The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4050: Was brought into the pit

Chapter 4050 was brought into the pit

As a deacon of the arena, Lin Biao knows better than anyone else that Meng Jin is not a good person.

If someone dares to violate the interests of the arena, he will definitely solve it at all costs.

This is also why, Lin Biao’s heart at the moment, some regrets.

I knew that the wind was so powerful.

He will not cooperate with Song Li at all.

I thought that the other party was just an insignificant nameless pawn.

"Our arena has been standing in Heluo City for so many years and has always been operating in good faith.

"I have a game in the arena, I think everyone knows. If you win or lose, you have to redeem it."

"Even if it is in our arena, Lingjing will not be able to turn around for a while, and it will never be rude."

Meng Jin said to Xu Feng Yizheng.

Although I don't understand what Xu Feng said.

However, the reputation of the arena can not be lost.

Businesses like the Gladiator must pay attention to integrity.

Otherwise, who dares to play, dare to bet in the arena.

In case you don't admit it in the arena, others will not damage the wife and the soldiers.

"The reputation of the arena, my temperament is naturally trustworthy." Xu Feng slowly said that he is never a saint, since the other party wants to let him suffer, then you have to pay for the cost of doing this thing:" But the people in your arena are not necessarily the same."

Hearing this, Meng Jin thoroughly understood.

Presumably, the person in the arena, provoked Xu Feng.

"If there is anything in the wind son, please also express it."

Meng Jin immediately opened the door.

Xu Feng was directly told Meng Jin when he was betting on Song Li.


The people in the gladiator listened to Xu Feng’s description, which caused an uproar and looked around.

Sure enough, the second son of Songjiao, Songluo, was sitting on the seat of the arena.

However, Song Li’s face is disdain at the moment, as if all these things have nothing to do with him.

Some people's hearts also secretly replaced Xu Feng.

"This ambition is quite courageous, and I dare to be in such an occasion, hard and loose, some arrogant."

"Songjia is the first of the four major families in Heluo City, and its strength is strong, although it belongs to Heluo City. However, many times, things are done by Yang and Yin. It is said that Matsue’s eldest son, Song Ming, is now Chen Batian’s Red man."

"Song Li has long been used to arrogance, and he has always benefited only from others. He is now benefiting from the troubles of looking for Song Li, and it is unlikely that the game will not be possible for him. ”


Some people around the arena whispered and uttered arguments.

Among their eyes, there are various emotions flashing.

I want to see, in the end, how to deal with this thing.

"I don't know the deacon in the mouth of the wind, who is it?"

Meng Jin slightly indulged for a moment and asked slowly.

Xu Feng's eyes swept over and fell on Lin Biao.


Xu Feng reached out and pointed to Lin Biao.

Lin Biao immediately slammed and said: "Boy, you can't smother your blood. I have no complaints with you in the past. There is no hate in the past. Why are you so filthy?"

Lin Biao said that his voice was exhausted, as if Xu Feng was really filthy.

Not far from Dongyang Zhenzhen, immediately stood up and pointed to Lin Kai: "I can testify that he was responsible for Feng Da Ge and his gambling contract. I know that Feng Da Ge is right, but he came out to tear up the bet."

Hearing the words of Dongyang Zhenzhen, Dongyang and others not far away, there was a satirical smile on his face.

Dongyang Zhenzhen is really looking for a dead end, to know that here is Heluo City.

Song Li Na is the second son of the Song family.

Although they are all Dongyang family, they are just branch families.

A branch family in the many branches of the Dongyang family, even the name is not called.

Dare to provoke the pine home, it is simply impatient.

If the Song family is really angry, the Dongyang Equality is really over.

Song Li’s eyes narrowed and the eyelids were filled with cold and murderous intentions, revealing a cruel smile.

Cold and cold road: "Where do you not know what to do, do you dare to accuse the young master?"

"I don't want to leave Heluo City alive without a well-known branch family of Dongyang family."

Song Li immediately threatened to speak.

Dongyang Zhenzhen was scared and whitish by Song Li.

However, Dong Yangping’s face is really hard to see.

They can't get into the pine home.

Xu Feng stood in the arena like this, and immediately laughed and said: "Is it really so good in the Songluo family? Even the Dongyang family is not in the eyes, I am really curious, if you say this, pass In the ears of Dongyang's ancestors, can you still live in Heluo City and continue to live?"

Xu Feng’s words resounded throughout the arena.

He had a fate with Dongyang ancestors.

Very clear about the character of Dongyang's ancestors.

The guy and the elders of the knife door are almost the same.

Heluo City Songjia dare to threaten the branch family of Dongyang family, Dongyang ancestors will never give up.

"You... don't talk nonsense, I don't want to see the Dongyang family in my eyes. I am talking about their small branch family."

Song Li immediately yelled at Xu Feng.

"Oh! Then I want to ask you, although their family is a branch family, is it not a Dongyang family?"

Xu Feng immediately asked.

"Nature is a part."

Song Li said.

"That's not enough, you are despising the majesty of the Dongyang family. Your words, I will be intact, passed to the ears of Dongyang ancestors, I hope that you can still be so eager."

Xu Feng’s mouth was raised and his face was smiling.

Many people are secretly surprised.

Xu Feng said a few words and brought Song Li to the pit.

At that time, Dongyang's ancestors even if they don't want to find the trouble of Songjia, it is also a crime to offend all the branches of the Dongyang family.

Wouldn't it be chilling for all the branch families of Dongyang family?

You must know that the Dongyang family is huge.

It is because many branches and families continue to deliver benefits to the main family.

It will develop so well.

If the heart of many branches of the family is cold, it is equal to the right arm.

Everyone wants to understand that Dongyang’s ancestors will naturally not do such a thing.

"you you……"

Song Li said two of you in succession, but did not know how to say it.

"Lin Lin? What crime should you sin?"

Meng Jin immediately slammed and gave an order directly. He said: "I will immediately take Lin Biao to the center of the gladiatorial field. I have to see how much energy Songjiao has. I can insert it into the site of my arena. ?"

As Meng Jin’s words rang, the entire arena was full of turmoil.

"Two sons, save me..."

Lin Biao wanted to escape, but was caught by the two strong players in the arena, and immediately came to the center of the arena.

Song Li’s face was gloomy, and both eyes were full of anger.

He did not expect that he was thrown into this share.

The inner hatred of Xu Feng has become more intense.

(End of this chapter)

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