The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4068: See also the floating door killer

Chapter 4068 sees the floating gate killer

"My life is saved by you. If there is anything, you can say no, as long as I can."

Xiao Wuxin said to Xu Feng before, if Xu Feng can help him detoxify, willing to follow Xu Feng for three years.

However, Xu Feng is not ready to let Xiao Wuxin follow, but wants Xiao's heartless but Ming Xuan collar to protect Xu Fu.

"I don't want you to say that I created a force in Xuan Xuan. Xu is mainly doing the drug business, and there are not many strong people. Before Chen Batian investigated, I came from Ming Xuan."

"If he investigates further, it is very likely that he will investigate the existence of Xu Fu. At that time, with the character of Chen Batian, Xu will be wiped out."

"I want you to go to Xufu to help me guard for a while, I will give you enough antidote to refine. You have to take the antidote anyway, and there is not much, it is a retreat in Xufu, how?"

Xu Feng is very clear that Chen Batian will not send more powerful powers as long as the investigation office is located in Xufu.

After all, the strongest strength in Xufu is the existence of Dan Yuan. With Xiao’s unintentional strength, as long as Chen Batian is not sending the strongest of the seven heavens, almost no threat can be threatened.

"I thought it was a little bigger. You can rest assured that tomorrow morning, I will arrange the things in Heluo City properly, and I will immediately go to Ming Xuan Ling Xu Fu." Xiao Wuxin immediately patted his chest and said.

"Well! I will give you enough to refine the antidote first."

Xu Feng knows Xiao’s uncharacteristic character, and the other party will not repent. The inner stone is completely put down.

Ever since I knew that Chen Batian knew that he was from Ming Xuan collar, there was a kind of uneasiness in his heart.

early morning!

Dongyang Ping took Dongyang Zhenzhen, Dongyangtai and others to embark on the road to Dongyang City.

Xu Feng did not continue to follow them, but chose to carry a small leopard, one person and one leopard alone.

After all, Xu Feng followed Dongyang Ping, there are still many things, not very convenient.

Last night, he gave the antidote that Xiao had no need for, almost to the refining, and gave it to Xiao.

Xiao Wuxin started the arrangement of Heluo City the next morning.

Almost all of the things were handed over to Meng Jin.

Xu Feng and Dongyang are equals, and I hope everyone will see you again in Dongyang City.

Dongyang Ping did not continue to convince Xu Feng to go with him. His heart was also worried.

Although Xu Feng is powerful and talented, Xu Feng’s opponent is also suffocating.

Outside the city of Heluo.


Xu Feng took a deep breath and only felt that there were a lot of things happening in Heluocheng these days. It was really a life of nine deaths.

If it weren’t for the last refining of the poisonous mythology, I’m afraid he would be very dangerous.

I have to know that he did not expect that Chen Xianlong would like to see him so much and arrange so many strong people.

"My strength is still too weak. In the face of the strong, in the face of danger, there is too little room to cope."

After the lessons of Heluo City this time.

Xu Feng feels that he still has to think more about it in the future and don't put himself at risk.

An opponent like Chen Xianlong is stronger than any opponent he has encountered before.

"If it is my cultivation, I can ascend to the high-level Dan Yuan. At that time, with my third-order killing, and the soul teacher's means, it is not too easy for Chen Xianlong to kill me."

Xu Feng’s heart is secretly measuring everything.


Enhancing strength is not a one-off event.

Take a step and walk towards Dongyang City.

In a blink of an eye.

Ten days passed away.

Xu Feng with a small leopard, all the way up, are cultivation.

There was very little pause and no trouble.

Outside Dongyang City, it is still very lively.

A small town.

Xu Feng took the little leopard and sat in a small restaurant.

After all, it’s been ten days in a row, and it takes a little while to rest.

The sky is gradually dimming, and the number of people in the town is beginning to increase. After all, it is really a lot to come to Dongyang City from all directions and participate in the branch family of the Dongyang Family Festival.

"You have heard that there have been a few embarrassing characters in this town recently, and it is said that they have killed dozens of people."

Inside the restaurant, there are people from the Dongyang family branch family. They just sat down and started to discuss.

"Who is so powerful, dare to kill dozens of people in Dongyang City, don't you want to live?"

There is a man from the Dongyang family branch family, with anger and coldness in his eyes.

"I am very unlucky, I can't foresee such a sly character. Otherwise, I will come to Dongyang City all the way, but it is really itchy!" A man from a table not far away, his body is strong, repairing It turned out to be the completion of the Dan Yuanjing Jiuzhong Peak.

However, several young people who are beside the squatting men are proud of each one.

Obviously, the cultivation and strength of these young people are not weak.

I am afraid that I would like to come to this branch family where the big man is located. I am afraid it is very good.

"This is also true, those things that hide their heads and tails will only bully and weaken."

Xu Feng, with a small leopard, sat on the side of the pub's window, and the discussion sounds of the people came from his ears. At the same time, his eyes continued to sweep around, and his heart was a little strange.

It seems that the evening in this town is really a bit quiet.

"You, I know that you are strong. But I still want to remind you that the town is not very peaceful recently. It is best not to go out to the inn at night and return to your own room. It is the best choice."

The treasurer’s eyes looked at everyone, and they were all very noisy, and they immediately came out to remind everyone.

"You really look down on the shopkeeper, I have to look at it, how the town is not flat at night."

"Yes, I have to go out to see and see, what you mean is not flat, what is it!"

With the four or five figures, they all took advantage of their own strength and walked outside the town.

The sky gradually dimmed, the gray night, the stars in the distance, flickering.

Xu Feng's eyes were suddenly condensed. Looking through the window, the place on the left hand side of the tens of meters away, wearing a night dress, stood there.

"Those black people, good life is familiar!" Xu Feng's heart is shocking, and immediately thought: "The killer of the floating door!"

Xu Feng was assassinated by the killer of the floating door before, and later saved Ling Qingyu.

The way to raise the killer in the floating gate is very cruel, and the killer, which is almost cultivated, is very strong.

The main direction of the floating door is to go to assassination and assassination.

"According to the truth, the killer of the floating door is to assassinate the individual, how can you kill everyone?"

Xu Feng’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he felt that the killer of the floating door did not necessarily come to the people on the street.

Sure enough, about half an hour in the past, the floating door killer hiding in the dark has not moved.

(End of this chapter)

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