The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4067: Xu Feng’s worry

Chapter 4067, Xu Feng's Worry

"Xu Xiao brother's poison ability is really shocking!"

Xiao Wuxin was surprised with a face.

Judging from the look of the waves, it is indeed poisoned.

Mei Nong’s heart is cold, and he can’t help but confess in his heart: “The poison of this kid is so powerful that even the strongest of the five heavens can be poisoned.”

"Hey! Follow the army of Chen Batian?"

Xiao Wuxin immediately looked around and did not see the human army.

Xu Feng stood there, faintly said: "All over there!"

"Go, let's see it in the past!"

Xiao Wuxin sighed at Mei Ruo and immediately walked toward Xu Feng.

With Xiao Wuxin and Mei Nong coming to the place where Xu Feng poisoned the murderer, they were all stunned, and they couldn’t help it. A chill came out from the back.

One by one, looking at Xu Feng’s eyes, they all have an inexplicable fear.

The ground is full of dead bodies.

You know, these people are not mediocrity.

They are all geniuses carefully selected by Chen Xianlong.

However, such a genius, more than 50 people, all were poisoned by Xu Feng.

They really can't imagine what a powerful poison.

"Xu Xiao brother, are you really a human?"

Xiao Wuxin’s heart is full of fear.

The army can claim that Chen Xianlong’s reserve power is the strongest in the future.

However, such a group of people, as a result, was suddenly poisoned by Xu Feng alone.

"Actually, they just don't know how powerful I am, so I sneaked at me. I began to neglect the idea, so I didn't know if I was poisoned. It is easy to die naturally."

Xu Feng said it was very common, but everyone was very clear.

The people of the army are definitely not weak.

However, they were all poisoned by Xu Feng.

This shows that Xu Feng's poison is terrible.


Xiao couldn't help but sigh.

It’s really more people than people.

After the waves of the Yangtze River push the waves!

"Xu Feng, you are now poisoning Chen Xianlong's army. He has already broken through to the nine heavens of the law, I advise you, or leave Dongyang collar as soon as possible, to avoid being chased by Chen Xianlong."

"I am afraid that the destruction of the people's army is a big blow to Chen Xianlong. He will never give up."

Mei Nong immediately looked at Xu Feng, and he felt that Xu Feng did not even have to go to Dongyang City.

After all, in Dongyang City, even Dongyang ancestors are really optimistic about Xu Feng.

However, Chen Xianlong does not have to be hard-hitting. If you send a strong person and secretly want to kill Xu Feng, there is no way for anyone. After all, you have no way to protect Xu Feng at all times.

"Chen Xianlong really lost his wife and lost his troops this time." Xiao Wuxin couldn't help but smile.

For the Chen Xianlong, the army is a huge investment. Today, all of them were poisoned by Xu Feng and they were all killed.

"But don't underestimate Chen Xianlong. There are a lot of strong people who can rely on him. Especially his land army, thirty-six people, the strength is a middle-level law, very strong."

"And, Chen Xianlong's Tianjun, although there are only eight people, but the minimum repair is the six heavens."

Mei Nong said to Xiao Wuxin and Xu Feng.

Xu Feng naturally will not underestimate Chen Xianlong.

"Thank you for the concern of the seniors, but I don't like to hide in Tibet. Besides, I promised Dongyang's ancestors to go to Dongyang City and go naturally." Xu Feng is firmly committed to Mei.

If he wants to leave the Northern Territory, I am afraid that they will leave with the Scorpio as early as before.

"remarkably brave!"

Mei Nong looked at Xu Feng and nodded with appreciation.

"In this case, it is better for you to go with me to Dongyang City!"

Mei Nong said to Xu Feng.

He felt that he personally took Xu Feng to Dongyang City.

This is also a kind of protection for Xu Feng.

"Thank you for your good intentions. The purpose of my trip to Dongyang City is for the tomb of the boundless monk. I followed you to Dongyang City, and opened the tomb of the infinite monk. It has such a long time and it doesn't make sense."

Xu Feng also wants to experience all the way.


Mei Nong did not continue to advise Xu Feng.

"Meng Jin, you arrange someone to deal with these bodies."

Xiao Wuxin ordered the way to Meng Jin.


Meng Jin immediately took people to collect the body of the army.

"Lao Mei, let's go have two drinks, when it is to say goodbye to you."

Xiao Wuxin knew that Mei Nong was the second elder of the Dongyang family.

Now that the grand meeting of the Dongyang family is held soon, there are definitely many things to be dealt with and will leave soon.

"Alright, the two of us seem to have been drinking for many years." Mei got heard and smiled.

"Xu Xiao brother, together!"

Xiao Wuxin looked at Xu Feng and smiled.

For Xu Feng, Xiao Wuxin really appreciates that the other party is really his own savior.

"it is good!"

Xu Feng promised to come down.

"Before drinking, let me deal with some traitors first."

Xiao Wuxin’s eyes are deep and killing.

Not so far, Songhe and others were scared and white.

"Xiao Chengzhu, we know it is wrong, beg you, spare us a life!"

The fear of Songhe’s face, watching Xiao’s heart rushing, pleaded.

"We are all shackled by the cranes, or we will give us a hundred courage, and we will not dare to confront the Dongyang family..."

"Yes, it is a conspiracy of Songhe alone. He wants to occupy the entire river city."

"He also told us that Chen Xianlong will help him kill you and help him unify Heluo City."

The other three major families in Heluo City have all turned to Xiao.

Xiao Wuxin did not hesitate to directly kill the three family members.

After killing almost.

Meng Jin and others also treated the body almost.

"Xu Gongzi, these storage rings are taken from the army you killed."

Meng Jin handed the storage ring to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng faintly said: "Meng elders, all of you have worked hard to sort out the bodies, and the storage ring will be sent to the colleague."

Meng Jin is very clear that the storage ring of all the people in the army is worth a lot.

Now Xu Feng is so generous, and the opening is given to everyone.

"Go, drink alcohol!"

Xu Feng looked at Xiao Wuxin and urged him.

"Ha ha ha... go!"

Xiao Wu haha ​​smiled.

Turning to the direction of Meng Jin: "With our people, to destroy the four major families of Heluo City, the spiritual materials they found out are all sorted out and all are given to Xu Gongzi."

Xiao Wuxin felt that Xu Feng definitely needed spiritual materials.

Xu Feng is somewhat heart-warming.

The four major families of Heluo City have stood for centuries and have a strong heritage.

I am afraid that the spiritual materials that are found out are not rare.


After three rounds of wine.

Everyone is drinking almost the same.

Mei got up and walked outside Heluocheng.

Xu Feng and Xiao Wuxin returned to the inn. He had a worry on his face and said, "Xiao Chengzhu, I want to ask you to help me with things."

Xu Feng is very worried about the safety of Xu Xuan Xu Xuan.

After all, Chen Ba Tian investigated that he was from Ming Xuan.

However, in Ming Xuan collar, I am afraid that people who do not know Xu Feng’s founding Xu Fu are really few.

At that time, if Chen Ba Tian discovered Xu, I am afraid that those people will be killed.

(End of this chapter)

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