The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4086: Zhanjiang Hongling

Chapter 4066 Zhang Jianghong Ling


With the Aurora Magic Knife, the flames permeated.

It is Xu Feng’s infinite flames.

In an instant, the fire triple knife showed the first knife.


The fierce snoring of the fierce stagnation was smashed by the knife of the fire.

Blood from his eyebrows, so flowing down, his eyes are unwilling.


Lie Shen did not understand why Xu Feng would be so strong.

You must know that he is the fourth peak of Dan Yuanjing.

However, it can't resist Xu Feng's knife.

It is such a knife that will completely kill the fierce.

Not far from the poems and rains, the worries between the gods have completely disappeared.

Instead, they are all horrified.

She can't imagine how powerful Xu Feng is.

"Thank you for the help of Master Xu!"

Poetry rains against Xu Feng and hurry to bow.

The eyes are slightly flashing.

Xu Feng glanced at the poem and said: "No thanks, raise your hand."

The former dean of the Xuanyin Institute, is also good for Xu Feng.

Then, Chen Xianlong came to Zige and wanted to destroy the Purple Pavilion.

The dean of the Xuanyin Academy did not choose to retire, but died together with the Purple Pavilion.

In the end, he also died in the Purple Pavilion.

Since Shi Yuyu is a former disciple of Miao Fei, he naturally cannot sit and watch.

"Do you stay in the Purple Pavilion now? Or leave?" Xu Feng asked Shi Yuyu.

Poetry and rainy face is slightly cold, and there is a pale look between the eyes. "We don't have any way to leave. Zheng Junzhi has forced us to take poison in order to control many of our disciples."

"We have no antidote at all."

Xu Feng heard the words and frowned slightly.

"You come over, can I help you?"

Poetry rain is a bit strange inside, only know that Xu Feng's talent is very powerful, but I don't know Xu Feng knows poison.

However, she is still coming towards Xu Feng.

Xu Feng reached out and gently pressed on the wrist of Shi Yuyu.

The poetry of the poem is red and the heart beats faster.

Only Xu Feng, quiet as water.

“Surely poison?”

Xu Feng found that there is a chilly energy in the heart of the poem, and it seems that at any time, the heart of the poems and rains may be destroyed.

"You don't resist, I try to see if I can give it to you and force the poison out."

Xu Feng is facing the slow road of poetry.

Immediately, in the wrist of Shi Yuyu, a hot flame, slowly moving into the poetry of Shi Yuyu's body.

Poetry rainy and pale, only feeling the horror of the horror, making her meridians, burning pain.


Xu Feng screamed at the poem.

He is very clear that although the flames of the Promise are the best in the world.

However, not everyone's body can withstand such heat.

Poetry rains and gnaws his teeth, his forehead and nose are sweat.

Xu Feng manipulated the infinite flames and continually invaded toward the heart of the poetry.

"It’s too simple to poison the area."

As the flames of the flames approached the smoldering cold, Xu Feng’s eyes were deep and disdainful.

Zheng Junzhi is really too rubbish, and even use such a bad poison to limit these people.

With the moment when the infinite flames rushed up, the toxins of the coldness were wrapped up in an instant.

The flames of the Promise Flame are burning, and the toxins cannot withstand the burning of the Promise Flame.

Just a few breaths of time, the toxins are inexhaustible and burned.

Then, the endurance of Shi Yuyu came to the limit.

Xu Feng quickly took out an ice-cold remedy and sent it to Shi Yuyu's mouth.

The infinite flame will be earned smoothly into the body.

"Your toxins have been resolved."

Xu Feng said to the poem Yu Yu.

The poetry rain swears the medicinal herbs given by Xu Feng, and the burning sensation of the body is much relieved.

"Thank you for your help!"

The poem is full of gratitude.

"Where are you going?"

Xu Feng asked the poem Yu Yu.

He practiced in the valley of the Ghosts for three days, and he did not know what happened to Dongyang City.

"I want to go to Dongyang City." Shi Yuyu said: "If I am in Dongyang City, it is safer."

"Well! Then go with me!"

Xu Feng opened his mouth to the poem.

"That's great!"

Poetry rains with a smile on his face.

"Xu brother, I don't know if you can detoxify some of the sisters of Xuanyin. They are all like me. They were poisoned by Zheng Junzhi and had to make a compromise."

Shi Yuyu said to Xu Feng.


Xu Feng did not postpone and directly agreed to it.

The two of them went to Dongyang City.

The forest is not far from Dongyang City.

At noon.

Outside Dongyang City.

It can be described as a sea of ​​people, noisy.

You must know that the Dongyang event is not only a branch of Dongyang, but also a branch family.

There are also top-level forces from all over the Northern Territory.

"Jiang Shixiong, look at it, isn't that poetry rain?"

Not far from the place, a young man pointed at the poems of the poems, his eyes were a bit strange.

“How are the young people around her so familiar?”

Another young man, looking at Xu Feng, slowly said.

However, Jiang Hongling's eyes are deep, but it is shining with the killing.

The moment of staring at Xu Feng, the cold road: "This poem is actually with Xu Feng!"

"I don't think Xu Feng has yet to leave the North Kings territory. This guy's courage is really big."

Jiang Hongling saw Xu Feng, just like seeing countless resources, the depth of the eyes of the eyes, constantly permeated.

"Don't let him enter Dongyang City, I want to kill him here." Jiang Hongling ordered a moment, and several figures of youth, toward Xu Feng and Shi Yu, surrounded by.

Shi Yuyu looked at a few people around him, his face changed slightly.

She knows these people in front of her, but they are all the core disciples of the Purple House.

In particular, Jiang Hongling is one of the seven sons of Zige.

Although Jiang Hongling's strength, it is the end of the Zige seven sons.

However, strength and talent are not to be underestimated.

"Xu Feng, I don't think there is a way to heaven. You don't go. There is no door to hell. You come in. Today, do you still want to leave alive?"

Jiang Hongling is very clear that if he can kill Xu Feng, it will give Chen Xianlong a great deal.

At that time, Jiang Hongling is very likely, and his position in the entire Purple Pavilion will rise directly.

Xu Feng stared at Jiang Hongling on the opposite side. The killing in the depths of his eyes filled the body, and his spiritual power began to flow.

Deep in the desert of the Great Wilderness, if it was not the hand that broke out of the East, he had already been killed by Jiang Hongling.

Xu Feng did not forget the hatred of the day.

"Jiang Hongling, you can't kill me in the past. Today, it will be your nightmare!"

The madness of Xu Feng’s spiritual power surged, and the three-dimensional cultivation of Dan Yuanjing emerged instantly.

Several people surrounded by Xu Feng were all surprised. They did not expect that Xu Feng had broken through to Dan Yuanjing in a short time.

(End of this chapter)

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