The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4046: Dan Yuanjing Liuzhongfeng Fenglin

Chapter 4046, Dan Yuanjing, Liu Chongfeng, Lin Biao

Zhang Chu heard the words, his face was blue.

Although he is a strong man in Dan Yuanjing, he is famous.

For Xu Feng, he may still be convinced and dare to speak out.

However, in the face of Meng Jin, he did not dare to have any disrespect.

Immediately biting his teeth.

"Boy, if you can live and leave the arena, I will not be willing to give up."

After Zhang Chu finished, he turned and walked outside the corner, and his face was gloomy and terrible.

It’s really a face to lose.

Meng Jin and his sisters swept through the crowd.

After just a dozen breaths.

I saw, not far from the front of the arena.

A middle-aged man with a gray hair, he is of medium build, with a wide face and a firm look.

The body has a majestic and majestic momentum, and a burst of fierceness in the eyes.

The moment he stood up, the gaze of his eyes fell on him.

I saw him next to him, sitting on a little girl about ten years old.

The girl's eyes are blue and the hair is white.

The whole person's skin shows a pathological paleness.

The breath of the body is very weak.


The little girl looked at the father who stood up, the blue eyes, showing a touch of distress and unwillingness.

She hates the injustice of fate, why she was born, and her mother died because of her.

For so many years, my father took her and traveled all over the Northern Territory. No one was able to treat her illness.

However, she needs a lot of panacea every day to relieve the pain of the body.

Lin Biao turned his head and the perseverance on his face completely disappeared. Instead, he was replaced by a father's responsibility and gentleness.

Both eyes are smiling, softly saying: "Don't worry!"


The girl licked her lips and nodded slightly.

Lin Biao came to the arena.

There are countless people's eyes.

Zhang Chu looked at Lin Biao, who appeared in the gladiatorial field, with a gloomy face. "Dare to look down on me, this kid is really looking for a dead end. Now Lin Biao shot, he didn't know how to die."

Zhang Chu is very clear about how strong Lin Biao's strength is.

Throughout the arena, Lin Biao claims to be the invincible existence of Dan Yuanjing.

Lin Biao participated in more than 300 battles in the arena.

The winning percentage is close to 95%.

And, those who lost the gladiator.

It is because he is fighting the high-level Dan Yuan Wuwu.

"Lin Biao actually chose to take the shot."

"But think about it and feel normal. It is said that Lin Biao's daughter needs to consume almost three sixth-order best spirits every day to renew her life and relieve pain."

"In other words, with Lin Biao's strength and ability, if it is not tied by his daughter, I am afraid that it has already broken through to Danyuan's seven-fold situation. How can it be a waste of time in the arena?

Seeing that Lin Biao appeared in the arena, many people began to whisper.

They are very familiar with Lin Biao.

It can be said that the entire arena.

Lin Biao should be the person with the most battles in the last three years.


"The second son, the wind is afraid that it is loaded and forced to wear, and Lin Biao end, he is afraid that it is difficult to retreat."

Song Li’s side, a young disdainful road.

Even Dan Yiyuan, a seven-person, is not willing to meet Lin Biao in the arena.

What's more, Xu Feng is only a heavy one.

"Hey! It’s just a dead end."

Song Li snorted with disdain.


Dongyang is equal, and looks with concern.

"Hey, the wind brother will not be in danger? How do I feel, they are saying that that person is very strong."

Dongyang Zhenzhen's pretty face is slightly white, with a look of concern.

Dongyang Ping shook his head helplessly and said: "The challenge is that the wind is voluntarily proposed, and we can't change it."

"Now, don't worry too much, I hope that the wind will be able to survive from the battle."

Dong Yangping heard the words of everyone, and probably already knows the origin and strength of Lin Biao.

He also won the victory for the wind, almost no hope.


Lin Biao's eyes are firm and his hair is white.

The momentum of the body is majestic and majestic.

The whole person seems to be a tiger.

He took a step and walked to Xu Feng not far away.

Slowly said: "In the lower Lin Biao, do not know the little brother, I feel that I am fighting with you, how?"

Lin Biao’s eyes are deep, with a touch of appreciation.

According to the truth, he shot a deal against Dan Yuanjing.

It is a bit shameful.

However, he has no choice.

He needs to keep earning the spirit.

Only to let her daughter live.


Xu Feng stared at Lin Biao, and his body began to explode with great fighting.

Undoubtedly, the opposite Lin Biao, the cultivation of the six peaks of Dan Yuanjing, the realm of stability and grandeur, the strength must be the strongest of the six peaks of Dan Yuanjing, and indeed can play a role in combating the battle.

Since Xu Feng broke through to Dan Yuanjing, he really wanted to find a strong opponent and hone his skills.

Meng Jin glanced at Lin Biao and said: "The battle point is up to the end, and the winners and losers are separated, so there is no need to fight for life."

Obviously, Meng Jin also feels that Xu Feng does not have much chance of winning.

Lin Biao’s strength, he is too clear.

"Well! I only need Ling Jing."

Lin Biao said to Meng Jin.

Obviously, everyone can hear it.

Meng Jin is helping Xu Feng.

Many people are secretly angry.

You know, the battlefield has always been fighting, regardless of life and death.

Obviously, Meng Jin is cherishing talent.

Meng Jin left the arena and came to the front row.

He did not leave.

Some people have seen this scene in their eyes.

Obviously, Xu Feng’s talent has touched Meng Jin.

"You are a re-construction of Dan Yuanjing. I am going out to fight you, and some are cheap. You must first take the shot, I will not show mercy."

Lin Biao stood there, with a strong figure and a strong face.

In order to save his daughter.

He will ignore all of this.

Even death!

"In this case, I am not welcome."

Xu Feng felt a dangerous atmosphere from Lin Biao's body.

Immediately, the spiritual power of the body stirred up, and the twins in the body, the spiritual power stirred at the same time.

Xu Feng's body was accompanied by golden light, and the body suddenly rushed out. The fists were full of violent momentum, as if they brought a horrible hurricane, and the fists took the pressure, and they rushed out to Lin Biao.

"Great compassion and compassion!"

It is the sixth-order Chinese spirit, the great compassion and the great compassion.

The golden light of the boxing method is terrible.

The momentum is like a rainbow.

Many people feel the momentum of Xu Feng's Holy Spirit, and they are all shocked.

Before Xu Feng fought Dongyang Bai, he did not go all out.

This is all strength.

"Good to come!"

In the depths of Lin Biao’s eyes, they are all condensed and their eyes become dignified.

When the expert takes a shot, he knows if there is any.

How rich is Lin Biao’s combat experience.

From the momentum of Xu Feng Boxing, I feel the realm of Xu Feng's Holy Spirit.

At least it is also the realm of cultivation to a better place.

Lin Biao did not retreat.

The spiritual power of the body is stirring, and above the hands, there is a thunderous momentum.

The two palms condensed, and the golden fists that came to Xu Feng greeted them.

(End of this chapter)

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