The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4057: Four family betrayal (three more)

Chapter 4057 Chapter Four Family Betrayal (Three)

Heluo City, Songjia.

Songhe looked at the letter in his hand and smiled on his face.

Sure enough, as he expected.

Xu Feng’s message to Heilongjiang in the city of Heluo will be greatly benefited.

He never imagined that Chen Xianlong paid so much attention to Xu Feng, and even sent Chen Batian to come to Heluo City personally.

According to the news from his son Song Ming, Chen Batian has brought a number of French strongmen and all the troops of the North Wangjun, and has come to Heluocheng.

According to his speculation, according to Chen Batian's speed, I am afraid that it has reached halfway.

"Through my orders, I will stare at the every move of Xu Feng's inn. Even if a fly flies in, I will report it to me. If there is a slight mistake, I want them to die without a place to die."

Songhe immediately walked out of the room and said to a few men standing not far away.


Someone immediately ran outside the Songjia Mansion.

"Give me the elders, the two elders, and the three elders, and say that I have something to do with them."

Songhe immediately opened the way.

Not long after, the great elders of the Song family, the two elders, and the three elders all came to the courtyard of Songhe.

"Three elders, when the rise of our pine family is about to come, the North King Chen Xianlong arranges his heir, Chen Batian, with the strong heavens and the human army, is coming to Heluocheng."

"At that time, they helped us to destroy the city owners of Heluo City. Later, Heluo City is our pine home."

"You three, now immediately to the other three families, let them prepare. As long as Chen Batian arrived in Heluo City, our four families immediately announced that they would surrender to the North King."

Songhe has long tied the other three families of Heluocheng, and everyone has accepted Chen Xianlong’s Zhao’an.

"The owner is really wise. In the future, when we sit in the city of Heluo, we will become stronger and stronger, and we will never have to look at the face of Dongyang family."

The elders have an excited face.

Their family has always been affiliated to the Dongyang family.

They have long been unwilling to fate.

"Now, when it’s not a flattering, let’s go to the other three big families. If the whole Dongyang collar, the North King rewards us with the Song family, it’s difficult for us to think about it.”

Songhe thought very well, and he was ecstatic, and he thought about himself.

I don’t even look at how many pounds I have.

Even if I really brought Dongyang to them, Song Jia.

With their strength, are they qualified to take control?

Songhe is immersed in his own dreams and can't extricate himself.


In the drug room.

Xu Feng's face is dignified and sweat is on his forehead.

Lin Xiaorou, not far away, licking his lips.

Her face is worried.

Xu Feng was just refining poison.

However, those poisons have penetrated into Xu Feng's body.

Now, Xu Feng is controlling the spread of toxins.

Time, one minute and one second.

Xu Feng was surprised inside, and said: "It seems that becoming a poison teacher is really not easy."

The toxin he had just configured, invaded his body, if it was not the fire of heaven and earth, I am afraid it would really suffer a big loss.

It is no wonder that the poisonous division is so horrible, and not many people are willing to become poisonists. It is completely uncomfortable.

Unless you are a natural poison physique, you will choose to become a poison.

Otherwise, the risk of becoming a poisonist is too great.

Moreover, Xu Feng’s knowledge of poisons has gained a lot of inheritance and has achieved current achievements.

If you go slowly to study the poison, I am afraid that it has not been studied successfully, it has been countered by poison.

"Master, are you okay?"

Seeing Xu Feng open his eyes, Lin Xiaorou’s worried face immediately greeted him.

Xu Feng shook his head slowly and said: "There is not much problem, then I want you to try the drug, you have to live with it."

Xu Feng is very clear that the horror of the celestial body is the various medicinal herbs. After only taking it, the celestial body can convert the medicinal herbs without any bad situation.


Lin Xiaorou experienced the pain of ten years and has long tempered her tough character.

This point is also relatively similar to Xu Feng.

If Lin Xiaorou has been in this decade, even if there is a trace of relaxation, it will not live now.

Immediately, Xu Feng began to refine the medicinal herbs, along with the continual refining of those medicinal herbs.

Xu Feng has handed over the medicinal herbs to Lin Xiaorou, who is not far away.

When Lin Xiaomo swallowed the medicinal herbs, it was very painful.

However, it is only ten minutes.

After the drug's potency was transformed and absorbed by Lin Xiaorou, her breath also showed a great improvement.

Xu Feng is also excited inside. After having Lin Xiaorou, it is equivalent to a big trial of the drug of Dian.

"You remember, when you use your body to refine your medicine, you can try to practice spiritual cultivation and enhance your strength. With your physical potential, you will become very strong."

Xu Feng knows that there is no bottleneck in the use of medicinal herbs to improve the medicinal herbs.

It is only necessary to continually devour the medicinal herbs, and it can be improved continuously.


Outside the city of Heluo.

Chen Batian followed him with black blood and blood, and his king, Chen Xianlin and other strong men.

At the same time, the commander of the army, Chen Feng, led more than 50 people in the army, and it was magnificent and mighty.

Because the former army went to the Purple Pavilion to destroy the Castle Peak, the army lost more than a dozen people.

You must know that the selection of the people's army is extremely demanding, but it is not something that you want to add people.

"You, I hope that all of us will work together to arrest Xu Feng. At the same time, kill the city of Heluo City and help the Song family become the master of Heluo City. At that time, we will go back to the Royal Palace in the north of Fuyang City.

Chen Ba Tian’s eyes are full of majestic killings, and he was saved by Xu Feng from under his eyes.

I thought that before Xu Feng humiliated himself in the mountains, Chen Batian’s killing in the depths became even stronger.

Today, he took the army, as well as a few powerful people around him, and came to capture Xu Feng in a thousand miles, just to be a shame.

"Little Wang Ye rest assured, a Xu Feng in the district, not enough to hang on. When I take the army, I will catch you."

Chen Feng has a strong smile on his face.

He did not understand why he arrested a disciple of Qingshan and used so many powerful people.

Their army has always been the trump card in the hands of Chen Xianlong, and now it is simply killing chicken with a knife.

"The Xiaoren Songjia Grand Elder Songyan meets Xiao Wangye.!"

Just in Chen Batian, they just came outside of Heluo City.

Songhe’s grand elders, Songyan, immediately came to Chen Batian’s front and bowed down.

"Your family has made great achievements this time, and it is a meritorious deed." Chen Batian immediately said: "You will get up for a while, immediately inform your homeowner, come and take us to arrest Xu Feng. Everything, wait for After catching Xu Feng, say it again!"

Chen Batian does not want to waste time, night long dreams.

The sooner you kill Xu Feng, the more you can solve the hatred of his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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