Chapter 4079 Goodbye Mei Nong


Dongyang Yunzhi's face was chilly, and he suddenly grabbed the long sword and chased the martyr who was fleeing.

A sword kills the other party directly.

Many people behind the Dongyang Yunzhi are also very excited.

Dongyang Bo and Dongyang He’s eyes are slightly congested.

They have long heard that Dongyang Yunzhi is the best member of Dongyang family in recent years.

Unexpectedly, the talent of Dongyang Yunzhi was so terrible that it was so horrible that Dan Yuanjing was easily killed by him.

"You, as I kill other towns, as long as I see this group of people who are filled with blood, kill them."

Dongyang Yunzhi took the lead with everyone, and went out to the town not far from Qingtai Town.

Xu Feng's eyes slightly picked up, hiding in the dark of the four-star killer, do not know when, even disappeared.

In other words, this four-star killer, now hiding in the dark, may pose a threat to Dongyang Yunzhi at any time.

The spiritual flow of Xu Feng’s body is slightly closer to the place where Dongyang Yunzhi is located.

It is really too many people calling for Dongyang Yunzhi.

Otherwise, the four-star killer has always been within the scope of Xu Feng's perception.


Outside the other town, the screams rang.


Dongyang Yunzhi took the lead to kill, and the powerful spiritual power surged from her body, bringing a strong momentum.


Several people who helped the ghosts also attacked Dongyang Yunzhi.

Dongyang Yunzhi and two people suddenly fell into battle.

The rest of the followers have also joined the battle.

There are more people in this town than Ghost Town.


As Dongyang Yunzhi and the two ghosts help the people to fight, the long sword suddenly stabbed out, and directly killed a Dan Yuanyuan eight-armed warrior.

Struggling out to another person, showing it is her strongest sword, turning the clouds and refining the sword.


Just a few tricks, the long sword once again pierced the other's chest.

However, it is on the occasion of this millennium.

Xu Feng’s eyes are all condensed.

A black shadow came out from a crowd not far away, and the power of the body surged and was magnificent.

The most important thing is that in his hand, there is a dagger, just a few breaths of time, has already attacked the vest of Dongyang Yunzhi.

If Dongyang Yunzhi is pierced with a vest by a dagger, I am afraid it is difficult to die.


Dongyang Yunzhi also felt the coldness from the back, the crazy running spirit, and wanted to resist, but found that it was a little late.

When it was said that it was late, at that time, the spiritual power of Xu Feng’s body surging, and the second-order space was displayed.

Before the four-star killer's dagger, piercing the back of Dongyang Yunzhi, the Aurora magic knife went out to the four-star killer.

"how is this possible?"

The four-star killer was full of faces, and Xu Feng appeared almost instantly in front of his eyes, just like it appeared out of thin air.

If Xu Feng does not have the second-order space, it really can't stop the killing of this four-star killer.

You must know that the horror of the killer is that they will find the perfect opportunity, killing and killing, and never giving any living.

This is also the reason why the entire North Coast, the floating gate, the killer organization, has caused many people to be jealous.


The aurora magic knife smashed out, as if to rip the void, and the knife swayed toward the arm of the four-star killer.

The dagger and the Aurora Magic Knife, the collision of the scorpion, exudes a burst of fire, constantly overflowing.

Dongyang Yunzhi turned around and saw Xu Feng behind him. All of her faces were grateful.

She is very clear, if it is not Xu Feng's shot, I am afraid she will really die here.


Grabbing the sword, there is no hesitation. Dongyang Yunzhi is rushing out to the four-star killer.

The depths of the four-star killer were unwilling. He did not expect that he had ambushed Dongyang Yunzhi for such a long time. He saw that he had to complete the assassination of the mission, but he was destroyed by Xu Feng.

The most important thing is that the repair of the other party is only the second restoration of Dan Yuanjing.


However, since the four-star killer failed in the assassination, he is very clear, and it does not make much sense to stay.

After all, although his cultivation is powerful, his most powerful killings are the means of assassination, not fighting.

Opposite Dongyang Yunzhi, you can easily kill Dan Yuanjing Jiuzhong. However, how Xu Feng appeared out of thin air just made him feel jealous.

"Don't let him run!"

Dongyang Yunzhi quickly catches up, the long sword madly stabbed out, the second-order sword of the body is the same meaning, accompanied by the first-order peak of the water, and at the same time diffused out, the formation is a violent momentum.

The swordsman is like this wave after wave, crazy out, forming a fierce sword.


The wings of Xu Feng’s Qi Peng are filled and the speed is raised to the extreme.

You know, the speed of the killer is very powerful.

I know, but Xu Feng instantly caught up.

"how is this possible……"

The four-star killer widened his eyes and felt the momentum of Xu Feng’s wing. He didn’t understand why the youth in front of him was so fast.


The moment when Xu Feng’s Aurora Magic Knife smashed out, the direction of the four-star killer escaped.

Dongyang Yunzhi suddenly caught up and the sword stabbed.

Under the attack of the two men, the sword was instantly wounded, and the body of the four-star killer was once again worn.

"Say? Who told you to kill me?"

Dongyang Yunzhi stared at the four-star killer with anger.

Ha ha!

Who knows, the four-star killer's mouth squirming, the dark blood flowing out, it will die.

"If I didn't admit it, this person is the four-star killer of the floating door. It seems that someone wants to kill you!"

Xu Feng said to Dongyang Yunzhi.

"What the hell, who wants to kill me?"

Dongyang Yunzhi's heart, there are some doubts, in the end who wants to kill her, even spent such a big price, went to the floating door to ask for a four-star killer. You know, the price of a four-star killer is not cheap.

early morning.

Xu Feng and Dongyang Yunzhi, busy for a night, but they did not sleep, they were full of energy.

However, not long after the time passed, Mei Nong came to Qingtai Town and directly inquired about Dongyang Yunzhi.

Mei Nong is very clear, as long as it is not Dongyang Yunzhi, he hides his identity.

With the face and talent of Dongyang Yunzhi, it will definitely become the focus of everyone.

Mei Nong came to the outside of the restaurant and saw Dongyang Yunzhi not far away.

"Two elders?"

Dongyang Yunzhi looked at Mei Liang, followed by more than ten or twenty people, all of whom were all powerful and powerful.

The eyes of those people stopped at Xu Feng's body, and there was a trace of irony in the depths of their eyes.

They think that Xu Feng really wants to eat swan meat, the district Danyuan is twofold, how is it qualified to stand with Dongyang Yunzhi?

"Miss Yunzhi, for a few days, your cultivation is like a lot of improvement." Mei got with a smile.

“Thank you for the second elders!”

Dongyang Yunzhi smiled faintly.

"Xu Xiao brothers, I can't think of us really, I even met so soon."

Mei Nong looked at Xu Feng, first surprised, and immediately walked toward Xu Feng, saying hello.

(End of this chapter)

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