The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4082: Ghost hand help the Lord is not?

Chapter 4082 is the ghost hand helper not?

"Ah! The enemy!"

With Mei with all the people, rushed into the ghost hand.

In an instant, the momentum of the heavens and the earth broke out.

The people who helped the ghosts were completely panicked.

One by one full of horror.

"Damn, where are so many French strongmen?"

“Is it a Dongyang family?”

"No, help the Lord and many Zhang?"


The people who help the ghosts have all retreated, but they can't resist the rush of them.

In a short period of time, the entire ghost hand in the valley, there are corpses everywhere.


Mei Nang blocked the way of a lawless two-armed warrior, and his eyes burst into a cold killing.

"I ask you? Where are your helpers, where do you live?" Mei Nong's voice was cold.

Up to now, there have only been three warriors who have been killed by the law. The two-armed warrior of this law has just been caught.

"Ah... I know, I know... I tell you everything, don't kill me..."

The man of the two-folder of the heavens, the fear of his face, immediately went toward Meilong and others, and walked toward the inside of the ghost hand.

"Boy, are you?"

Not far from the old man of a legal world, staring at Xu Feng, the depths of his eyes are the killing of Sen Han.

"How do you know him?"

Dongyang Yu immediately seemed to catch something, and the depth of his eyes was filled with cold killing.

"This kid followed us with the help of our ghosts and came to our gang. At that time, he also had a strong **** atmosphere. We all thought that he was also a person who cultivated the bloodthirsty gods and Dafa."

The old man with a strong sense of law immediately began to speak.

Dongyang Yushu is the cold road: "Good boy, you are also a ghost hand helper? You are playing with nothing?"

Xu Feng’s mouth rises and faintly said: “You are not nonsense. If I have not been here, how do I know where the valley is?”

Mei Nong immediately slammed and said: "Do not talk nonsense, hurry to kill the helper of the ghost hand, other things, I will talk later."

Mei Nong suddenly found out that there were no ones who had been repaired by the law in the entire valley.

Deep in the eyes are cold and killing. He never imagined that the ghost hand is like knowing the news in advance.

"This big brother... the place where our lords and elders live is in front."

The two men, the genius of the ghost hand, said to Mei Nong, with fear.


A man slammed the doors of those yards and found that the entire room was empty.

Where are the half figures.

"Two elders, not good, these yards and rooms are empty, I am afraid those people have already ran."

Mei Nong heard the words, the face was gloomy, and the depths of both eyes were the killing of ice cold. It seems that the Dongyang family is inside, and it is still a high-level, and there are ghosts who help to insert the spies.

Otherwise, he came to Qingtai Town so fast that the ghost hand could not react.

Dongyang Yu is still clutching the old man before, and looking at this scene, he immediately said: "The two elders, as far as I can see, I am afraid this is the kid. He knows that the ghost hand is about to be revealed, that is, the ghost hand is helping to insert the spies. In advance, we will come to destroy the news of the ghost hand, and disclose it to the helper of the ghost hand."

I know, Mei Nong heard the words, deep in the eyes with a cold killing, directly to Dongyang Yu.

"Are you an idiot? Or is there a problem with your head?" Mei looked at the top of the team who didn't kill the ghosts. The heart was very angry. After all, Mei is not alone. If those who are strong in the realm, they really go. Revenge on Mei Ling, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Now Dongyang Yu is so arrogant, everyone can see that Xu Feng can not be a spy.

"If Xu Feng is a spy, does he use the method of helping the ghosts to tell us? If there is no Xu Feng, how can we enter the ghost hand? Can you have a little brain?"

"If you really can't get used to Xu Feng, you don't need to do this three times and five times!"

"Is it true that you are really a spoiler?"

Mei Nong eyes suddenly looked at Dongyang Yu and slammed directly.

Dongyang Yu was frustrated by Mei Ling’s momentum and stepped back.

"Two elders, how can I be a spy..."

Dongyang Yu said quickly.

"Give me the kill... the whole ghost hand, one does not stay!"

Under the command of Mei, more than a dozen of Dongyang family members came to fight in all directions.

"Who are you helping?"

Mei Nong looked at the man who was the second to the law, and asked the voice cold.

"I do not know……"

The man replied.

"Don't you have seen your helper?"

Mei Nong continued to ask.

"I only know that we are helping the Lord. I have a ghost mask all the year round. I don't know who he is!"

The man replied truthfully.

Mei Nong heard the words, his face was slightly angry, and said: "Miss Yunzhi, we immediately went to investigate the patrol. If I expected it to be good, I am afraid that there are ghosts in the patrol team."

"It is not too late, we will leave now."

Dongyang Yunzhi opened the road.

"Xu brother, do you want to be with us?"

Dongyang Yunzhi is very clear, she wants to go to Meiyang to investigate the Dongyang family patrol team, Xu Feng an outsider, it is really inconvenient to follow.

"If you are a member of the Dongyang family, I will not follow the enthusiasm. I am in this valley and turn around."

Xu Feng said to Dongyang Yunzhi and Mei Nong.

"it is good!"

Mei Nong nodded and said: "You have to protect the arrangement of Xu Xiao brothers at any time. If there are any accidents, then you should not blame me."

Mei Nong is obviously warning Dongyang Yu. When he spoke, he also looked at Dong Yang Yu.

"Kill them all!"

Mei got turned and made a order.

"Don't kill me... I was forced..."

However, the strongest of the Dongyang family is not welcome.

Immediately, all the people who are living ghosts will be killed.

"Xu Gongzi, the ghost hand helper has all been killed, we are leaving, do you want to leave with us?"

A five-legged old man who stayed in the law, asked Xu Feng.


Xu Feng left the valley with everyone.

After more than ten minutes.

"I will not follow you, lest you delay your time, leave!"

After that, Xu Feng turned and left toward the left hand side.

Looking at the back of Xu Feng's departure, Dongyang Yu's deep eyes are the killing of ice cold.

"This young man is not simple. He is afraid that he is at least a genius. I saw him and easily killed Dan Yuanjing."

A man from the Dongyang family stared at the back of Xu Feng, his eyes with appreciation.

"You still don't know who he is?" However, Dong Yangyu slowly began to speak.

"you know?"

Everyone has looked at Dongyang Yu.

"Let's think about it. In the past few years, where is a young genius called Xu Feng?"

The words of Dongyang Yu sounded.

Someone in the crowd suddenly said: "Pearson of the Purple Mountain?"

You know, they are the deacons of the Dongyang family.

However, the killing order issued by the Northern King Chen Xianlong is almost all over the Northern Territory.

How can they not know what to kill Xu Feng?

(End of this chapter)

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