The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4064: Meet Chen Xianlong for the first time

Chapter 4064 meets Chen Xianlong for the first time


With Xu Feng's Aurora Magic Knife, he went out to Chen Ba Tian's scorpion, and saw that the knife was stretched several dozen feet, forming a horrible crack, and it fell on the top of Chen Batian's head.

If the knife is on the body of Chen Batian, even if he is the body of King Kong, it will die.

It is a pity that when Xu Feng’s knife is about to fall on the top of Chen Ba’s head, a violent momentum suddenly emerges from Chen Batian’s body, and his body is covered by a spiritual mask. .

Xu Feng will be directly connected with a knife and shake off.

I saw that, not far from Chen Batian, stood a middle-aged man, his look was a little surprised, when his eyes looked at Xu Feng, his eyes flashed slightly, his body momentum, majestic and overbearing.


Chen Batian looked at the figure, just like grabbing a life-saving straw, full of excitement and screaming.

This figure is Chen Xianlong. He heard the yelling of Chen Batian. He turned his head and looked at some of the wolf-stricken Chen Batian. He said: "Remember how to tell you before the father? Five geniuses are top-notch, don't Look at any opponent? If it wasn't for me, I would leave a life-saving symbol on you, and you are afraid that you have become a dead person."

Chen Xianlong's tone is a bit harsh. He has long known that Chen Batian's character is arrogant and requires a good life beat.

I did not expect that the lessons of Chen Batian came so fast.

Of course, Chen Xianlong feels good about such a lesson.

"Father, the child is in this kid's plan. He turned out to be a poisonist. I was poisoned by him, causing the meridians to stagnate and unable to run the spirit. Otherwise, he is not my opponent."

Chen Batian’s face is full of sorrow. This is his childhood, and he was taught by Chen Xianlong for the first time. His heart is really depressed.

"He is not a poison!"

Chen Batian looked at the opposite Xu Feng, his mouth slightly raised, and he concluded that Xu Feng was not a poison teacher.

"His body has no toxins. That is to say, he is quietly poisoning in the process of meeting you. For such a simple means, you are not prepared, you really let the father down."

Chen Xianlong couldn't help but shake his head.

When Chen Batian came to arrest Xu Feng, he warned Chen Batian, don't underestimate Xu Feng.

If Chen Batian did not have Xiaofeng Xu Feng, he would be prepared to see Xu Feng from the beginning.

Xu Feng's toxins, even if they are colorless and tasteless, cannot overcome the fluctuation of spiritual power.

In the final analysis, toxins are a special kind of spiritual power.

In that case, even if it is poisoned, it is only a little bit.

How can it be that the meridians are stagnation, and it is impossible to use the power.

Xu Feng stood not far away, clutching the Aurora Magic Knife, and had to admit that Chen Xianlong said it was a fact.

He Xu Feng only knows how to make poison, and there is still a long way to go from the real poison master.

But all the powerful poisonous men are in the body, condensing the poisonous Dan. Using the poisonous dan and the body's toxin ability, to fight with the opponent, so that various poisons, unconsciously scattered into the opponent's body.

As Chen Xianlong said, if Chen Batian is against Xu Feng from the beginning, he will remain vigilant.

Xu Feng's poison, at most, was absorbed by Chen Batian a little bit, it is impossible to absorb the meridian stagnation.

This is like the previous wave line, see Xu Feng, do not care about Xu Feng, and pay attention to the surrounding, in the end Xu Feng has no help, this will give Xu Feng poison, the greatest convenience.

However, along the road where Chen Feng followed Chen Feng, the poison that Xu Feng walked before did not all volatilize. The waves of nature naturally absorbed a lot of toxins. In addition, when Xu Feng was seen, Xu Feng was invisible, and the toxins of the Eight Gods were smoked, and naturally they were poisoned deeper.

In the final analysis, whether it is a human army, or a wave of the sky, and Chen Batian's loss. It’s all because they sneaked Xu Feng from the beginning, and they ignored Xu Feng’s negligence, causing them to be poisoned.

"I can't think of the genius of you in the scope of my Northern Territory. It really made the King feel surprised."

Chen Xianlong’s eyes stared at Xu Feng like this, as if to see Xu Feng.

However, Xu Feng is incomparably indifferent.

Regardless of the pressure of Chen Xianlong, it is still unmoving.

Half an hour passed.

Chen Xianlong suddenly smiled and said: "With your talent and ability, why should you hide your life like this! As long as you are willing to return to me, what do you want, despite the opening."

"If you are willing to recognize me as a righteous father, I am willing to give you this great river and mountains in the future, how?"

Chen Xianlong’s words rang, not far from Chen Batian, his face was not calm.

You know, for many years, he was the first heir to Chen Xianlong.

He is very aware of his father's character, and it is difficult to chase after a word.

Now that I promised to give Xu Feng a good river in the future, it will naturally do it.

"It’s ridiculous, you know who my father is? You are such a junk, and I am also a righteous father. I am afraid that you will be a righteous father, you can’t stand it, and you can’t fight the thunder directly.” Xu Feng’s mouth rises, no Passionate, with a sarcasm.

You know, his father is Xu Pang, but it is the ancient temple in the top sphere of the North Coast.

"Oh... Who is your father?"

Chen Xianlong's eyes are condensed.

Xu Feng is such a talent, he is really a little taboo.

"You are not qualified to know."

Xu Feng's cold road.

"Father, I have investigated him before. He is just arrogant. If his father is very powerful, will he come to our Northern Territory? He is only from Ming Xuan."

Chen Batian immediately opened his mouth and was afraid that Xu Feng would really agree with Chen Xianlong’s request.

However, when Xu Feng heard the words of Ming Xuan, the eyes of the eyes deepened and suddenly became strong.

If Chen Batian has already investigated the Ming Xuan collar, I am afraid that it will be faster to investigate the existence of Xu Fu.

"It seems that I have to find a way to pass the news to Xu Fu and try to keep them low-key."


Chen Batian sighed and said slowly: "We met for the first time. It is really not easy to think about it. What do I say? You know, that means that you will not have a lot of troubles in your future cultivation."

"I think, as long as you are not qualified!"

Xu Feng disdains the road.

"Father Wang, since this kid does not know how to be good, he also asks the father to kill him and punish him for his disrespect to his father."

Chen Batian can't wait for the road.

I was afraid that Xu Feng really promised Chen Xianlong's request, then his heir was really embarrassed in the future.

"Your heir does not look like this, is it so idiotic?" Xu Feng could not help but smile: "He is afraid that I promise you, I want you to kill me. But he does not understand, if you can kill I, where will I still wait until now!"

Xu Feng has long seen that Chen Xianlong, who is opposite, has only one breath, and it is not easy to resist Xu Feng.


Chen Batian heard the words, his face was full of anger and anger, he had long been used to Chen Xianlong's omnipotence, so that he forgot.

Chen Xianlong is just a breath of projection.

(End of this chapter)

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