The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4081: Kill into the ghost hand

Chapter 4081 kills the ghost hand

"The ghost hand is in the valley in front. They are in the valley during the day and only come out at night."

Xu Feng took Mei Ling and others, and walked quickly toward the place where the ghost hand was.

Their speed is very fast. In just over ten minutes, they are almost coming to the valley where the Ghosts are helping.

A man with a double heavenly environment couldn’t help but say: "How do I feel that it is very common here, nothing?"

Other people, nodded, and felt that there was nothing special about it.

Xu Feng heard that the corner of his mouth rose slightly: "That is because you are too rubbish, you can't feel it!"

"You..." Dongyang Yu, who is a double-legged person, is full of anger, staring at Xu Feng, saying: "The kid, the district Danyuanjing is rebuilt, and dare to talk to me like this? You are afraid to live. Greasy?"

Even in the Dongyang family, he is also a deacon, and his status is very high. Even if he is a core disciple, he does not dare to say that he wastes.

"You are not a waste? I can't find the abnormality, but it threatens me in turn." Xu Feng was unhappy with his face. Before this guy, when he walked out of Qingtai Town, he had already run against himself. If you are not bullied, you will immediately say, "If you are very powerful, you will have experienced the anomalies in the front, and how can you keep chanting?"

Xu Feng is very clear, but if he is a little stronger and has a stronger sense of ability, he can find the **** atmosphere in the air.

Before I even waited for Dongyang Yu to open, Mei Nong said: "Dongyang Yu is a deacon, Xu Xiao brother said it is good, you don't feel abnormal, it does not mean there is no abnormality."

"Two elders, this kid is only re-constructed by Dan Yuanjing, how can you find such a big secret?" Dongyang Yu could not help but said: "I even think this kid, the origin is not correct, the identity is unknown..."

"Shut up!"

Mei Ning’s face was a little angry and he yelled at Dongyang Yu.

Dongyang Yu felt the killing of Mei Ling's eyes, and his heart was a condensate. He glanced at Xu Feng and dared not say more.

"The ghost hand is in the valley in front." Xu Feng, they came to the valley not far away, he said directly.

"Kid, you are afraid that there is a problem with your eyes, a valley that is so calm, can you have bloodthirsty people? Are you kidding, or are you playing us?" Dongyang Yu said again.

When I heard Xu Feng heard the words, I immediately turned around and said, "You have so much nonsense. Since you are so capable, you can solve these people slowly. I will leave!"

Said, Xu Feng's spiritual power surging, really turned around, and left directly behind him.

Dongyang Yunzhi is also completely angry, full of anger: "Dongyang Yu deacon, you have repeatedly targeted Xu Feng, is it not collusion between you and the ghost hand? Is it not possible to delay the deliberate delay?"

Dongyang Yunzhi said this, and other powerful people in an instant have looked at Dongyang Yu.

They did find that Dongyang Yu was not quite right when he walked out of Qingtai Town, and he always targeted Xu Feng.

"Xu Xiao brother, please stay still!"

Mei Chong caught up and intercepted Xu Feng.

"Two elders, you also saw that the people of your Dongyang family seem to feel that I am not evil. In this case, simply everyone will disperse and let the ghosts continue to kill innocents. Is there a half-money relationship with me?" ”

Xu Feng said to Mei Nong.

He obviously came to help the Dongyang family and look for ghosts to help.

It’s really uncomfortable to target Dongyang Yu’s three times.

"Xu Xiao brother, you can rest assured that this matter, I will give you a satisfactory explanation, how?"

Mei Nong directly promised Xu Feng, who is obviously the person responsible for this action.

Dong Yangyu’s repeated three times and five times, in violation of his orders before him, is really a bit arrogant.

"hope so!"

Xu Feng followed Mei Nong and turned to the edge of the valley.

Mei Nong looks to Dongyang Yu, and there is anger between his looks. He is a two-time elder. When is the round, the deacon of a district, under the eyes, what is it?

"Dongyang Yu, are you here to take charge of this action? I think that my two elders will give you what you want! I think your ability to point to the mountains is very strong. What do you think?"

Everyone knows that Dongyang Yu is probably really angry with Mei.

Don't look at Mei Nong, usually it is kind and harmonious.

But this guy, if it is really angry, it is absolutely awkward.

"Don't dare!"

Dongyang Yu immediately opened the road.

"Don't think that following Dongyang's harshness, there will be no one. If I kill you, do you think that Dongyang family will not be a deacon for you, and my two elders turn their faces?"

Mei Nong's eyes narrowed slightly, and the killing in the eyes suddenly burst into the air. The horrible momentum of the body immediately oppressed Dongyang Yu, making Dongyang Yu, the face reddened, and even breathing became difficult.

"The two elders are forgiving..."

Dongyang Yu’s voice is weak and he is eager for mercy.

"Two elders, I am afraid that Dongyang Yu is also a long time, please spare him a time. We will have to deal with the ghost hand to help, the more people the better."

Many other people have rushed to plead.

"Hey! If you dare to waste, I will kill you first!"

Mei Nong immediately slammed.


As the momentum of Mei Nong disappeared, Dongyang Yu’s big mouth was gasping, as if he had gone away from the ghost gate.

"This little brother, but the valley is really empty, where is there?" An older man asked Xu Feng.

"Hello, you are also a Dongyang family. Do you still think that there is more garbage?" Xu Feng looked at the person who questioned and said: "Don't you hear about the law?"

"Array method?"

With the wording of the tactics, everyone was a little surprised.

They began to feel the situation in the valley carefully, and there was spiritual fluctuation.

"Is there really a battle?"

Even Dongyang Yu is a bit surprised.

How did Xu Feng discover the anomalies of this valley?

"Who do you understand the law?"

Mei Nong asked more than a dozen people.

"I know a little bit!"

An old man with a three-pointed peak of the heavens and the earth came toward the valley. After more than ten minutes, he did not find a breakthrough.

"Xu Xiao brothers, can this method be cracked?" Mei Nong looked at Xu Feng. Since the other party knows the existence of this valley, I must know some and how to get in and out.

"This array is not very complicated, on the contrary it is very simple. It is not easy to crack the array method, but it is too simple to open the array method and enter it." Xu Feng faint.


Dongyang Yu heard the words, some disdain.

He does not believe that Xu Feng is so young and still understands the law.

I know that Xu Feng went to the front of the valley and saw his hands constantly floating.

Throughout the valley, the spiritual power of the road began to surge.


The next moment, just over a dozen breaths.

There is a crack in the array of the valley.

It was just that day, Xu Feng followed Wuyan to two people and entered the entrance.


As the formation opened, a **** horror of horror, oncoming, horrible.

It is like a mist of blood.


Mei Ruo felt a strong **** sigh, and screamed and rushed into the valley.

More than a dozen people behind him also rushed in.

(End of this chapter)

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