The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4077: First heir Dong Yang

Chapter 4077, the first heir, Dongyang

"You can rest assured that this matter, I will personally arrange for people to react. I don't believe there are people who dare to be evil under the eyes of our Dongyang family."

Dongyang Zhenzhen stood up straight, and the tone was firm.

"Xu brother, are you staying here, or are you going to send a letter?"

Dongyang Zhenzhen feels that Xu Feng’s character is very good and he is a trustworthy person.

Xu Feng smiled and said: "It is rare that Miss Yunzhi trusts me, then I can only live with my gentleman."

The two walked outside the restaurant.

Dongyang Yunzhi and Xu Feng have been walking outside the town of Qingtai.

After almost half an hour.

I came to another village.

When a middle-aged man saw Dongyang Yunzhi, his eyes couldn't help but look at Xu Feng, and his eyes were full of surprises.

He is very clear that the young lady in front of her has never seen any young men around her.

Now, with a young man, coming here to send a letter means that she trusts each other.

"Miss Yunzhi, are you coming to find me something?"

The middle-aged man immediately asked for a gentle bowel.

"Liu Shu, I am troubled to go to the Dongyang family to send a message to the owner. I said that I found a group of people in Qingtai Town. Everywhere is evil, killing innocent people, and often killing people in the middle of the night. Our patrol team knows this, but it has not dealt with it. And no one is dispatched."

Dongyang Yunzhi said to the middle-aged man.

“Is the rumor true?”

The middle-aged man couldn’t help but brow and couldn’t help but ask.

"What rumors?"

Dongyang Yunzhi asked a little strangely.

"In the recent period, some families of our branch family who came to Dongyang City disappeared inexplicably, and they could not find them. A few days ago, there was a murder in our town, and the blood of the messenger was dry. It’s very bad to die.”

Liu Wen is a person from Dongyang Zhenzhen. He arranges eyeliners around Dongyang City and can transmit intelligence at any time.

You must know that Dongyang Yunzhi can become the Dongyang family, the sixth heir. Her strength and talent are certainly one aspect, but she also arranges various things.

"It seems that there is a group of people who are very arrogant." Dongyang Yunzhi's face is full of chill.

Open the door: "When you go to the communication, tell the owner, arrange for the strong to come to Qingtai Town to find me."


Liu Wen nodded immediately and turned to close his shop, and disappeared toward the direction of Dongyang City.

Xu Feng’s eyes are all condensed. I don’t know what Dongyang Yunzhi is in front of him. What is the identity of Dongyang’s family, but obviously the identity is not simple, otherwise it’s impossible to recruit a strong man who is half-step in the heavens and give her When running errands.

"Let's go to Qingtai Town!"

Dongyang Yunzhi turned around.

However, Xu Feng's eyes are deep, sparkling with a cold kill.

The killer who used to be in Qingtai Town actually followed this town.

It seems that the other party is really coming to Dongyang Yunzhi.

It is a four-star killer.

Such a means of tracking, if not Xu Feng’s soul power is strong, fears that it cannot be perceived.

Both of them went back to Qingtai Town.

Xu Feng naturally wants to go back, after all, the little leopards are still in the town of Qingtai!

All the way up, the four-star killer is still not slow to follow.


Dongyang family.

It can be described as huge and primitive.

As the informant of Dongyang Yunzhi, Liu Wen soon came to the Dongyang family.

"What are you, what are you doing?"

Liu Wengang came outside the courtyard of Dongyangji and was stopped by two guards outside.

"Two, I am Miss Yunzhi's informant, this is my token." Liu Wen took his token out and handed it to the inquiring guard. He said: "I have an urgent request to see my homeowner. Please let the two pass."

"Well, you are waiting here!"

A guard said to Liu Wen.

After a while, the guards will come back.

"The owner is waiting for you inside, go in."

When Liu Wen came to the yard, he saw Dongyang Ji, and held his fists and bowed his hands. He said: "Under Liu Wen, I will meet the owner."

Dong Yangji looked at Liu Wen and nodded. "Yu Zhizhi is looking for you to convey what news, let's talk."

Liu Wen did not hesitate, and transferred the situation of Dongyang Yunzhi to Dongyangji.

After Dongyang Ji’s listening, the killings in the depths of the eyes disappeared and stood up and said: “This matter is very important. You should not advertise everywhere. I will immediately convene many elders to discuss.”

"You ordered to give Dongyang Yunzhi, so that she should not act rashly, so as not to encounter danger."

"In this case, the subordinates retire!"

Liu Wen turned and walked away from the yard.

Dong Yang Ji’s face has become extremely gloomy and roared: “This waste, dare to do such a thing? The patrol is managing him, why can’t the news be conveyed?”

Dong Yang Ji is very clear, the patrol is in charge of Dongyang.

There have been no reports of such a big thing.

If Dongyang Yunzhi is not looking for himself, but his ancestors, I am afraid that Dongyang will have huge troubles.

"Come to me immediately to order Dongyang harsh, come to see me."

Dongyang Ji was outside the yard and snorted.

It’s about half an hour.

I saw a young man who was somewhat proud of his appearance. He was a bit handsome and said: "Uncle, are you looking for me?"

Dongyang's father and Dongyangji are brothers, and Dongyang's father, who died in the past, was a great saver.

"I ask you, what is the patrol?"

Dongyang Ji immediately asked.

Dongyang's harsh eyes are slightly congested, pretending to know nothing, said: "Uncle, what are you talking about, I don't understand what you said?"

Dongyang Ji’s face was full of anger, and immediately burst into a loud voice, saying: “Dongyang is harsh, do you know that the ancestors are very dissatisfied with your cultivation? Now, the patrol’s people are negligent, leading to the surrounding Dongyang City. There is a force that kills innocent people every day and night, and countless deaths and injuries. Do you know?"

Dongyang’s harsh words are still full of innocence: “The patrol team’s dereliction of duty is really damn.”

"This thing, I hope that it is best not to have anything to do with you, I always think that group of people, some special."

Dongyangji, as the owner of the Dongyang family, has a lot of knowledge. He feels that this disappears for no reason. The very bad situation of death seems very strange. It is definitely not the way of ordinary fierce people.

"Uncle, I really don't know about this, I will ask." Dongyang will immediately turn away and leave.

Dongyang Ji looked at the harsh back of Dongyang, and said faintly: "Hey, I will treat you as a child when I was young. I hope that you will work hard."

(End of this chapter)

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