The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4059: Evenly fighting (five)

Chapter 4059 Fighting evenly (five)

Chen Batian took the army and Chen Xianlin and other strong men and walked toward the street.

When I came to the center of the street, Xiao Xiao, who was not in the distance, took Meng Jin and others and came out.

Xiao Wuxin stood there, the old face with a cold smile, said: "Hey, the little prince of the Northern Kings of the Tang Dynasty, I want to come to Heluo City, don't you know me in advance?"

Throughout the Northern Territory, only Chen Batian can be called Xiao Wang Ye.

Chen Batian is the heir to Chen Xianlong's hand.

"Shaw no heart?"

Chen Xianlin looked at Xiao Xiaoxin on the opposite side, and his look changed instantly. He did not expect that the city owner of Heluo City turned out to be Xiao Wuxin.

Immediately, I was a little embarrassed, saying: "I don't think your life is so big. For so many years, my older brother thought you were dead. I didn't expect you to be alive."

"Since you are still alive and dying, why do you want to leave it and die?"

Chen Xianlin knew very well that Chen Xianlong wanted Xiao to be ineffective for him, and he knew that Xiao had no intention to refuse.

Then, Chen Xianlong did not care for Xiao, and gave Xiao unhearted body a toxin.

At that time, Chen Xianlong was not Chen Xianlong, but he was finally escaped by Xiao.

However, Chen Xianlong gave Xiao Xiaoxin's toxins almost no poison. In Chen Xianlong’s view, Xiao’s heart is not only fleeing, but he can’t live for half a month.

It seems now that the reason why Xiao Wuxin can survive and escape is that Dongyang's ancestors secretly help.

Chen Xianlin’s cultivation of the six peaks of the heavens and the earth is flowing.

The spiritual power of the black blood is also surging.

For a time, three people are all six strong players in the law.

However, Xiao Wuxin just broke through to the six heavens.

"Xiao is not at heart, I will give you a chance, and now I will surrender, I can plead you in front of my older brother, and you will not die."

Chen Xianlin burst into a cold, cold road.

"I want you to be unwilling to surrender, I am afraid you are not qualified."

Xiao has no eyes with a decision.

The spiritual power of the whole body is stirring.

"Isn't it that you want to rely on one person to fight against our three laws?"

Chen Xianlin knows that Xiao’s unsuccessful strength is terrible. Otherwise, his older brother would not find a way to try and want Xiao to surrender.

You know, the reason why Xiao Wuxin looks so old is not that he is old, but that he is tortured by toxins.

Xiao Wuxin was a genius in the past, which means that Xiao is unintentional now and his fighting power is terrifying.

"If it wasn't Chen Xianlong, the despicable villain, poisoned my body. With your waste, where is the qualification to scream in front of me?" Xiao was so cold-hearted, his violent momentum broke out, and his hands were on his hands. Two swords suddenly emerged.

In the immediate moment, the power of the righteousness of the body is also emerging, bringing a strong momentum.

"The second-order peak of the sword?"

Even Chen Xianlin was a little surprised.

Xiao’s years of poisoning have not been able to go further.

However, his ignorance has never fallen.

The most important thing is that Xiao's unintentional state of mind has become stronger.

Black blood is also a strong person who has become famous for many years, but he has been described as waste by Xiao.

Both of them were annoyed and said: "If you are so vocal, don't blame us for bullying."

The blood of the black blood scorpion flowed, and the two shot at the same time, and they rushed out toward Xiao.

Their attacks are extremely hot, the blood of the body emerges, and the Holy Spirit is used to kill them.

Seeing that the black blood eyes were unintentional to Xiao, Chen Xianlin did not hesitate and immediately went out.

"Good to come!"

Xiao Wuxin burst into a burst of excitement.

After poisoning for more than ten years, he almost did not practice himself.

Rarely fight people, let alone such life and death battles.

He cultivated a breakthrough into the six heavens of the law, only feeling the inner heart is comfortable, and the thoughts are accessible.

The mood of the body slowly emerged. The swords in the hands were filled with swordsmanship, as if the two swords formed a fierce sword array, and even one after another, the swordsman, madly went out.

"Ha ha ha... I haven't done it for many years, just use your inspection and test, my strength."

Xiao Wuxin's double swords, flying up and down, the sword method has become more and more perfect.

Chen Xianlin constantly shot, resisting Xiao’s unscrupulous swordsman.

The heart is shocking, and the heart said: "It’s not the four geniuses of the past, this Xiao Wuxin’s double sword, and the strength, it’s really hard to get around.”

The black-skinned eyes are also somewhat ugly. Although they are the six-fold cultivation of the French environment, the two have joined forces to increase their fighting power.

However, Xiao Xiao’s swordsmanship on the opposite side is really horrible and does not give them the opportunity to cooperate.

"Day, you have to hurry to catch Xu Feng. This Xiao is not a free person. He was a proud son of the day. The three of us were afraid that it would be a moment and could not kill him."

Chen Xianlin knows very well that Xiao’s unscrupulous double-sword power is terrible, and he saw it with his own eyes.

Chen Xianlong’s pair of swords for Xiao’s heartlessness are all taboo.

Chen Batian's face is a bit ugly, biting his teeth.


His heart is really angry.

Every time I thought that I would kill Xu Feng, I would have some moths.

This Xiao Wu heart is where it came out, it is so strong.

The most important thing is to help Xu Feng.

Chen Ba couldn't help but feel awkward.

He Chen Batian is the heir to the Northern Territory, the pride of the sky, but there are still not so many strong people to help, how he does not.

"Go, kill it!"

Chen Batian said to Chen Feng, who is next to him.

Dozens of people in the army suddenly rushed into the street.

However, the wave of the sky is closely followed by Chen Batian, guaranteeing the safety of Chen Batian.

"Take your people, kill them!"

Chen Batian sighed at Songhe.

Meng Jin’s eyes were deep and cold, and he said: “If you want to go, please ask me to disagree.”

Although Meng Jin stood there, but the depths of his eyes were shining.

He received Xiao’s unintentional order, pretending to resist Chen Batian and others, and then let them enter.

As for why Xiao Wuxin gave orders like this, Meng Jin was not very clear, but he did.

"Get out!"

Chen Batian’s angry face immediately looked at Chen Feng and the waves around him, saying: “Kill!”

The two went to Mengjin to kill.

When Meng Jin resisted for a moment, he began to retreat. In accordance with Xiao’s unintentional command, he took the initiative to let go, waiting for Chen Batian and others to enter.

"Little Wang, Xu Feng lives in the inn in front, my people are still staring there!"

Songhe quickly followed Chen Batian and his face was flattering.

"Well! You are doing very well. When I catch Xu Feng, then Heluo City is your pine home."

Chen Batian immediately promised Songhe.

"Thank you for the gift of Xiao Wangye!"

Songhe heard the words, very excited, can't wait to rush up now, take the initiative to kill Xu Feng.

(A lot of promised five more sent, can't write, update it tomorrow! Good night everyone!)

(End of this chapter)

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