troublemaker and said slowly: "If you think that the game is fake, you can go to the arena now and fight against the wind to see the true and false?"

"The reputation of our arena for so many years, if we dare to smash and kill, no kill!"

The gladiatorial field is the industry of the city of Heluocheng.

This is something that everyone knows.

Therefore, even the major families of Heluo City did not dare to make trouble in the arena of Heluo City.

I heard the deacon of the arena saying that the face suddenly became a bit ugly.

They just want to let the arena and return their middle-class spirits.

How could you not see it?

The battle is absolutely true.

However, the deacon of the arena has long been eccentric about such things.

The deacons of the arena warned that the people who had just made troubles were silent.

The most important thing is, even if they go to the arena, they are not the opponents of the wind, how can they prove that others are playing the game?


Xu Feng came to the body and came to Dongyang Bai.

The corner of his mouth rose slightly, saying: "How can someone be so arrogant, how can it be like a chicken and a dog? So garbage?"

"I am asking you now, how do you want to die?"

Among the peaks of Xu Feng, the killing is in vain.

Dongyang Bai’s face became iron blue, and his body was broken. He had no fighting power.

At this moment, staring at Xu Feng, said: "You dare to abolish me, our family will not let you go."

The owner of Dongyang Baikou refers to Dongyang Temple.

"I am sorry, in my eyes, your family is also a chicken."

Xu Feng did not hesitate to go to Dongyang Bai and attacked with both fists.

"No... don't kill me..."

Dongyang Bai's face was full of horror, he could feel the killing of Xu Feng.

The other party really dares to kill himself.

This is his feeling.

"I admit wrong... I apologize to you..."

Dongyang Bai thought that Xu Feng had said to him before, as long as he apologized, he could kill him.

"Oh... I’m just making a mistake now, you don’t think you missed the opportunity to live.”


Xu Feng did not have any hesitation, double-handed bombardment.

The virtual shadow brought by the fist, the heavy shackles on the body of Dongyang Bai.

In this way, the living will kill Dongyang Bai.

With Dongyang Bai was killed.

The vast majority of people in the arena are as uncomfortable as eating Xiang.

They are betting Dongyangbai.

This means that they have lost.

"I knew that Dongyangbai was so garbage, I should buy a high proportion of compensation."

"What kind of dog thing is this Dongyang Bai? Is it so rubbish? Just so loud?"

"Which branch family Dongyang Bai came from, it really is a shame to the Dongyang family."

Many people have roared.

The sound is naturally introduced into Dongyang's ear.

His face was blue and his face was awkward.

(End of this chapter)

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