The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4045: Substitution!

Chapter 4045 Substitution!

The cold and stern color of Dongyang’s face is filled with murder and endless anger.

Dongyang Bai is his nephew.

This time, it was he who took Dongyangbai and went to Dongyang City.

Take the talent of Dongyang Bai.

It only needs to be above the grand meeting of the Dongyang family.

A little bit of performance, becoming a martial artist of a Dongyang family of disciples, not much difficulty.

However, now being squandered by the wind is tantamount to destroying their home for more than ten years of cultivation.

You should know that it is not difficult for Dongyang, and the branch family of Dongyang family, such as Dongyangping, to cultivate a disciple of the five elements of Danyuan.

Moreover, it takes a lot of resources from the family.

Nowadays, being squandered by the wind is tantamount to giving up.

How is he not angry?

"Dongyangping, although we don't deal with it, we are all Dongyang family. You arrange an outsider to play, and you are so hot? I think you are really speculative."

Dongyang is really shameless. When he looks at Xu Feng’s killing of Dongyang Bai, he pulls out the family to pull the banner.

How could Dongyang Ping not understand the meaning of the other party, and immediately smiled: "Don't pull so much? We have been in Dongyang family for so many years. If you follow this idea, you are afraid that you have already been kicked out of the three kings of the Northern Territory. ”

"You know, the two elders of our Dongyang family are not the surnames? The five elders of our Dongyang family are not the surnames. What's more, this battle is still initiated by you. Can't you?"

Dongyang Ping naturally can't make Dongyang Yi take advantage of it, and it is immediately unceremonious.

Some people beside them are also the branch families of Dongyangping. Some people have looked at Dongyang, and they all have a mentality of watching the show.

After all, for these branch families, the smaller the competition, the better the family is naturally.

"Hey! I remember this thing. When you go to Dongyang City, don't regret it."

Dongyang’s face was gloomy, and the twinklings were flashing with cold and murderous intentions.

This time he took the initiative to provoke Dongyang Ping, completely lost his wife and lost his soldiers.

Not only did it not teach the role of the Dongyang Ping family.

Instead, the people who made their bets lost their brilliance.

Even if he is a patriarch, he will lose almost.

Next, I went to Dongyang City, fearing that I would cut back on food.

"It doesn't matter."

Dongyang Ping has no fear at all.

He knows that Dongyang’s family also has an elder who is a deacon in the Dongyang family.

Although there are some rights, but if they do not make mistakes, they will not be a threat to them.

We must know that the Dongyang family has been standing in the Northern Territory for so many years, relying on the strict family rules.

The development of the entire Dongyang family depends not only on the main family, but also on the branch family of the entire Dongyang collar.

This is also the reason why the Dongyang family held a grand meeting to invite all the branch families to go.

If the main family is free to suppress the branch family, it will naturally lead to the entire Dongyang collar, which is inconsistent.


Xu Feng stood in the middle of the arena, still unfinished.

The eyes swept over the surrounding, and immediately said: "I would like to ask the manager of the arena, I still want to continue to accept the challenge? Do not know if it can be implemented?"

With the voice of Xu Feng, it spread far away.

The people in the entire arena hold their breath.

An old figure appeared on the arena.


Seeing the old man appear in the arena, the audience of many arena are full of mistakes.

Because this old man is the elder who is responsible for the arena, Meng Jin, the strength is strong, is the strong man of the law, but also the confidant of the city of Heluo City, almost the size of the arena, Meng Jin is responsible.

Normally, even if it is the battle of high-order Dan Yuanjing, Meng Jin has not appeared.

Now, Meng Jin has emerged because of a Dan Yuan Jing, which is enough to surprise everyone.

"Dare to ask the little brothers, we are in the arena, this is the game of the corner fight, just don't know, how do you want to fight?"

Meng Jin's eyes swept across the opposite Xu Feng. Since he recognized Xu Feng, he did not speak.

He is not a person of Chen Xianlong, and he is somewhat admired for those who can fight Chen Xianlong.

In particular, the other party is still a young genius.

"I want to fight a person who is at the top of the six peaks in Danyuan. Can you arrange?"

Xu Feng swept through Meng Jin, a slow road.

It can be said that a word stirred up a thousand waves.

If Xu Feng just killed Dongyang Bai in the late five-year period of Dan Yuanjing, it would be enough to surprise everyone.

Now Xu Feng takes the initiative to challenge the six peaks of Dan Yuanjing, which makes them stunned.

"Is this wind deficiency too arrogant? I admit that his talent and strength are very strong, but Dan Yuanjing's six peaks, and Dan Yuanjing five heavy late, the gap is not a little bit, he took the initiative to challenge Dan Yuanjing six peaks It’s too big to be too big.”

"I also feel that some people don't know how to be tall, but others are also good geniuses, so talented, a bit arrogant, it is normal."

"I am a genius in exchange for me. I am very windy when I walk. Do you believe it or not?"

Although many people do not understand Xu Feng’s initiative to challenge the six peaks of Dan Yuanjing, they feel normal.

After all, this is a world of strength.

"Ha ha ha... Since the little brothers have such an idea, we will of course arrange the arena."

Meng Jincang’s old face is full of smiles. He is responsible for the purpose of the arena, which is to earn Lingjing.

As long as the victory and defeat of the fighting are difficult to choose, they will gain a lot of profits in the arena.

For example, in the battle between Xu Feng and Dongyang Bai, the gladiator earned almost 40,000 yuan, and it is almost the amount that is usually earned in ten days.

Now, Xu Feng is going to be a challenge to repair the gap. He is of course very happy.

"Where are you, do you know who wants to accept the challenge?" Meng Jin swept his eyes around the arena and said: "This battle, whether winning or not, can get two thousand Chinese spirits. Of course, if Being able to defeat the wind, you will get five thousand Chinese spirits."

"If the wind is victorious, it will also be able to win the reward of the five thousand Chinese spirits."

Meng Jin’s words rang and the whole scene was completely boiling.

"I come!"

I saw a middle-aged man rushing to the arena.

The cultivation of the body is the sixth mid-term peak of Dan Yuanjing.

"It turned out to be Zhang Chu. He is a frequent visitor to the arena. He has rich combat experience and strong strength. His power is also very strong."

Meng Jin looked at Xu Feng and looked with an eye.

"What I need is the six peaks of Dan Yuanjing. He is only in the medium term and he is a substitute."

Xu Feng slowly said.

Zhang Chu heard that almost no vomiting blood.

Just kidding.

Well, he is in the arena, but also a small and famous person.

If it wasn’t for Ling Jing, he wouldn’t bother to start with Xu Feng.

Now, instead, Xu Feng is disgusted.

The face suddenly appeared angry.

Cold and cold road: "The arrogant boy, you are too small to look at people?"

I know, Xu Feng is too lazy to pay attention to him.

Meng Jin turned around and looked at Zhang Chu. He said: "Please remember the requirements, Dan Yuanjing is the sixth peak!"

(End of this chapter)

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