The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4069: Who is the moon protection method?

Chapter 4069 Who is the person who protects the law?

Xu Feng sat on the second floor of the restaurant and looked at the streets of the town.

A few people who had just gone out to the outside of the restaurant were still wandering around the streets.

There are still many people in the restaurant, and they are very curious. In the end, what is not calm in the town?

The faint light did not show any abnormality until midnight.

Xu Feng’s eyes are also slightly picked up, and the floating door killer hiding in the distance is still there.


Xu Feng’s mouth slightly raised, as if he had expected, the killer was coming to someone else.

"No, I thought what happened in the town at night? White waits for half a night!"

"Yes, it's really boring. I knew this before, so I should go back to sleep early."

"Tomorrow will go to Dongyang City to join in the fun, I know that I will not waste time here."


For a time, the people sitting at the restaurant also got up and walked up the restaurant.

However, at this moment, Xu Feng’s eyes narrowed slightly because he had already felt that someone had come.

"It seems that some people really don't believe in evil, and still dare to walk on the street at night!"

At the end of the street not far away, two figures walked like this, and their body smelled rich in blood.

In the body of Xu Feng, the sixth-order bloodthirsty magical species left by the moon protection method slightly trembled.

"I don't think that the hand of the moon-protecting method is quite long, and it has already reached the Dongyang collar?"

Xu Feng's mouth slightly raised, since the bloodthirsty moth in his body trembled, it also shows that the two people who appeared, the bloodthirsty monsters on the body, are related to the moon protection method.

"Who is speaking?"

Everyone in the restaurant was shocked and rushed to the window of the restaurant and looked out.

The treasurer's face is full of fear, looking at everyone, said: "I beg you, hurry back to the room! As long as everyone returns to the room, they will not come in."

"Get out!"

However, these people are from the Dongyang family branch, they all feel that they dare to kill people under the eyes of Dongyang family, afraid that they do not want to live? Not to mention letting them hide in the room.

The shopkeeper watched the crowd still squatting on the edge of the window, and some even rushed out of the restaurant.

The shopkeeper was so frightened that he quickly packed up the counter and ran towards the backyard.

"I heard that the town is not very flat recently, and the murderers are very powerful. The people who are still from the Dongyang family branch family are still killing. I have to see how big you are."

The first big man who rushed out of the restaurant, the singularity of the scorpion, was so powerful that his eyes were staring at the opposite two, and his eyes were full of majestic warfare.

"I thought that the people of your Dongyang family branch family are all kinds of people. I didn't expect to have a few, a little courage."

A person standing opposite, his eyes flashing slightly, and his body is repaired by Dan Yuanjing.

"Let you... Mom... the shit..."

The anger of the face of the big man, the moment of spiritual stimulation, stepping out one step at a time, the person who spoke to the opposite side, suddenly appeared an axe in his hand. The axe flashed cold in the dark midnight.

The moment the two hands clasped the axe, for a moment, the axe turned toward the person who spoke, from top to bottom, slashing down.

It seems that the space was torn by his axe, and the majestic power of the body broke out.

"Good to come!"

The **** gas flowing in the person who spoke, the blood of the whole body rushed out, and the hands turned into red blood claws, and greeted the axe of the big man.

"Dongyang Bo is not the person of our three branches of Dongyang family, the strength is really powerful."

"It has long been rumored that he is arrogant and powerful. It is true."

"It is said that Dongyang Bo is coming to the event, and it is necessary to win the first place in the event."

"I heard the first place in the event, it seems that I can enter the main house and become the fiance of Dongyang Yunzhi."


When Xu Feng heard the opinions of the people, he discovered that the big man was a young man and a genius disciple of the Dongyang family branch family.

Even Xu Feng is somewhat surprised, that is to say, Dongyang Bo is probably no more than 30 years old.

However, at such an age, it is really a super young existence in the Lingshen mainland. It is really amazing to break through the peak of the Danyuan.

"I don't think it is possible. Dongyang Bo is almost 30 years old. He broke through to the top of the mountain in Danyuan. With a brute force, it is not that great."

Who knows, a young man not far away, a slow way.

The crowd looked at the people who spoke.

Can't help but say: "Isn't this son, Dongyang He?"

Dong Yanghe sat there like this, with a proud face on his face, saying: "Yes, it is down!"

Unexpectedly, the genius of the three branches of the Dongyang family, two branch families, have come to this town, it is really amazing.

"Don't think that Dongyang He is only four elements of Dan Yuanjing. I think he is very poor. In fact, he is only twenty-two years old. If he is close to 30 years old like Dongyang Bo, I am afraid that he has already broken through to the legal world. ”

"And, Dongyang He is still the top genius."

Some middle-aged people who followed Dongyang He also smiled.

Looking at everyone, said: "It’s all rumors, rumors..."


Xu Feng doesn't care much about these people.

It’s like Dongyang Bo, who fights outside the moon.

To a large extent, it is because of the strength of the body, forcibly using the medicinal herbs and resources, and the accumulation of repairs.

Although it looks very powerful on the surface, it is actually strong outside.

Otherwise, if it is a true genius, the two people who have been immersed in the law will be killed.

"Ah... help!"

At this time, there was a miserable snoring in the street not far away.

I saw a person who had just followed Dongyang Bo Chong, and was directly captured by two figures. The body was torn to a few big pieces and bloody.

"Good cruel..."

Everyone in the restaurant was full of horror.

Xu Feng’s mouth swelled slightly and said: “It seems that there are not a few people who stayed outside Dongyang City.”

As the battle progressed, the streets began to appear.

The breath and cultivation of these people are filled with blood and smell, and they are all people who have gathered bloodthirsty demons.

"It seems that the courage to protect the law is still quite big. I dare to do this outside Dongyang City. I don't know Dongyang family, I will send more powerful strong people to come to solve it!"

Xu Feng is very clear that the grand event of the Dongyang family is imminent.

As a family of three major families in the Northern Territory, Dongyang family will inevitably attach importance to their faces.

How could it be tolerated, someone killing the branch family under the eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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