The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4100: Confessional Dongyang

Chapter 4100 confessed Dongyang

"Ah! My hand!"

A scream of screams, Fei He 桀 the whole person plunged out heavily, squatting on the ground more than ten meters, blood is on the ground, drawing a long blood mark.

The screams came from the mouth of Feihe, and with his arms, he fell to his side and slammed.

Everyone saw it, and Feihe’s dead and squatting on the left arm and shoulders, blood continued to emerge.

The people on the scene are in a state of silence.

The strength of Xu Feng is so powerful.

It is clearly a three-fold repair of Dan Yuanjing, but it is easy to take the four-fold flying cranes of Dan Yuanjing, and cut the arm with a knife.

The five elders couldn’t help but swear: "It’s a genius, the strength of this guy, I’m afraid it’s a lot better than Yunzhi’s gimmick. But compared with Dongyang’s harshness, there is still a gap.”

The six elders look a little unsightly, Xu Feng's knife is so powerful, the first part of the tea party, but the test of the Holy Spirit.

The knife method that Xu Feng showed just now, even if it is Dongyang's harsh shot, may not be 100% sure.

At that time, the eighth-order under the product of the Holy Spirit Dan, ice fire jade Dan, will fall into Xu Feng.

"What to do? This Xu Feng is a bit evil? Dongyang is not necessarily his opponent." Six elders gently asked the seven elders, who can see that this year's tea party is to complete the Dongyang.

As long as Dongyang is eager to get the ice and fire, and the fire of the year, the repair is inevitable.

Now, it has killed a Xu Feng.

"What can I do? I can't change the rules now. The current situation can only rely on Dongyang to fight for it."

The seven elders shook their heads.


"Two young masters, are you okay?"

Fei Hekang and others, and quickly lifted the cranes, all of them are worried.

"What are you special about? You said that you cut off your hand, do you try something?" Feihe was lifted up and heard the words of a young man around him, his face screaming, asking the other person.


The youth did not hold back and laughed out.


Cut off your arm and try something?

"Do you dare to laugh?"


The flying crane smashed his face, and the knife held in his right hand was inserted into the chest of the youth.

The blood is mad, the flying cranes are all blood, and the face is stunned. "Dare to laugh at me, you are looking for death!"

"Ah... two young masters... I..."

Everyone looked at Feihe, and could not help but sigh.

I have long heard that several core disciples of the Feihe family are cruel and hot.

See you today, and sure enough.

In a word, directly kill the people around you.


Fei Hekang and others, scared their legs weak.

"Xu Feng, you dare to break my arm, you give me a wait! We are the strongest of the family, and will arrive in Dongyang City in a few days. It will be your death." It’s completely embarrassing.

Immediately, looking at the five elders, said: "You Dongyang family's tea party, some people use spiritual power, shouldn't you catch him?"

"I advise you to hurry up and grab Xu Feng. After the arrival of the strong man of the Feihe family, let me deal with it, otherwise... the consequences of your Dongyang family, conceited!"


No one thought that Feihe was so arrogant.

Here is the site of the Dongyang family.

So threaten the elders of Dongyang family.

It’s an idiot.

The five elders screamed and screamed, and the momentum of the heavens and the earth was like a tide.

Flying the crane to the earthquake directly to fly out more than ten meters, heavy squatting on the ground.

The wound of the arm was torn again, making a miserable snoring, and did not wait for the crane to anger.

The five elders are cold and cold: "Take him out of the Dongyang family immediately, or I don't mind, send him to death!"

Just kidding.

There are only nine elders in the entire Dongyang family.

Those who can become elders are extremely strong.

They are all people who want to face.

It is clear that Feihe is the first to violate the rules. Now it is still threatening to threaten the five elders. I really don't know how to write the dead words.

"You wait, I am not finished with you..."

Feiheyu was taken by Fei Hekang and others, and helped to escape from the Dongyang family house.

Feihe is still threatening words, full of anger and anger.

He really did not expect that he would lose to Xu Feng.


Everyone replaced Xu Feng with a cold sweat.

Xu Feng smashed the left arm of Feihe, and I am afraid that the Feihe family will not give up.

At the same time, they are also a little surprised, it is worthy of the Qingshan eight sons, it is worthy of five geniuses.

Strength and knives are so terrible.

"I don't know who else wants to challenge Xu Feng?"

The five elders were not affected by the threat of flying cranes, but continued to host the tea party.

The first step is to test the Holy Spirit, and watch Xu Feng defeat Dongyang Zhen and fly the crane.

Everyone understands that Xu Feng’s holy spirit skills, cultivation to the peak of pure fire, only one step to the environment, no one is his opponent of the knife, many people, have looked at Dongyang harsh.

Dongyang’s heart is full of anger, he thought he was holding a tea party, everything was seamless.

However, I did not expect that Xu Feng, who suddenly smashed out, was so terrible about the feelings of the Holy Spirit.

"Do you admit defeat yourself, or do you want me to shoot?"

Dongyang harshly took a few steps, without any hesitation, sound and tone, are extremely overbearing.

The people of Dongyang family can't help but expect.

Dongyang's harsh Yuanyang Baizhang, and Xu Feng's knife method, will collide in the end, what kind of spark.

"It’s not too harsh, it’s really overbearing. It’s like Xu Feng’s unsuccessful exit.”

Someone can't help it.

Xu Feng stood there, his face pale but calm, looked up to Dongyang harsh, smiled lightly: "I want to compare the Holy Spirit skills, it is better to come out than to test. Say so much nonsense, does it make sense?"

"Not to mention, you ask yourself, with your Holy Spirit skills, really qualified, let me admit defeat?"

When the words came out, they were all four.

Indeed, as Xu Feng said.

Xu Feng’s successively demonstrated knives may not be as good as Dongyang’s harshness.

However, if it is really better than the Holy Spirit, there is no one in the presence, and it is qualified to let Xu Feng admit defeat.

Dongyang Jie couldn't help but say: "Xu Xiong, you let others install and force, not very good."

"If you win, if you are willing to win, you will be self-defeating."

"With my guess, I am afraid that at this moment, some people's hearts are remorse. I can't wait to modify the rules of the tea party, change it to not block the spirit, go all out to fight!"

Dongyang Jieben and Dongyang were not able to deal with it, and immediately could not help but ridicule the Dongyang harsh road.

After all, this tea party was hosted by Dongyang, but he chose his three most powerful aspects to conduct the test.

It’s all about trying to get all three treasures in your pocket.

However, people are not as good as days, no one thought.

Dongyang Jie, actually brought Xu Feng to the tea party.

(End of this chapter)

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