The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4091: Endless lotus

Chapter 4091 No Endless Lotus

Xu Feng did not understand why Dongyang was so harsh on himself that he had such a strong killing intention.

I want to have a great relationship with Dongyang Yu.

However, he did not understand clearly what Dongyang Yu and Dongyang had said.

After Dongyang Yu finished speaking, he retreated to the side, with a sneer in the depths of his eyes. It seems to be ridiculing Xu Feng, you are looking for a dead end.

Dongyang Jie also has some mistakes. Dongyang Yu is the deacon of the Dongyang family. How can he know Xu Feng?

However, Dongyang has taken a step forward and walked over to Dongyangjie.

Dongyang Wang next to it, frowned slightly.

He is very clear about the harsh character of Dongyang.

Being overbearing and arrogant.

I don't know what I am going to do here.

You should know that Dongyang Jie is regarded as the most important competitor by Dongyang.

Therefore, there is a strong hostility towards Dongyang Jie.

"Dongyang Jie, do you know who he is? You are going to the family, are you not afraid of getting burned?"

Dongyang rushed forward and immediately became arrogant, full of arrogance and arrogance, and did not put Dongyang Jie and Xu Feng in his eyes.

For Dongyang's harsh and arrogant people, Dongyang Jie and Dongyangwang are all strange.

Immediately said: "It seems that I want to bring someone back, but I can't take it for you."

Although Dongyangjie is only the second heir to the Dongyang family, his identity with Dongyang is not much different.

Although the entire Dongyang family seems to have determined that Dongyang is the future owner of the Dongyang family.

However, the identity of the two people is not much different now.

It is not possible to ask him if he is less than Dongyang.

Dongyang screams and looks a little angry.

"Dongyang Jie, I advise you not to find trouble for yourself. This young man is called Xu Feng, but it is the object of being chased by the Northern King Chen Xianlong." Dongyang harsh seems to be considered for the Dongyang family, cold and cold: " If you bring him back to the Dongyang family, it will bring disaster to the family and provoke Chen Xianlong."

Dongyang’s righteous rhetoric.

There are also a few words between the words.

"Our Dongyang family has never been afraid of Chen Xianlong." Dongyang Jie said: "If Chen Xianlong is really so powerful, then let him have the ability to come to our Dongyang family to find trouble!"

The words of Dongyang Jie sounded, and did not give Dongyang any face. Looking at Xu Feng and Shi Yuyu, he smiled and said: "Xu brother, poetry girl, please here."

Xu Feng also faintly glanced at Dongyang's harshness. From the beginning to the end, his look was dull as water, completely ignoring Dongyang's harshness.

In this way, Xu Feng and Shi Yuxi, following Dongyang Jie, walked through the harsh side of Dongyang.

Dongyang’s bitter teeth, his face, his face are cold and killing.

Dongyang Jie’s courage is getting bigger and bigger, so he ignores him. However, Xu Feng and Shi Yuxi, who followed him and ignored him, simply challenged his majesty.

You must know that Dongyang has long regarded itself as a Dongyang family and a future homeowner.

"Dongyang Jie, if you are interested, you will drive this Xu Feng out now." Dongyang is cold and cold: "Otherwise, I will definitely tell the owner and the elders, you will bring this evil to the family."

The depths of Dongyang’s harsh colors are killing.

However, Dongyang Jie turned back and dismissed, saying: "I don't care if you tell the owner."

Finish, walk toward your own yard.

There were also a lot of figures around them. They looked at the confrontation between Dongyang and Dongyang Jie, and their hearts were dark and shocking.

With the beginning of the Dongyang event, Dongyang and Dongyang Jie, the battle between the two first heirs and the second heirs, is getting stronger and stronger.

Xu Feng and Dong Yang Jie walked, faintly asked: "Invite me, will not bring you trouble?"

Xu Feng feels that if he really brings trouble to Dongyang Jie, he is really a bit embarrassed.

"Haha... Xu brother doesn't have to think too much, even though he lives in my yard. If anyone dares to come to your troubles, my Dongyang Jie is not vegetarian."

Dongyang Jie is full of face.

Perhaps others are afraid of Dongyang harshness, but he is not afraid of Dongyangjie.

In this way, Dongyang Jie took Xu Feng and Shi Yuyu, and the little leopard, and lived in his yard.


Fuyang City, North Palace.

Chen Xianlong's face was iron blue, looking at the opposite side, Chen Batian, who was down his head, and there was some hatred between the look and the iron.

He did not expect that this time, he arranged Chen Batian and took the army to chase down Xu Feng. The loss was so heavy.

The whole army's team was all poisoned by Xu Feng, even if it was captain Chen Feng, they did not escape the fate of death.

Not far from the black blood, and Chen Xianlin are also eye-dropping, they are very clear, Chen Xianlong is very angry now, no one dares to touch the head.

"Let's talk about it!"

Chen Xianlong took a deep breath, and the depths of his eyes were cold and killing.

It seems that for many years, no one has made him so overwhelmed.

He has never been so urgent, wanting to kill a young man.

"Big brother, no one thought, Xiao Wuxin actually hides in Heluo City. In my opinion, I am afraid that the Dongyang family will not be able to go with us."

Chen Xianlin took the lead in opening the road.

"Well! If it wasn't for the Dongyang family's two elders, I could kill Xu Feng."

The black blood eyes also followed.

Chen Batian’s face is iron blue, saying: “Father, the child is ashamed of the previous arrogance. You can rest assured that I will kill Xu Feng personally, a shame.”

Chen Batian’s face was firm and he was not defeated by a failure. His looks were calm.

"I hope you can do it."

Chen Xianlong heard the words and said slowly.

"Since the Dongyang family is so arrogant, you will take a few young people from Chen's family and give me to Dongyang City to challenge the young disciples of Dongyang family. Remember to be overbearing and out of style."

Chen Xianlong is very clear inside, and it is not the time for a decisive battle with the Dongyang family.

In this case, Dongyang family does not host the Dongyang event? Then let the young people of Chen’s family go to the people of Dongyang’s family and show the elegance of Chen’s youth.

"The father is assured that the child will not bear the heavy burden. Just relying on the Dongyang family's several chickens and dogs, it is impossible to be my opponent."

Chen Batian is indeed qualified to say such a discourse.

He is the first person in the prosperous world of the Northern Territory.

"According to the news I got, it seems that Dongyang’s territory, the tomb of the once-famous strong-minded monk is about to open. There is a great possibility that there will be treasures and inherited inheritance from the endless monks. For you, too. A huge chance."

Chen Xianlong is very clear about the prestige of the infinite monk. Once in the Northern Territory, the top powerhouse is almost stepping into pure sun.

"The most precious treasure of the infinite monk is his most famous spiritual treasure, and there is no endless lotus. This lotus platform is said to be obtained by the infinitely unintentional monk, used for cultivation with half the effort, and also contains a terrible attack power."

Chen Xianlong said to Chen Ba Tianyu.

This is nowhere, even if it is a strong man like him, it is very heart-warming.

(Today's four more, compensate for the two more owed yesterday, thank you for your support!)

(End of this chapter)

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