The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4047: The attachment of father's love? (three more)

Chapter 4047 The obsession of fatherly love? (three more)


With Xu Feng’s fist, he collided with Lin Biao’s palm.

Two violent waves of violence swayed toward the surroundings.

Xu Feng’s eyes are deep and full of horror.

He displayed the great compassion and sorrow, and the spiritual power of the whole body was completely surging.

It is not Lin Biao’s opponent.

Instead, he was quuck by the earthquake and went out more than ten meters away.

Xu Feng will stabilize the body, the tremors of the meridians, and the blood tumbling.

Lin Biao's eyes are punctured, but violently contracted.

Deep in the eyes, with a thrilling color, the body's silver-white lightning, constantly flashing.

Lin Biao's feelings are the first-order peak of the thunder, and immediately display the meaning of the righteousness, the depths of both eyes are dignified.

He thought that the young people opposite, even if they can defeat Dongyang Bai, the strength is also at most Dan Yuanjing.

Unexpectedly, just a fight, he already felt that the opposite youth is a tricky opponent.

If it is a little careless, even if it is Lin Biao, it may be defeated.

It doesn't matter if he loses. After all, victory or defeat is a common occurrence.

However, the Holy Spirit Dan that his daughter still needs today is not settled.

Many people are watching this scene, they are all jaw-dropping.

No one thought that the strength of the wind is so powerful.

I was able to play against Lin Biao for the first time and did not have a win or loss.

Moreover, the outbreak of Lei’s uprising in Lin Biao means that Lin Biao must go all out.

Zhang Chu’s eyes are dull and his eyes are shocked.

He really did not expect that the strength of the wind is so strong.

A man not far away looked at Zhang Chu and smiled: "It seems that others are really not arrogant, and there is no scorn for you. If you follow the strength of his previous outbreak, your Zhang Chu is really not qualified, as someone else. Opponent!"

Zhang Chu's face shivered slightly.

The person who spoke and he did not deal with it, both of them were half a catty.

Immediately said: "What do you say, I am not his opponent, you are not..."

The person who talked smiled: "You said it is good. I didn't say that I am an opponent of the wind. It is you, when you left the arena, it also threatened the wind. If you really dare to wait for the battle to end, go find it. The trouble of the wind, I really can afford you."


Zhang Chu was greeted by the other party's words, and his face was flushed.

Just kidding.

If he really wants to find trouble with the wind, is he not looking for a dead end?


Meng Jin’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he said in his heart: “It’s not a genius disciple of Zige Qingshan. This talent and fighting ability kills 99% of the youth.”

As the person in charge of the Heluo City Corner, Meng Jin has seen too many young talents and people with strong fighting power.

However, the Holy Spirit skills that Xu Feng showed, or the combat experience, far exceeded those of those people.

"I admit that your talent and strength are very strong. If it does not break the power of the righteousness, I may not be your opponent. However, I have no way, for my daughter to live, offended!"

Lin Biao did not have any hesitation. The moment when the first stage of the peak of the thunder broke out, one step at a time, his hands were above, silver and white lightning surrounded, forming a strong palm print.

The speed of the whole person is raised to the extreme, and the moment of being on the body brings with them a violent wave.

The palm print formed by both hands is like a silver-white lightning, a dragon that has been condensed and rolled toward Xu Feng.

“Is Lin Biao actually performing his strongest spiritual skills, and the sixth-order top-level spirit of the Holy Spirit?”

Looking at the holy spirit of Lin Biao's display, some people open their mouths.

After Lin Biao was only a confrontation, he went all out.

Xu Feng’s eyes are deep and he is also dignified.

Seeing the silvery palm prints.

"Second-order gravity is righteous."

Xu Feng looks calm, although Lin Biao's holy spirit skills, power is powerful.

However, Xu Feng is very clear.

The first-order peak of Lei’s righteousness is a threat to him.

You must know that he is aware of the third-order killing of the righteous.

Of course, Xu Feng is not prepared to break out the third-order killing.

If he uses the third-order killing, the opposite Lin Biao is not his opponent at all.

After all, the horror of the third-order killing of the righteousness has been seen before.

"Second-order gravity is righteous."

At the moment when the second-order gravity is used, the space is compressed, as if the void is sinking.

Lin Biao, who was attacked from the opposite side, felt the moment of second-order gravity and the horror of his eyes.

"Do you actually realize the second-order gravity?"

At the moment when Lin Biao’s exclamation, the palm print had already hit Xu Feng’s body.

However, many people have heard the words of Lin Biao, they are shocking.

Xu Fengcai Dan Yuanjing was rebuilt, and he realized that the second-order gravity is righteous.

This kind of talent is too horrible.

"The world is born and destroyed. The heavens and the earth are destroyed, and life is endless."

Inside the body of Xu Feng, the twin Danyuan broke out with a strong momentum.

Two distinct breaths, growth and death.

At the same time, it is condensed on Xu Feng's fist.

Especially under the second-order gravity.

Lin Biao's speed has been suppressed a lot.

The offensive of the whole person has become much slower.

In this way, the power of Lin Biao's display of the law will be greatly reduced.

Xu Feng stepped out step by step, and his fists burst out like a river of endless water.

The fists of endless life, just like the opposite Lin Biao, punched out with a punch and a punch.


Lin Biao’s eyes were both firm and unwilling. As Xu Feng broke out of the second-order gravity, he knew he had lost half.

The opposite youth not only realized the second-order gravity, but also the body is extremely powerful.

The most important thing is that Xu Feng’s combat experience is not weaker than him, and he does not give him the opportunity to win.

In addition, although Xu Feng is a serious element of Dan Yuan, but the intensity of cultivation and spiritual power is not weaker than himself.

Lin Biao, there is almost no chance of winning.

Xu Feng’s "Heaven and Earth" is his own, based on his own soul, talent, growth and death.

Today, as a breakthrough to Dan Yuanjing, it still contains the Dan Yuan talent for growth and death.

The power of his holy spirit, "The Heaven and Earth, the Elimination of Boxing," is more consistent with his own Dan Yuan and his breath.

The power of the boxing method is almost equal to the abnormality.


In the mouth of Lin Biao, blood rushed out.

Deep in his eyes, they are unwilling.

The meridians of the whole body were all broken by Xu Feng.

The breath of Lin Biao was completely chaotic.

The entire arena is once again silent.

Some gambling dogs, there are no shorts to lose.

They forgot to make a mistake again.

They are all immersed in Xu Feng's boxing method.

"No... I can't lose... I can't lose..."

Lin Biao’s eyes are deep and persistent.

Crazy attack on Xu Feng.

Regardless of your own life and death.

Even if it is, Xu Feng frowned.

Staring at the opposite Lin Biao, cold and cold: "You lost!"

"I didn't lose, I can still fight..."

Lin Biao stretched out his arm and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

To Xu Feng, rushed out again.

"Why bother?"

Xu Feng’s mouth was raised and his body was stirring.

The double fists came out again.

(End of this chapter)

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