The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4092: Dongyang Family's Tea Party

Chapter 4092 Dongyang Family Tea Party

"Rare children, in another three days, it is the time of the Dongyang family's annual tea party. If I remember correctly, this year's tea party, should it be your turn to hold it?"

Dongyang Ji looks to Dongyang harsh, with expectations between the look.

For so many years, he has long treated Dongyang as a biological son.

I also tried my best to help Dongyang harsh and succeeded in becoming the future owner of the Dongyang family.

"Uncle, yes!"

Dongyang replied immediately.

The Dongyang Family's tea party is held once a year.

They are the grand gathering of young people from Dongyang.

Dongyang family has always attached great importance to tea parties.

If it weren't for this time, it would be a good time for the tea party and the Dongyang event to be held together. I am afraid I have already begun preparations.

After all, the Dongyang event involves the interests of the entire Dongyang collar and the Dongyang family.

The senior officials of the Dongyang family have to be treated with caution.

"Since it is your turn to hold a tea party, you have to do it beautifully, do you know?" Dong Yangji knows very well that the annual tea party is actually a Dongyang family, an assessment and test of young family disciples.

"Uncle is assured, I will not live up to your high hopes."

Dongyang has a strong road to the chest.

"I will tell you in advance, this Dongyang family's tea party. Not only the young people of our Dongyang family, but also two other big families, the Feihe family and the young people of the martial arts, they will visit as guests."

"You should understand the character of your ancestors. When you can, you must not weaken the family's reputation. Do you know?"

Dongyang Ji reminded Dongyang.

After all, Dongyang's ancestors are very good.

If it is time for the Feihe family and the violent family to make a splash, the Dongyang ancestors will be very angry.


Dongyang is more clear than anyone else, although the owner of the Dongyang family is his uncle Dongyangji.

However, the entire Dongyang family, the person with the greatest voice, is the Dongyang ancestor.

"The ancestors promised that this year's tea party will come up with three treasures as rewards. They are the eighth-order lower spirits, the ice-fired jade dragon, and a drop of fire-fighting liquid, as well as purple phoenix glass."

Dongyang Jihui Tea Party's rewards tell Dongyang.

Dongyang is harsh and sorrowful.

You must know that the eighth-order sacred spirit of the Holy Spirit is very precious.

It is one of the eighth-order holy spirits of the Dongyang family.

Even the family of alchemists such as the Dongyang family, the eighth-order Holy Spirit Dan is also extremely precious.

Even if it is the identity of Dongyang, if you want the eighth-order Holy Spirit, you must make a great contribution before you can get it.

I can't think of Dongyang's ancestors, but I took it out directly as a reward for the tea party.

"Rare children, presumably you should find that the ancestors can be described as good intentions. Whether it is ice and fire, or the fire of the year, it is used to enhance the treasures of cultivation. With the entire Northern Territory The situation is getting more and more tense. No amount of resources and treasures are used to enhance their strength.

"You have to seize the opportunity, perform well, and strive to take all three treasures and take them for yourself. The improvement of your strength is a huge opportunity."

Dongyang Ji is very clear. If Dongyang is able to get the ice and fire, or the Wannian fire dragon liquid, it can help him break through the current repairs.

However, the last purple phoenix glass armor is used to save lives.

"Well! Baby will not miss it."

Dongyang’s harsh mouth is rising, and there is pride in the look.

No matter what he is, he is the first person to be worthy of the Dongyang family.

This tea party, three treasures, he is bound to win.

"You haven't let your uncle be disappointed since childhood, I believe in you!"

Dongyang Ji nodded.

Immediately, the look of the dignified look to Dongyang is harsh, said: "Career, you tell your uncle, the ghost hand outside Dongyang City, the patrol concealed the news, really has nothing to do with you?"

Dong Yang Ji is very clear, Mei Long is still investigating this matter.

There is no wall that does not leak in the world.

If it is really Dongyang.

At that time, once it was investigated by Mei, it was really late.

"Uncle, when did I fool you, I really don't know."

Dongyang’s harsh answer is very simple.

"Rare children, you must not make mistakes in big or big, the character of your ancestors, you have to understand that once you make a mistake, it is absolutely impossible to have a second chance, you know?"

Dongyang Ji’s eyes are dignified and facing the harsh roads of Dongyang.

"Uncle is relieved, I will let my ancestors look at me."

Dongyang is very clear.

If it weren't for the existence of Dongyangji, Dongyang's ancestors did have some whispers to themselves.

"Uncle, there is something, I think it is necessary to tell you." Dongyang is about to be Dongyang Jie, and Xu Feng will bring it to the Dongyang family and say it directly.

Dongyang Jiluo frowned slightly and said: "The harsh children, we Dongyang family, do not fear Chen Xianlong. Therefore, this Xu Feng has such courage, and Chen Xianlong is right, courage is commendable, talent is also very strong."

"In this case, why don't you get to win over Xu Feng? He is now being chased by Chen Xianlong everywhere, maybe he will be grateful to you, and joining your camp will be a great help for you in the future."

Dongyang screamed and nodded, saying: "Thank you for your uncle's advice."

Thinking of this, Dongyang’s harsh doubles are deep and excited.

If you can pull Xu Feng into your own camp.

At that time, how to choose, it is not possible to turn Xu Feng himself.

Immediately, turned and left the yard.


Dongyang Jiefu.

At the moment, there are more than a dozen young people sitting there.

They are all Dongyang Jie people.

"I think some of you have already guessed that I am looking for you, why is it?"

Dong Yang Jie smiled and looked at everyone.

Xu Feng and Shi Yuxi, sitting not far away.

"I have already guessed that it must be related to tea."

A young man with a smile on his face.

He is the most effective talent of Dongyang Jie, Shen Haoyu.

Can be a small look at Shen Haoyu, he is a three-minded genius, the strength is very good.

The six heirs of the Dongyang family are constantly fighting each other. Therefore, everyone has recruited their respective subordinates to develop their forces.

Only the more powerful, the more powerful people will finally have the opportunity to become the future owner of the Dongyang family.

"Haoyu said that it is good, it is our Dongyang family, the annual tea party." Dongyang Jie smiled with a smile on his face, said: "This tea party, rewards rich, I can give you an early disclosure, one of the rewards , ice and fire, Yu Dan, but to enhance the cultivation of the treasure, at least can also enhance the cultivation of a realm."

I heard the ice and fire, and everyone’s breathing became a little urgent.

"This tea party is held by Dongyang. I guess he will definitely compare the direction he is good at. There are still three days, everyone is doing a good job of communication." Dongyang Jie said here, looking at everyone, smiling, eyes Deep in the sky, with light.

(The second is sent!)

(End of this chapter)

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