The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4078: Dongyang Yunzhi's appeal

Chapter 4078 Dongyang Yunzhi's appeal

"Call the family elders' assembly immediately!"

As Dongyang sternly left, Dongyang Ji’s look was a little dignified and walked out of the yard.

He is very clear that this thing that Dongyang Yunzhi passed back could not be solved perfectly.

With the character of that girl, I am afraid that it will directly go to the Dongyang ancestors, and it will be more difficult to deal with.

Half an hour passed.

The main hall of the Dongyang family.

The nine elders are the core of the Dongyang family.

Nine of them are in charge of Dongyang family, in different directions.

Dongyang Ji Duan sat on the top and told Dongyang Yunzhi about it.

"I don't know the elders, who are willing to go to help Yunzhi to solve this problem."

Dongyang Ji immediately asked the people.

Several elders are silent.

They all feel that this matter is not simple.

Seeing many elders, they did not move.

Dongyangji also became a bit ugly.

"Elder elders seem to have their own business. After all, the Dongyang event will be launched soon, and only I have nothing to do now. If this is not the case, let me handle it."

Mei Nong immediately stood up, a touch of the road.

No one expected that Mei Lan actually came out to lick this drowning.

You know, the patrol is handed over to Dongyang's management, which is the first heir.

However, the patrol patrol site, such a big thing, but no patrol reported.

There is no reason for this, no one knows.

As the second elder of the Dongyang family, Mei Nong, unlike the other eight elders, stood alone.

Mei has not been too close to any heir to this day.

However, now stand up and want to help Dongyang Yunzhi, is this a declaration, start to stand the team?

"If there is a second elder to solve this problem, I am very relieved." Dongyang Ji's face is gloomy, saying: "After asking the elders to go to Qingtai Town, you must investigate clearly, why did you die so many people?" The patrol team did not report it. If someone dares to be brave and daring, he will do the work and ask the two elders to handle it."

Dong Yang Ji is very clear, the elders are not willing to shoot, to a large extent is afraid of offending Dongyang.

“The homeowner is assured that I will handle it impartially.”

Mei Nong nodded immediately.

"If that's the case, let's meet."

Dongyang Ji immediately turned and left.

"Two elders, you are going to lick this drowning, it is really something that should not be."

Seeing that Dongyangji left, the relationship between the five elders and Meilong was quite good. Recently, I wanted to win over Meiluo.

However, Mei Nong is very clear that he is just a foreigner, the smartest act is to not participate in the struggle of the six heirs.

"Thank you for the five elders reminding me that I don't think it's drowning. If someone is really cruel and indiscriminate, I will kill him."

Mei Ling’s voice is firm.


Qingtai Town, in the evening.

The whole town is once again in peace.

It seems that the people on the street have disappeared in a flash.

Dongyang Yunzhi’s face with a strange color, could not help but open the door: "How the whole town has become quiet?"

"I told you before that the Qingtai Town in the evening is not very calm. If you are not careful, you will be killed by those people. Who dares to come out?"

"Hey, tonight, I will let those people come back."

Dongyang Yunzhi Bureau raised his brow and his face was angry.

Xu Feng smiled lightly.

For those who practice the bloodthirsty magic, he feels that he should die.

This group of people, men, women and children, even those who have no strength in their hands, will not let go.

"The restaurant we went to before."

Dongyang Yunzhi and Xu Feng, once again came to the restaurant.

The shopkeeper of the restaurant, looking at the arrival of Xu Feng and Dongyang Yunzhi, was full of happiness, said: "Miss Yunzhi, are you already finding a solution?"

Dongyang Yunzhi heard the words and said: "I will take it out this evening. I want those people to come back."


The treasurer heard the words, and suddenly there was some fear between them: "Miss Yunzhi, I am not looking down on your strength. But those people, the strength is really strong. I know that Miss Yunzhi is very strong, but don't be tempted. If it is outside In the event of a fight, you should remember to hide in the restaurant. Those people will not enter the restaurant."

"Oh, I see!"

Dongyang Yunzhi and Xu Feng walked toward the second floor of the restaurant.

Dongyang Bo and Dongyang He, watching Xu Feng and Dongyang Yunzhi come together again, all of them are not good.

Time is unknowingly past, at midnight.

Outside the town of Qingtai, dozens of people were filled with **** figures and quickly rushed out toward the town.


A scream of screams, the quiet town of Qingtai, became turbulent.

Everyone knows that those people, the demons, are coming again.


Xu Feng said to Dongyang Yunzhi.

"Hey! Then let them come back, I have to see, who is so courageous, dare to kill innocents."

Dongyang Yunzhi grabbed the long sword, and the breath of his body emerged. The spirit of his body surging, and he stepped forward and walked outside the restaurant.

Xu Feng's eyes slightly picked up, hiding the killer not far away, and followed again.

"Miss Yunzhi, I have been fighting with them Dongyangbo yesterday. I can fight side by side with you."

"I can too……"

Dongyang Bo and Dongyang He, seeing the opportunity of heroes to save the United States, have all come up.

"You are a kid, I don't know what to do. The Dan Yuanjing is rebuilt in the district. If you want to fight, you don't know how to die. Hurry to hide in the restaurant, so as not to become cumbersome."

Dongyang Bo turned his head and looked at Xu Feng, who was following up with his face.

"The people of the branch family, I am Dongyang Yunzhi. I hope that everyone will join me in resisting this group of indiscriminate and inhuman animals."

Dongyang Yunzhi grabbed the sword and rushed to the place where the screams came. At the same time, he also screamed.

"Ah! We support Miss Yunzhi!"

"Yes, I am willing to go with Miss Yunzhi, a life and death battle."

"We are coming too, I don't believe how good they are."


As the words of Dongyang Yunzhi rang, the entire Qingtai town was originally hidden in the restaurant. Many of the warriors in the room rushed out, more and more, at least hundreds of people.

"Oh... I can't think of so much food, we make a lot of money." A man who helped the Dan Yuanjing to be repaired by a ghost hand was full of excitement.

However, such excitement lasted only for a short time. When he saw the dense figure behind Dongyang Yunzhi, his pupils were suddenly rounded.


Dongyang Yunzhi grabbed the sword in his hand and took the lead in a sword to go out to the other side, killing his face.

The middle-aged man immediately slammed and said: "Everyone is coming over to support, they are united together."

The middle-aged man did not expect that this group of rabble would know to unite and deal with them.


More than a dozen people who came to Qingtai Town by the ghost hand gathered together, but everyone was scared.


Dongyang Yunzhi’s swordsmanship is really powerful. The middle-aged man who was a serious man of Dan Yuanjing was just three strokes. He was pierced by a sword and could not die.

"Run! Go back to the news!"

A person who turned to want to escape, but was chased, directly besieged to death.

(End of this chapter)

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