The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4048: Celestial body

Chapter 4048 celestial body

"Wind son, please also show your mercy!"

Looking at Lin Biao, I have to fight hard, regardless of life and death.

The spiritual power of Meng Jin is very fast.

Has come to the middle of Lin Biao and Xu Feng.

The spiritual power of the body seems to be a barrier.

Lin Biao gave the earthquake back.

Cough and cough...

Lin Biao was attacked by Meng Jin's spiritual barrier, flew out and fell heavily on the ground. His eyes were unwilling and he wanted to get up from the ground.

Xu Feng slightly frowned, he did not understand this Lin Biao, why should he be so desperate?

It is clear that the victory and defeat have been divided, and so determined, it is completely a battle of desperation.

Meng Jin turned and looked at Lin Biao, took two medicinal herbs from the storage ring and threw them to Lin Biao.

"If you are ignoring the battle of life and death, if you are dead, who is your daughter to take care of?"

Lin Biao heard the words, deep in the eyes, and burst out of a strong desire for survival. When Meng Jin was thrown on the ground, he picked it up and swallowed it.

"The wind son does not know, Lin Biao has a daughter, the body is very weird. At the age of ten years old, if there is not enough energy intake every day, the meridians will tear, as if it is poisoned, the complexion is black, and the blood is seven. The painful death is coming."

"And, his daughter, about two thousand Chinese medicines and spiritual materials, are about enough to consume."

"We saw him poor in the gladiatorial field, but also pity his father's love heart, and also he will stay in it and become the fighting person in our arena. Of course, he will not let the water and exist in a false situation."

Meng Jinsheng was afraid of Xu Feng’s misunderstanding and immediately explained.

If it is for others.

He is naturally too lazy to explain.

However, the opposite of Xu Feng, is the top five geniuses, it is completely different.

"What do you mean, he needs Lingjing?"

Xu Feng looked at the ground, and some of the wolverine Lin Biao.

The eyes are slightly picked up.

His eyes are moving towards more than ten feet.

Seeing Lin Biao fell to the ground, the little girl who had stood up, his eyes with blue light, white hair, and pathologically pale skin, were surprised in the depths of his mind.

In his inheritance of creation, he once described the appearance of this little girl in great detail.

"Tianji medicine."

Inside Xu Feng’s mind, four words emerged.

The celestial body.

For this kind of celestial body, there are many inheritances of creation, and there are countless detailed records.

It can be imagined how terrible the celestial body is.

If you let the top alchemists in Lingshen know.

In a small place like the Northern Territory, there is a celestial body, fearing that it will break the head and fight for it.

After all, everyone knows that all the remedies are not there.

Instead, the alchemists can be deployed after countless trials and refinements.

However, the role of the celestial body is to test a variety of medicinal herbs without any restrictions, without any anti-phagocytosis.

On the contrary, these spiritual materials and medicinal herbs absorbed by the celestial body will make the celestial body become stronger and stronger.

However, Xu Feng frowned and his face became a bit ugly.

The celestial body is too abnormal, so that it is met with Scorpio.

It is rumored that the medicinal materials of the day absorbed a variety of medicinal herbs, and the energy of the heavens and the earth was raised to a very strong level.

The celestial body will begin to decay, which means that all her previous cultivation will fall short.

After all, the fate of death cannot be avoided.

According to the inheritance of creation.

Even if he is, he has the horrible alchemy ability of past life.

It is still not found, and the remedies and methods for the final decay of the celestial body are resolved.

"Well! His daughter's life needs him to maintain." Meng Jin with sympathy, but slowly shook his head, said: "I checked his daughter's situation, if there is no accident, I am afraid that it will not live for ten days. ”

Obviously, Meng Jin still has some sympathy for Lin Biao's experience, otherwise it is impossible to appear in the center of the arena.

He felt that Lin Xiaorou was able to live for ten days at the end, that is ten days.

"His daughter may not die."

Xu Feng’s mouth twitched slightly and whispered.

The sound is not very loud.

However, the noisy voice of the arena covered the voice of Xu Feng.

However, Meng Jin is very close to Xu Feng.

He listened very clearly.

"Wind son, what do you mean when you just said?"

Meng Jin looked at Xu Feng with a strange look.

Just kidding.

Lin Xiaorou's physical condition, even if it is the president of the Xiangyang City Alchemy Association, Xiao Heng, there is no way.

"Means nothing."

Xu Feng is a matter of celestial medicine for Lin Xiaorou. He does not want to sound.

After all, the less people know about this matter, the better.

Otherwise, it may lead to something bad.

After Lin Biao took Meng Jin's remedy for him, he barely stood up and his face was pale.

He took a deep look at Xu Feng and turned to walk toward the place where Lin Xiaorou was.


Lin Xiaorou looked at the still-lived father, above the pale face, a smile appeared.

However, the smile is only a moment of continuous breathing, and her thin body begins to tremble.

Lin Xiaorou’s lips trembled and his face was white, so he held his body in his hands.

"It's so cold... it's so cold..."

"Ah... it hurts!"

Lin Xiaorou is only a ten-year-old girl after all, although she has experienced this pain since she was born.

However, at this moment, I couldn't help but make a low cry.

"Soft child... soft children... Dan medicine is fast to serve..."

Lin Biao looked at Lin Xiaorou's situation, regardless of his injuries, running the spiritual power of his body, rushing toward Lin Xiaorou, and quickly took out the medicine from the storage ring, and moved toward Lin Xiaorou's mouth.


A sound that made Lin Biao familiar with it sounded.

It was Xu Feng who had just fought with Lin Biao.

Xu Feng took Lin Biao's arm.


Seeing that his daughter was so painful, Lin Biao couldn’t wait to feed Lin Xiaorou.

However, he was dragged by Xu Feng, and immediately there was anger between him. Although he was not Xu Feng’s opponent.

However, if anyone dares to let his daughter suffer any pain, he will definitely desperately.

"Your medicinal medicine is of poor quality, the grade is too low, and the effect is too bad." Xu Feng finished, from the storage ring, pulled out four sixth-order best holy spirit Dan.

The quality of each medicinal herb is over 90%.

Lin Biao's face is full of horror.

He has bought too many medicinal herbs and knows the value of the sixth-order sacred spirit of Xu Feng.

Even if Meng Jin is wrong, he did not expect Xu Feng to come to Lin Biao suddenly, actually to give Lin Biao Dan medicine.

"It seems that this kid wants to win over Lin Biao?"

Meng Jin has a smile on his face.

If Lin Biao is so good to draw.

They will wait until now.

"Thank you!"

Lin Biao came to think too much, and sent the medicinal herbs that Xu Feng handed over to Lin Xiaorou's mouth.

Looking at the painful Lin Xiaorou, Xu Feng took the first two steps and reached out directly, covering the shoulders of Lin Xiaorou.

"what are you doing?"

Lin Biao screamed, but found Lin Xiaorou, who had just been in pain, and his face became much better.

(End of this chapter)

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