The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4101: Knife, burn everything!

Chapter 4101 Knife, burn everything!

Dongyang is in the depths of the shuangshuang, flashing the killing of Sen Han.

He did not expect that Dongyang Jie and Dongyang Yunzhi would dare to say this.

Today, the anger of both of them will be transferred to Xu Feng.

You must know that his Yuanyang Baizhang is a Dongyang family, one of the two most powerful holy spirits.

He still does not believe that Xu Feng can resist his Yuanyang.

“Very good, very good! Very good!”

Dongyang speaks harshly and his tone becomes extremely strong.

Obviously, he was completely irritated.

Dongyang's harsh mouth trembled.

People who are familiar with Dongyang’s harshness know.

Once Dongyang’s harsh mouth is shaking, it is time to kill.

Perhaps above the tea party, Dongyang is too harsh to kill.

However, Xu Feng must suffer a big loss.

Dongyang has been slowly coming forward, and the killing between the eyes has become very strong.

Slowly speaking: "If it is not for tea, you can't use spiritual power and cultivation, I will really teach you to be human."

The harsh words of Dongyang contain strong anger. When the face is full of sorrow, the formation is a violent breath.

He cultivated Yuanyang's palm, the hegemonic momentum, and released it to the surrounding, making many people fall back.

Dongyang’s face was cold and fierce, saying: “This Xu Feng doesn’t know how high and thick it is. I really think that I can’t be invincible in the world. I don’t know the Holy Spirit of the harsh brother, it’s terrible.”

"Yes, the harsh brother is the younger generation of our Dongyang family, who have cultivated two great holy spirits."

"The spiritual practice of the Holy Spirit is very powerful, and it is this Xu Feng, can you challenge?"

The young people affiliated with Dongyang’s harsh ones all vomited, and they felt that Xu Feng was taking his own insults.

However, it is normal to think about it. Dongyang has been in the Dongyang family for many years, and among the younger generation, it has almost swept the invincible existence.

Therefore, many people think that Dongyang is very harsh.


Shen Haoyu's face changed slightly, looking at Dongyang Jie, said: "Jie Shao, do you think Xu brother is really a strong opponent of Dongyang?"

Shen Haoyu followed Dongyang Jie for five or six years, and he was very aware of the harsh terror of Dongyang.

Almost among his peers, sweeping invincible existence.

Today, Dongyang is a master of Dongyang, and Yuanyang, one of the two top holy spiritual skills.

Although the knife method that Xu Feng showed before is very powerful, but compared with Yuanyang Baizhang, there is no small gap.

Dongyang Jiewen said that he was also lost in thought.

I have to say that Xu Feng's knife method is very powerful.

However, Dongyang Jie has seen the power of Dongyang’s harsh yuan.

If it is flat, the power of the knife method that Xu Feng shows now, compared with Yuan Yang’s palm, there is no small gap.

"If Xu Feng's knife method is still the strength of the previous one, and it is hard to practice the knife method, I am afraid it is very difficult to confront Dongyang." Dongyang Jie said sincerely: "Dongyang is harsh and sturdy, that is capital."

"The whole Dongyang family, if you cultivate talents and abilities, I am afraid that only Yunzhi can be as harsh as Dongyang."

Although Dongyang Jie is a competitor with Dongyang, he is still recognized for the strength of Dongyang.

What he does not recognize is Dongyang's harshness, too arrogant and even cruel.

Shen Haoyu heard the words and looked at Xu Feng’s eyes with concern.

Dongyang was completely irritated by Xu Feng.

I will definitely go all out.

If Xu Feng is defeated, I am afraid it will be very miserable.


"Xu Feng, if you admit defeat now, I can still give you a chance." Dongyang's harsh eyes are deep and shining, saying: "As long as you kneel down now, I can guarantee that you will follow me in the future. Waiter. The future will inevitably fly."

Dongyang is eager to win over Xu Feng.

After all, Dongyang Ji also passed him.

Xu Feng heard the words, his face was cold and stern, said: "Chen Ba Tian wants me to be a servant, guess how do I answer him?"

Xu Feng slowly asked Dongyang.

"how to answer?"

Dongyang asks harshly.

"Where you waste, who gives your face, let me be your servant."

Xu Feng said a word.

The people on the scene almost didn't spurt blood.

This Xu Feng is pointing to Dongyang harsh, screaming Dongyang harsh waste.

The look of Dongyang's harsh face disappeared instantly. Instead, it was cold and cold, and the cold road said: "I will let you be convinced, willing, willing to become my martial."

As said, the spiritual power of the body was suppressed, and a strong momentum of the stock broke out.

The killing in the double eyes is very arrogant, and it seems to be overbearing, and the violent momentum is so shocked.

"It's a bit imposing."

Not far from the tea party, an old man with white hair, followed by a few old people, are the strongest of the Dongyang family to retreat behind the scenes.

Seeing Dongyang’s rigorous display of Yuanyang’s palm, he couldn’t help but say.

An old man next to him also secretly nodded: "Yes, Dongyang's harsh talent is obvious to all."

"You should not give Dongyang a harsh argument, with his talents and resources. Now go to deal with a young man who has no resources and rely on his own self-cultivation, and actually wants to use our Dongyang family, the strongest holy spirit skills, you don't feel very Is it shameful?"

Dongyang ancestors said straightforwardly.

The two old men who just spoke to Dongyang were laughing and laughing.

"This does not blame Dongyang harsh. After all, that Xu Feng, but five geniuses. The talent scene is too big."

The old man is still not willing, continue to say.

Dongyang's ancestors are cold and cold: "Is that Xu Feng, is it a natural genius?"

"Since it is really born, then we are going to Dongyang every year, what are so many cultivation resources?"

Between the words of Dongyang's ancestors, there is a sense of hateful iron.

Dongyang's harsh performance is indeed a bit spicy.

So far, control so many cultivation resources.

The repair is still stuck in the six peaks of Dan Yuanjing.

It’s a shame.

Now, as the first heir, hold a tea party.

However, I can't be fair and just. I want to take shortcuts and choose the three aspects I am best at.

It is even more annoying to Dongyang's ancestors.

I know that Dongyang’s ancestors are angry and no one dares to continue talking.

All of them are silent.


"Xu Feng, you are not my opponent of Yuanyangba, let's end!"

The moment that Dongyang is struggling to step out.

There was a hot air on the body that rolled out.

The violent heat wave is like this wave.

The entire void, trembles with tremors.

Dongyang's harsh palm prints, condensed into a round of the sun, extremely dazzling and terrifying.

In this way, the violent sun came towards the top of Xu Feng's head.

Throughout the void, there are violent fluctuations from the sun.

Many people looked at that palm and attacked Xu Feng. They felt that Xu Feng would lose.

"Inflammatory triple knife!"

Xu Feng grasps the Aurora Magic Knife, and the infinite flames in the body burn. He is bound to win the ice and fire.

Even if it is the strongest knife, the first weight of the fire triple knife, burn everything, and never keep it.

"Knife! Burn everything!"

Just when everyone thought that Xu Feng would be defeated.

Xu Feng's violent knives, as if it were a flame that stretched several tens of feet, condensed into a red knives, facing the harshness of Dongyang, the palm of the sun that hit, squatting down.

(End of this chapter)

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