The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4051: Songjia Information

Chapter 4051, Songjia Information

"Lin Lin, can you know sin?"

Meng Jin looked at Lin Biao, with anger between his looks.

The urban master has long since refused to see the four major families of Heluo City.

Now, under my own hands, there are still people who dare to confuse the four big families. It is really tired.

"Meng elder, I am really being jealous of this kid, please ask me to be the master."

Lin Biao was taken to the battlefield, his face full of anger and anger, as if he was really innocent.

Meng Jin is not a three-year-old child. Naturally, Lin Biao is acting.

After all, everything was just described by Xu Feng with his mouth, without any evidence.

Even if Dong Yang Zhenzhen, who just stood up and pointed out Lin Biao, the other party and Xu Feng were a group, the evidence was not enough to threaten Lin Biao.

As for the other people, they and Xu Feng did not know each other, how could they stand up to testify and offend the Song family?

"Lin Biao, someone has already testified, do you still feel embarrassed?" Meng Jin immediately asked.

As Meng Jin expected, Lin Biao slowly said: "This kid is a group with Dongyang Zhenzhen, but it is a combination of people to marry me, but also ask the elders to observe the autumn."

Meng Jin’s face is a bit ugly.

Xu Feng not far away is very indifferent.

"Since you think I am jealous of you, I don't know if I have a remedy here. But anyone who takes it will tell the truth, can you dare to take it?" Xu Feng asked Lin Biao.

Everyone is wrong, they know that there is such a drug, it seems to be called the truth.

However, the grade of this kind of medicinal medicine is very low, and it is effective for repairing a very low warrior.

However, for Lin Biao, they are such a strong Dan Yuan, there is no role at all.

"I know that you are jealous of me. Why do I have to work with you? If your medicine is poison, I am not dead."

Lin Biao opened the road.

I know, Meng Jin could not help but say.

Stepping out in one step, the momentum of the body's natural environment broke out.

"Come, come and feed him with medicinal herbs. If it is really he is doing a ghost, kill it on the spot!"

Meng Jin’s eyes are deep and cold.

As Meng Jin’s words rang, the two people in the arena quickly came to Xu Feng’s side and took the truth to Dan. They went straight to Lin Biao’s body and stuffed the medicinal herbs into Lin Biao’s mouth.

"No... Meng Jin, you can't do this to me... I..."

Lin Biao’s mourning has not finished yet, and the remedy has been swallowed by him.

The people around the arena are secretly sighing.

I have long heard of Meng Jin, the person in charge of the arena, and the character is overbearing.

See you today, and sure enough.

The direct use of the heavens momentum pressures Lin Biao, and then directly put the medicinal herbs into Lin Biao's mouth.

Everyone is very curious, in the end, Xu Feng’s so-called Man Yan Dan really has no effect.

Many people have held their breath and watched Lin Biao in the arena.

The time is about a few minutes.

Xu Feng looked at Lin Biao and asked: "I ask you, I am gambling, do you know?"


"Can you testify?"


"Why are you tearing up the bet?"

"Song Li gave me five hundred talents, and your identity and his identity cannot be compared."

"Does the Matsu family arrange a traitor in the arena?"


"Who is a traitor?"


"you wanna die!"

Lin Biao’s last words have not been said, not far from a middle-aged man, desperate to have already rushed to Xu Feng.

Dan Yuanjing was rebuilt as a nine-fold.

Meng Jin's face was gloomy and said: "Well, you are a loose family, play with the means under my eyes, then don't blame me."

In the moment of stepping out, Meng Jin’s attack with his hands smashed out, and the man who had reached the top of the Dan Yuanjing’s Jiuzhong Peak had already turned into a claw and madly torn out.

Blood is pervasive, and Dan Yuan’s nine-strong man is killed.


However, with the power of Man Yan Dan gradually passed.

Lin Biao spurted out blood, pale, and the whole person collapsed, so he fell to the ground.

Many people are full of horror. In the end, who is the wind, can actually come up with the truth.

The martial artists who can make Dan Yuanjing honestly spit out the truthful words of Dan, I am afraid that at least the sixth-order Shangpin Dan Dan’s Mantra Dan.

However, within the entire Northern Territory, it seems that there has never been such a true Dan.

For a time, many people looked at Xu Feng’s eyes with greed and desire.

"How? Songsong son, don't tell me, do you want to leave like this?"

Song Li, who is seated in the gladiatorial field, watched the traitor in his home, and immediately wanted to slip away.

Just stood up and walked out a few steps, Meng Jin some cold voice, it sounded.

The eyes of everyone have also shifted to Song Li.

They want to see, how should Song Li respond?

What will Meng Jin do?

"Meng elder, I really don't know anything about traitors. If there is anything wrong, please ask your father." Song Li knows very well that the backing behind them is the northern king Chen Xianlong. He does not believe that Meng Jin dared to take them loose.

As the saying goes, the situation is not right, and quickly retreat.

Song Li first went back to Songjia to be able to ensure his safety.

"Don't use your father to threaten me." Meng Jin's cold road, I can't hear the meaning of Song Li's words: "Since your father is so capable, dare to put a traitor in my arena, I have to look at it. I grabbed his son, how would he handle it?"

"you dare?"

Song Li heard the words and looked awkward.

He didn't want to be a prisoner of Meng Jin. He immediately became angry and said: "You don't want to mess, my big brother is the red man in front of Chen Batian."

"Catch it up!"

I know, Meng Jin did not care.

Directly issue the order.

The people in the arena rushed up and grabbed Song Li.

"Everyone, there is something to be dealt with today in the arena. We will temporarily stop the next fight and continue to operate tomorrow."

After Meng Jin finished, he turned to the arena.

Said to Xu Feng: "Wind son, the old man first to deal with things. If there is any trouble with the wind son, feel free to come to the arena to find me."

After that, Meng Jin walked inside the arena.

Xu Feng took Lin Xiaorou, and Lin Biao followed.

With the Dongyang Equality, leave the arena.


Heluo City Songjia.

A calm middle-aged man is the Songjia contemporary owner Songhe.

The gloomy face of the face, the angry road: "Meng Jin, the old man, is so courageous, even my son dares to catch it."

"I really don't put my loose family in my eyes."

Songhe's face showed anger.

And, just at this time.

A middle-aged man came in quickly from the outside and said: "The owner, the owner... Meng Jin and others are the big disasters. Are they dead?"

Songhe was a little wrong and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Homeowner, guess who was in the conflict between the arena and the second son?"

The middle-aged man said, he took out a portrait from his arms, and it was Xu Feng.

"What? Is he?"

Songhe looked at the portrait, and his eyes were full of excitement.

He knew that his pine family was completely developed.

(End of this chapter)

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