The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4085: One knife and two kills (three more)

Chapter 4085 is a knife and a sword (three more)

Lie Shen is the fourth remedy of Dan Yuanjing, but it is a peak genius.

In other words, his strength is comparable to the five peaks of Dan Yuanjing.

However, the poems on the opposite side are only two.

Although it is a second genius, it is not an opponent of the stagnation.

"Geng Shen, you don't want to bully too much. If you can't be big, I will die."

Poetry and rain are full of anger, and the face is slightly cold.

The atmosphere between the gods is cold.

"You don't want to die, but you can rest assured that even if you die, I won't let you go... hahaha... With your face, I am afraid that many people are interested!"

The fierce cracked open his mouth, the pocks on his face were shaking, and the smiles were full of smiles.

"You are abnormal!"

After the poem rains, he thought that he might suffer more horrible treatment and his face became pale.

Grabbing the long sword in his hand, the spiritual power of his body flows, saying: "I am fighting with you..."

The poem Yu Yu grabbed the long sword and took the lead in the opposite side of the fierceness.

Above the long sword, the swords are criss-crossed, forming a road, a horrible sword.

"Your strength is too weak, it is impossible for me to be my opponent." Li Shen was sneer on his face, his hands were above, the powerful momentum broke out, and the moment of the eruption of the palm of his hand, the spiritual power was crazy with the palm of his hand. The vertical and horizontal out, the entire void, there is a strong air wave.


The poems and rains were so swayed, and the palms flew out, the blood tumbling, and the retreat.

The spiritual flow of the whole body, the poem rain turned and fled toward the back.

Seeing the poems and rains fleeing, the sullen face was sneer.

"You can't escape my palm."

The spiritual power of Lie Shen’s body is moving toward his feet, and the speed of the whole person is faster than that of the poem.

However, Lie Shen is like this with the poetry, like playing a cat and mouse game.

The poems of the poems are full of gloom, and the heart is panicked. Looking at the ugly face of Lie Shen, thinking about what is about to happen, there is a burst of cold in my heart.


Between the talks, Lie Shen suddenly raised his palm, and he went to the poem, and went to the poem.

Poetry rain rushed between the long swords to resist, but was swayed by the law of the stagnation, and the shock was turned back, and the corners of the mouth flowed out blood.

"Oh... let us, play in the mountains, play!"

Speaking, the face of the sullen face with a sinister smile, toward the opposite poem, so slowly approached.

"Don't come over..."

The poem Yu Yu was pale because of injuries and fears.

However, the more I look at the expression of poetry and rain, I see the feeling of pity, the desire of the inner part of the swell is becoming stronger.


Not far away, Xu Fenggang came out from the valley where the ghosts helped. I didn't expect to see how far it was.

He clearly remembers that when he joined the Purple Pavilion, Shi Yuyu joined the Xuanyin Academy.

In his mind, the dean of the Xuanyin Academy, Miao Fei finally died in Zige.

If not, he would not bother to take care of this poem.

"I really want to eat swan meat, don't sneak into the mirror, look at what I look like?"

Xu Feng came to a place not far away, and it was cold and cold.

Lie Shen Shen heard the words, look pale.

He has a pair of pockmarks, and the most hated thing in his life is that others say that he is jealous.

Immediately, he was in a state of madness and surging, and his eyes were stunned by Xu Feng.

However, Shi Yuyu looked at the moment of Xu Feng's figure and couldn't help but scream.

"Ah! Xu Feng?"

Poetry rain did not expect that Xu Feng even dared to stay in the Northern Territory.

The entire Zige people are rumored that the Qingshan Eight Sons have completely left the Northern Territory.

"I don't know the dead boy, the district Danyuan is triple, you want to be nosy?"

Lie Shen was so cold and cold, filled with cold killings, his mouth slightly raised, cold and cold.

However, the heart of Shi Yuyu is full of horror. She clearly remembers that when she was in Zige, Xu Feng was only repairing her soul. I couldn’t think of the speed of Xu Feng’s improvement.

"Slow? What did you say?" Lie Shen suddenly reacted. Just the name of Shi Yuyu, how did he feel so familiar?

Shi Yuyu immediately licked his mouth and said: "Nothing?"

"Xu Feng? Are you Xu Feng?"

Lie Shen was biting his teeth and his face was full of sorrow.

You must know that his brother, Lie Fu, was killed by Xu Feng.

Since I knew that my brother was killed by Xu Feng, Lie Shen wanted to find Xu Feng to avenge.

I know, I have not waited for him to find Xu Feng revenge, Qingshan was directly destroyed by Chen Xianlong.

However, Qingshan Ba ​​Zi, I do not know where to go.

Unexpectedly, Xu Feng took the initiative to send it to the door.

"Yes, I am Xu Feng!"

Xu Feng replied directly.

"You **** it!"

The sound of stagnation is chilly, saying: "My brother is killed by you. Today I will kill you and give him revenge. At the same time, your life is really worth it!"

Chen Xianlong’s killing order is a rewarding one.

"You want to kill me?"

Xu Feng’s mouth was slightly raised, and there was a smile on his face.

He really didn't understand, in the end, the face of this pockmark, where the enthusiasm comes from, has such an idea.

Didn't he know that when he was in the Purple Pavilion, he was a veritable genius.

With his three-year cultivation of Dan Yuanjing, where is the strength of the opposite side, killing himself?

"Kid, I know that your strength is very strong and your talent is very high. However, I am not necessarily a vegetarian."

The sullen pocks are shaking, the spiritual power of the body is surging, and the four elements of Dan Yuanjing are resurrected. They are full of horrible momentum, and the first-order peak of the body is instantly condensed.


Silver-white lightning, constantly surrounded, he stared at Xu Feng: "Today, you must die!"

Lie Shen feels that with his first-class peak and thunder, with his own cultivation, he will inevitably kill Xu Feng.

Poetry rainy eyes with a worried color, looking at Xu Feng, said: "Xu brother, you are careful, his strength is not simple."

However, Xu Feng stood there, his mouth slightly raised: "I am standing here, giving you the opportunity to take the first shot. I hope that after a move, you can continue to live!"

"You, arrogant!"

Lie Shen was completely angered by Xu Feng’s words, and his spiritual power was accompanied by silver lightning.

In this way, it brings a strong shock wave, and it is crazy, and it is going toward the impact of Xu Fengyu.

The method of bringing the palms is a horrible momentum, and it is so overwhelming that it is crushed toward Xu Feng.

"too weak!"

However, when Xu Feng shook his head, the Aurora Magic Knife appeared in his hand.

"Inflammatory triple knife!"

A hot fire, skyrocketing.

Xu Feng just used the stagnation to test and test the power of the knife that was just cultivated.


The sorrowful eyes, the horror, the look are incredible.

Knife method is too horrible.

His attack, instantly smashed by the flames of the knife, instantly tears.

A horrible knife stalked toward him.

(In the future, try to be as many as three times a day, and ask everyone to come to QQ to read the subscription support, thank you! Thank you!)

(End of this chapter)

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