The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4087: How can you be so weak?

Chapter 4087 Why are you so weak?

"Jiang Hongling? Isn't that one of the seven sons of the Purple Pavilion? He is the top genius, and Dan Yuanjing is a five-fold repair!"

"Which person is that young man, he dared to speak out madly about Jiang Hongling."

"It is rumored that Jiang Hongling's swordsmanship is very powerful. It is also the new red man of Zheng Zizhi, the owner of the Purple Pavilion."

"This is also the Jiang Jianling's swordsmanship. I have seen it before. It seems to be a sixth-order superb holy spirit. It is powerful."

Seeing Xu Feng and Jiang Hongling squatting together, many people have come to see it here.

We must know that Jiang Hongling, as one of the seven sons of Zige, often represents the Purple Pavilion, to perform tasks in various places, or to be a representative.

However, nowadays, those who can be invited to participate in the Dongyang Festival are the six major forces of the Northern Kings.

“How do I feel that the youth opposite Jiang Hongling looks familiar?”

Some people also looked at Xu Feng, always felt like they had met each other, but did not know where they had seen each other.

"I know who he is!"

Inside the crowd, some people screamed and their faces were horrified.

The eyes of many people are also delivered to him.

In the end, the youth is sacred, and dare and Jiang Hongling are so hard.

You must know that Jiang Hongling is definitely the Northern Territory, the first genius.

"He is Xu Feng, one of the Qingshan eight sons who had just been destroyed by the Purple Pavilion. The entire Northern Territory is full of his portraits."

Everyone heard the words, they all faltered.

I also think about it completely.

It is indeed Xu Feng.

Now, throughout the Northern Territory, almost every force has a portrait of Xu Feng.

Chen Xianlong is costly, and the purpose is to kill Xu Feng. I can't think of the other party's dare to stay in the Northern Territory. So courage, many people secretly admire.

Everyone understands why Xu Feng dares to scream with Jiang Hongling. Xu Feng is a five-minded genius, and his strength cannot be seen in his usual eyes.

"It seems that you can kill Xu Feng, you can get 100,000 Chinese spirits, and a seventh-order holy spirit, and you can also get the seventh-order best of the Holy Spirit Dan. At the same time, Chen Xianlong still owes the next person."

"It is rumored that Chen Xianlong has recently heard the words. If anyone can kill Xu Feng, he directly rewards the other three leaders."

Many people whispered and talked about Chen Xianlong’s pursuit of Xu Feng.

In the Xufeng District, a Dan Yuanjing was repaired, but Chen Xianlong spent such a huge price to pursue.

As a result, many people are curious about Xu Feng.

"Although this Xu Feng is a genius, I don't think he is Jiang Hongling's opponent."

"The strength of Jiang Hongling, I am very clear. Even if Dan Yuan is seven-fold, it may not be his opponent."

Although I know that Xu Feng is a genius, most people feel that Xu Feng cannot defeat Jiang Hongling.

After all, Jiang Hongling has become famous for many years, and is also the famous Zige seven sons. It is a reputation.

Jiang Hongling did not expect Xu Feng to be so confident, and immediately with a sneer on his face, said: "Xu Feng, you may not know it! Your current life is worth a lot. I can't think of you actually sending it to me. If I am Don't kill you, don't you be sorry for your enthusiasm."

Jiang Hongling is a five-year-old cultivator of Dan Yuanjing. He is also a genius. The swordsmanship of cultivation is extremely powerful. He does not think that Xu Feng is his opponent, and immediately makes a mocking smile.

However, Xu Feng’s mouth twitched slightly and said: “You have so much nonsense, do it!”

"You will die very badly." Jiang Hongling's spiritual power, flowing wildly, Dan Yuanjing's five-fold spiritual power, as if it is an endless stream of water, horrible.

The long sword in the hand emerged, the swordsman continued to flash, the swords were criss-crossed, and the first-order swords of the sword were displayed.

"Jiang Hongling is not the seven sons of Zige, but he has realized the true meaning of the first-order sword."

I feel the essence of Jiang Hongling's sword. Many people look pale and change slightly.

The first-order peak of the sword is surrounded by the body of Jiang Hongling, like a rune of swords and stalks.

"What do you fight with me?"

Jiang Hongling's momentum of the first-order sword of the peak of the sword, in the place where Xu Feng is located, invaded.

The disciples of the Ziyanyuan, who came with Jiang Hongling, all sneered: "I really don't care, I dare to challenge Master Hong, I don't know, how to write the dead words."

"Yes, Hong Shi's first-order sword is the momentum of the sword, enough to crush this kid."

"If I am Xu Feng, I will be shackled now, maybe I can still eat less."

"Ha ha!"

Xu Feng smiled a little and didn't care.

The Aurora Magic Knife appears in the hand, and the power of the body is surging.

"Isn't you really thinking that the first-order sword of the district is worthy of complacency?"

"In the end, if you are more rubbish, will you feel this way?" With Xu Feng's body, the second-order knives emerged, and along with the knife of the Aurora Magic Knife, the momentum completely crushed Jiang Hongling.

The people around were dumbfounded, and no one thought that Xu Feng was only a three-dimensional repair of Dan Yuanjing, and he realized the true meaning of the second-order knife.

Jiang Hongling heard Xu Feng’s words, plus Xu Feng’s second-order knife, and suddenly his face turned red.

He did not expect that Xu Feng’s knife was so powerful.

"Kid, even if you realize the meaning of the second-order knife? How can your knife method be my opponent?"

Jiang Hongling slammed and grabbed a long sword. A sword went out toward Xu Feng, and the sword was criss-crossed.

Along with the pressure of the sixth-order supernatural spirit, Jiang Hongling wants to display the strongest spiritual skills and suppress Xu Feng at the fastest speed.

Otherwise, his face just can't be recovered.

"Xu Feng, give me a kneel!"

Jiang Hong Ling slammed and screamed.

In an instant, Jianmang continued to attack.

Came to Xu Feng.

Bring the sword of horror.

Jiang Hongling was full of faces and wanted a sword to completely suppress Xu Feng.

"But so!"

However, looking at the swordsmanship that Jiang Hongling attacked, Xu Feng’s mouth was slightly raised, and the look was disdainful.

"The big words are not bad."

Jiang Hongling did not expect that his own powerful swordsmanship was so unbearable by Xu Feng, and his looks were cold and hot.

"There is no end."

Xu Feng exhibited the first move of the Aurora and the knife-killing method. A fierce light, it stretched like this.

The slashing knives of the ray of light slammed down like this, and greeted the swordsmanship that Jiang Hongling attacked.


At the moment of the sword collision, the fire overflowed around.

The most important thing is that Xu Feng’s knife is invading Jiang Hongling.

Jiang Hongling’s eyes widened and his face was horrified.

However, the arm is a thriving impact.

The arm trembled and the blood tumbling.


Jiang Hongling spurted out a stream of blood and quits one after another.

Throughout the scene, I was completely silent.

"How come you are so weak?"

Xu Feng said a word, Jiang Hongling rushed to attack the heart, but also a blood spray.

(The second is sent, the third is coming soon, I ask everyone to come to QQ to read a lot of support, subscribe to a book for a dime, it is too cheap!)

(End of this chapter)

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