The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4065: Reinventing Chen Xianlin

Chapter 4055 hits Chen Xianlin

"Don't continue to be a shame here, let's go!"

Chen Xianlong's face is full of anger.

Chen Ba really made him very disappointed.

Over the years, he spent too much thought on Chen Batian.

However, Chen Batian is always immersed in glory, arrogant and arrogant.

"Father Wang..."

Chen Batian still wants to say something, but finds a wave of anger, sweeps himself, and goes away in the distance.

Xu Feng stared at Chen Xianlong's figure with Chen Batian's departure. He knew very well that even if he did his best, he couldn't stop Chen Xianlong from leaving with Chen Batian. He simply couldn't waste his energy.

He believes that one day, he will personally kill Chen Batian and kill Chen Xianlong and others.


Xu Feng took a deep breath and took a step and walked outside.


Xiao Wuxin has two swords, and the sword is constantly emerging. The second-order sword of the body is very powerful.

However, even if Xiao did not want to be more powerful, with the three people fighting for so long, some fell into a disadvantage.

"Xiao has no heart, I advise you to let it go!" Chen Xianlin's eyes fell on Xiao Wuxin's body, cold and cold: "With your strength, why should you hide in Heluo City. As long as you are willing to surrender my big brother, you will be able to eat spicy food." Life is in a hurry, isn’t it just to enjoy?”

Chen Xianlin said to Xiao Xiaoxin, with a seductive saying.

"Not to mention, your body's toxins, as long as you are willing to surrender, my older brother will definitely give you a solution."

Chen Xianlin is very clear that Xiao Wuxin had escaped from poisoning in the past, and he must have resolved the body toxins.

"I really thank you for thinking about me, but unfortunately I really don't appreciate it." Xiao did not care.

If he is willing to return to Chen Xianlong as a dog, he will not hide in Heluo City for nine lives.

At that time, Chen Xianlong would not be poisoned, which led to so many years of pain.

"Xiao is not heartless, don't you want to live? Your toxins have no antibiotics except my older brother, and no one else. Don't you want to die?"

Chen Xianlin threatened Xiao in his heart.

"I am sorry to tell you that my toxin has begun to resolve. Otherwise, do you think I can fight you for so long?"

Xiao Wuxin's mouth is raised, his toxin has been controlled by Xu Feng, and it takes only enough time for the body's toxins to be completely resolved.

"Don't talk nonsense with him, hurry to go all out, he won't last long, kill him first."

The black blood pair rushed to Chen Xianlin.

At the same time, the two men went to Xiao Xiao and suddenly slammed them out.

Chen Xianlin is also close behind.

The three men attacked Xiao again.

Xu Feng came to the place where Xiao Wuxin and others fought, his face changed slightly, and he was worthy of being a strong man of the heavens. The battle aftermath, within a few tens of feet, became a ruin.

"I don't think Xiao's heartless sword is so powerful?" Xu Feng did not expect that Xiao Wuxin's strength was so strong.

Can be an enemy three, against the black blood eyes and Chen Xianlin for so long.

"Oh... black blood, your pants have fallen!"

Xu Feng’s eyes are deep, with a mocking smile.

Suddenly screamed at the black blood in the battle.


The black blood eyes are immediately distracted and look towards their pants.

However, the strong fight, the emphasis is on the rapid changes.

The moment when the black blood was distracted, Xiao’s unscrupulous swords hit the moment.

"not good!"

Black blood eyes looked at his pants, intact, and immediately knew that they were cheated.

Coupled with the feeling of Xiao Shuang's double-sword cold, they suddenly regressed, avoiding Xiao's unintentional swords.

Unfortunately, the battle of the strong, the outcome is in an instant.

Xiao Wuxin's double sword instantly scratched the shoulders of the two.

Blood flows across the stream.


If Chen Xianlin did not take control, I am afraid that both of them will inevitably suffer serious injuries.

"Where are you who don't know how to live, you dare to talk nonsense here, affecting our fighting, you are looking for death!"

The anger and killing of the **** eyes, even someone who dared to distract them, was simply looking for death.

However, when Chen Xianlin saw Xu Feng's moment, he was dumbfounded and wrong. He said: "How is it possible? That kid is still alive? Xiao Wang Ye, so many people, can't catch a kid?"

Song Ming with a large group of people, one by one is full of panic, are the four major families of Heluo City.

When they rushed to the distance, they yelled at Chen Xianlin and said, "Three seniors, the big things are not good..."

"what's the situation?"

Both Chen Xianlin and the black blood donkey are worried about the safety of Chen Batian.

If they followed Chen Batian, it really made Chen Batian an accident.

I am afraid that Chen Xianlong will make them feel better than death.


When Xiao Wuxin was distracted by Chen Xianlin and others, he grabbed a pair of swords and madly attacked him.

Jianmang constantly converges in all directions, forming a long stretch of light.


The black blood eyes were injured again by Xiao Wuxin.

"Chen Xianlin, what are you doing? Don't hurry to fight?"

The black-blooded eyes looked at Chen Xianlin, who was not far from Songming and others.

The two of them were fighting with Xiao’s heartless fight, and Chen Xianlin actually ran away.

"What is not good, Xiao Wangye?" Chen Xianlin's angry face, asked to ask Song Ming.

"Dead...all dead..."

When Song Ming thought of the piled bodies he had just seen, he only felt a burst of embarrassment.

"Little prince is dead?"

Chen Xianlin asked with a look of horror.

"No...not...the little prince is not dead..." Song Ming shook his head and said: "But, the predecessors, Chen Feng and others, all died, one did not survive."

Song Ming looked at the accumulated bodies, and his heart was full of fear.

When they only saw the body, they rushed out to report.

After all, they are afraid that they will die.

"Who did it?"

Chen Xianlin was angry and grinned.

Immediately, the eyes fell on Xu Feng, cold and cold: "It seems that there are people who secretly help you. If so, I will kill you first, I will look at it, help you, does not appear?"

"You dragged Xiao indifferently, I will kill this kid first." Chen Xianlin was completely angry, his body was extremely fast, and a few breaths had already hit Xu Feng.

Many people have replaced Xu Feng with a cold sweat.

"Hey! Your hands are too long!"

Just as the millennium came, a cold drink rang.

A horrible breath suddenly appeared in front of Xu Feng.

The hands slammed out and formed two strong palm prints, so they came out.


Chen Xianlin's six-day cultivation of the heavens was such that a blood spurted out, and the internal organs rolled over and fell out, pale.

"too strong!"

Even Xu Feng is a bit shocked.

Standing in front of an old man, the breath of his body is unfathomable.

"You are the two elders of Dongyang family?"

Chen Xianlin’s words are one word.

He did not expect that the two elders of the Dongyang family actually came to Heluo City personally.

(End of this chapter)

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