The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4126: I feel that you are humiliating Dongyang

Chapter 4126 I feel that you are humiliating Dongyang

“Are you really starting the Dragon for nine days?”

Qiu Cheng stood in the crowd. When he was in Qingzhou Ancient City, Qiu’s achievements found Xu Feng’s unusual.

In a short period of time, Xu Feng is now a three-level peak of Dan Yuanjing, and is still a genius.

You can easily kill the five geniuses of Dan Yuanjing's six-level genius. With Xu Feng's current combat power, I am afraid that the Danyuan octagonal martial arts, and even Dan Yuanjing Jiuwu martial arts.

Thinking of this, Qiu Cheng’s heart can’t help but feel a little sad. Unfortunately, there is no Qiu Mansha in Xu Feng’s heart.

Otherwise, if the niece of her own can be tied to Xu Fengxi, for them Qiu, the future will be a huge boost.

However, Qiu Cheng felt that in the ancient city of Qingzhou, it was the right choice not to offend and provoke Xu Feng.


"I don't think Xu Feng is stronger than before in Heluocheng."

The depths of Chen Batian’s eyes are all dignified.

He prides himself on being a top genius.

However, compared with Xu Feng, he asked himself, the difference between the two talents is not small.

However, if Xu Feng is able to use it for me, it is naturally a rare pride of the sky.

However, Chen Xianlong and Chen Batian are very clear now that Xu Feng and their Chen family are endless.

Thinking of this, Chen Batian’s face became dignified. It seems that I must try my best to kill Xu Feng as soon as possible. Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous. If I give Xu Feng three or five years of growth, I am afraid I want to kill Xu Feng again. It is really difficult to get to the sky.

Chen Xianlin’s face is also very difficult to see. He knows very well that they have repeatedly tried to put Xu Feng to death.

However, Xu Feng’s air transport is too strong, and he can survive on the edge of life and death almost every time.

The most important thing is that after Xu Feng survives, when they see Xu Feng again, Xu Feng’s strength will be greatly improved. This is the most terrible place.

"Da Tian, ​​when we came to Dongyang City, did you have your father, what order?" Chen Xianlin's order, naturally **** Xu Feng.

Before they were in Heluo City, they wanted to kill Xu Feng, but they were poisoned by Xu Feng.

Nowadays, they all know that Xu Feng will use poison, and naturally he will be prepared to prevent Xu Feng from being awkward.

Chen Batian couldn't help but shook his head and said: "The father is just letting us do our best to sweep the youth of Dongyang family and kill the prestige of the Dongyang family. We must show the majesty of our family."

Chen Xianlin heard the words and could only shake his head: "After the end of the Dongyang event, you will immediately arrange for someone to report your father. If it is possible, we must kill Xu Feng as soon as possible."

"If it is a last resort, can we spend some Lingjing and ask the killer of the floating gate to help kill Xu Feng."

Chen Xianlin knows very well that every time they kill Xu Feng, they are all on the bright side.

So every time Xu Feng can escape smoothly.

If you try to kill Xu Feng in another way, the outcome may be completely different.

Chen Batian is also slightly addicted, said: "I have a few strong people, I will order them to find opportunities, and strive to assassinate Xu Feng in Dongyang City."

Chen Batian’s coming to Dongyang City brought several strong people, all of which existed in the realm of law.

As long as he finds the right opportunity, he does not believe that Xu Feng can really fight against the powerful of the heavens.

"Well! This Xu Feng's threat is terrible. I have to know that it is only half a year away from the Qingge Mountain. If I remember correctly, he can't even afford your momentum. However, in just half a year. Time, his current strength, I am afraid that you want to crush him with momentum, it is almost impossible."

Chen Xianlin slowly said.

Chen Batian is also taking a breath.

Chen Xianlin reminded him of this and thoroughly proved the horror of Xu Feng.


Tian Shanhai’s face is also very gloomy.

He clearly remembers when Xu Feng went to the knife door.

Strength is not as terrible as it is now.

This is only a few months.

Xu Feng actually upgraded to such a realm.

Thinking of this, Tianshanhai also has a sense of killing.

If Xu Feng grows up at the time, it is really possible to chase Longshan Knife to take the knife from Tianshan Sea and apologize to Xu Feng.

Thinking of this, Tian Shanhai secretly made a look to his son Tian Ying.

Tian Ying received the indication from Tian Shanhai and nodded. He was ready to walk toward the ring.

He wants to use his own knife method to completely crush Xu Feng.

However, I have not waited for how far he went.

Not far from Chen Batian, a figure has already gone up to the ring, and there is a strong momentum in his body. It is Chen Chen, a young man around Chen Batian, who is a rare genius of Chen.

At the same time, Chen Xi’s cultivation is the seven realm of Dan Yuanjing, and his body is horrible and thick.

The moment he reached the ring, his face with a disdainful smile, facing Xu Feng, said: "Hurry down, you are not my opponent, I am too lazy to fight with you. I am coming to Dongyang City opponent, It is Dongyang harsh."

Chen Yu’s words rang, and many Dongyang family members, especially those who knew that Xu Feng defeated Dongyang’s harshness, all looked strange.

This Chen Chen’s voice is going to fight Dongyang’s harshness, but he is not able to look down on Xu Feng.

You must know that Xu Feng is the one who defeated Dongyang.

So, isn’t it the harsh face of the red fruit in Dongyang?

Dongyang harsh was recently stimulated by Xu Feng and was also punished by Dongyang's ancestors.

The heart is incomparably depressed.

An angry room, can not find a place to vent.

At this moment, Chen Hao stood on the ring, and openly named the surname. The goal of coming to Dongyang City was that he was harsh, and it was completely irritating Dongyang.

"I really think that I am bully?"

Dongyang stood up stiffly, and his body burst into a strong momentum, and both eyes became blood red.

Xu Feng heard Chen Yu’s words and his mouth raised slightly. Since people didn’t bother to play against themselves, he was too lazy to continue standing on the platform and turned to walk towards the ring. He slowly said: “You are not ignoring I, I feel that you are humiliating Dongyang harsh..."

The voice spread out, Dongyang was completely violent, and the repair of the six peaks of Dan Yuanjing broke out. He burst out and rushed out to the top of the ring. He stared at Chen Hao and said: "Since you The opponent and goal are me, then I will fulfill you."

Dongyang is a person who loves his face. He is afraid that Xu Feng will defeat his own affairs and say it.

By then, he really has no face.

Xu Feng glanced at the imposing Dongyang harshness, and seemed to take the road of encouragement: "With your strength, it is not a big problem to defeat this person, and teach him well. Don't let their Chen family, they are all mad. In fact, it is a complete waste."


Countless people heard Xu Feng’s words, all sucking a cold breath.

I have looked at places like Chen Batian and others.

The entire Northern Territory, the people who dare to insult the Chen family so much, really few.

(End of this chapter)

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