The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4058: Xiao Wuxin breakthrough (four more)

Chapter 4058, Xiao Wuxin Breakthrough (four more)

"Little prince, our family is to arrange for me to meet you here." Song Yan with a charming smile on his face, said: "We have long monitored the place where Xu Feng lived, even if a fly flies in, can not escape Our eyes are waiting for the arrival of the little prince."

Song Yan's old face, a charming smile, can be described as meaningful.

Chen Batian heard the words, his mouth slightly raised, his face with an appreciative smile: "Yes, Songhe is doing things more and more thoughtful. In the future, your Song family will become the owner of Heluo City, and I will be very relieved."

"Thank you Xiaoye Ye for raising love. We are a dog of Xiaowangye. As long as Xiao Wangye let us bite, we will never postpone it."

Song Yan is not a Songjia elder, this flattering effort is simply too powerful.

Even if it is a wave of people and so on, they are a little surprised.

A person can shoot like this, I am afraid that with the flattering, you can get some benefits!

"Well! Let's take the lead in front of it. I want people from the whole river Luocheng to know that I am coming to Heluo City to kill Xu Feng!"

Chen Batian was very comfortable by Song Yan’s flattering, and he was very satisfied.

Songyan walked in front and swayed.

Walking along, it seems to bring the wind.

They loosen the house and are about to become the owners of Heluo City.

"Hey! Isn't that Songyan? The group of people behind him looks very imposing. Who is it?"

"It looks like it's very powerful. It looks like the body is very strong, especially the few old people behind him. I am afraid that they are all strong in the world."

"When did the Song family come up with so many legally strong people, what do you want to do?"

Seeing that Songyan was walking on the street, many people looked at each other and their faces were surprised.

As a great elder of the Songjiao family in Heluo City, Songyan is also very strong, naturally attracting the attention of many people.

"You still don't know? I heard that the two sons of Songjia were arrested by the elders of the battlefield, Meng Jin. It is said that all of this was directed by the master of the city. Song Jia will not be willing to give up, fearing that he will move to rescue the troops."

An old man sat not far away, his voice was low.

His words seem to be afraid of being heard.

"You said this thing, I saw it with my own eyes. At that time, at the arena, Song Li was arrested by Meng Jin."

"I don't know where the Matsu family moved from, is it the opponent of the city owner?"

Everyone whispered.

Chen Batian walked on the street with his eyes proud.

Looking at the Songyan in front, Lang said: "Tell them my identity, lest they guess."

Song Yan heard the words, immediately raised his chest and raised his eyes. He was overbearing in both eyes. He immediately swept the crowd and said: "Is it so curious, what are these people behind me?"

"I tell you now, this handsome and unyielding young man behind me is the heir to the tyrant of the Northern King of our Northern Territory, Chen Batian, and Wang, who is not fasting?"

The sound of Songyan spread far away.

Everyone on the crowd, all of them were full of horror.

They did not expect that Chen Batian actually brought people personally and came to Heluo City to help the Song family.

"How? What are you doing all the time? Are you still squatting?" Looking at the crowds still standing on the street, Song Yan's face was angry.

Not far away, a middle-aged man immediately screamed and said: "You Songjia wants to bow down and take care of us! We are a city of Dongyang family. We are all Dongyang family members, why should we bow down! ”

The person who spoke was a side warrior of the Dongyang family, and his eyes were full of anger.

"I don't know the things of the dead dog, the whole northern kingdom is the site of my Chen family. If you don't surrender in the Dongyang family, you will wait for it to kill!"

Chen Batian immediately turned his face in anger and looked at Song Yan. He said: "Give him to me on the spot and hang his head outside Heluo!"

"Everyone around, now kneel, if there are people who are not jealous, kill innocent!"

With Chen Ba Tian’s order.

The people around him rushed out to the people of the Dongyang family who spoke.

"You dare to kill me... our Dongyang family will not let you go..."


His words have not been finished, and his head has been degraded.


Many people around, their faces are incomparably ugly, for fear of being killed by Chen Batian, they can only follow suit.

There are also some people who are unwilling to kneel down, and they have all been rushed out to kill them directly by the people around Chen Batian.

Regardless of men, women and children, as long as they are not surrendered, **** it!

"Hey! After that, Heluocheng will be in charge of our Chen family, and my father will personally choose the city owner."

Chen Batian snorted coldly and looked at the Songyan in front. He said: "Continue to lead the way and kill Xu Feng!"


"The city owner, Song Yan, with Chen Batian and others, killed us on our side."

In front of Xiao Wuxin's body, Meng Jin's face was a little dignified, and several people who followed him were also under the arm of Xiao Wuxin.

"It seems that Chen Xianlong has broken through to the legal environment and wants to take our Heluo City to open the knife!"

Xiao Wuxin is very clear, if it is normal, it is impossible to arrange Chen Ba Tianlai to Heluocheng.

What's more, Chen Batian even brought in the army.

In other words, Chen Xianlong wants to stand up.

"You can prepare to fight, I have to see, how many strong people have Chen Xianlong sent?"

Xiao Wuxin’s deep eyes are filled with majestic warfare.

Immediately after standing up, the breath of the body also rose.

Just last night, he took Xu Feng's medicine to induce him to temper the body's toxins.

I know, even mistakenly hit the wrong, repairing from the five peaks of the law, breaking through to the six realms.

"The city owner, is your repair broken?"

Meng Jin is wide-eyed and surprised on his face.

"Ha ha ha... I was lucky enough to break through. I didn't expect it to be so fast, it came in handy."

Xiao’s heartless joy.

Have to say, if you have not met Xu Feng.

Do not say that the breakthrough is repaired, even if it can not live for a few more years, it is a problem.

Now that he has made a breakthrough in the six aspects of the law, he is even more enthusiastic.

It seems to be a few decades younger.

"Little prince, just in front!"

Song Yan took Chen Batian and others and quickly came to the inn street.

However, the surrounding inns have long been gone to the sky.

"Songhe meets the little prince!"

"Rovi meets the little prince!"

"The show meets the little prince!"

"Sun Linchu met with Xiao Wangye!"

Chen Batian took everyone, just arrived at the street not far away.

The patriarchs of the four major families of Heluo City have all stood up to meet Chen Batian.

"You don't have to be polite, go to the inn where Xu Feng lives, grab him and say it!"

Chen Batian took the lead to walk inside the street.

The black blood behind him, the waves and the sky, followed.

(End of this chapter)

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