The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4127: Dongyang harsh breakthrough

Chapter 4127 Dongyang harsh breakthrough

"Xu Feng, wait for me to defeat Dongyang first. I will challenge you again later. Just hope, by the time, you should not refuse."

Chen Yu’s eyes are deep and filled with cold killings. He did not bother to challenge Xu Feng’s existence.

However, since Xu Feng dares to be so arrogant, and also insults their Chen family, they are all rubbish.

He will naturally not give up, he will give Xu Feng a bitter lesson, let the other side know, and provoke his Chen family's end.

I know, Xu Feng laughed and walked toward the ring. He said, "When you defeat Dongyang, let’s talk about it! After all, in my opinion, you may not be the opponent of Dongyang."

Seeing the indifference between Xu Feng's look, many of Dongyang's strongmen are admired.

They looked at the youth around them and said slowly: "You see no, this is the top genius."

"Although Dongyang and Xu Feng do not deal with it, but Dongyang's harsh strength, Xu Feng is still a bright recognition."

"You have to remember that a person who has only a strong mind can do it, recognize the strength of his opponent and face himself."

Xu Feng’s behavior and discourse have made many people in Dongyang family with admiration.

Dongyang ancestors also saw a few old people around.

Smiled and said: "Do you think this Xu Feng is like?"

When I heard the words of Dongyang's ancestors, a few old people were stunned and immediately understood.

The eyes of Dongyang Yunzhi, who was not far away, nodded and looked up.

"Yunzhi is a genius of five talents, and the talent is also very good. The cultivation is the sword method. If it can promote this Shantou and Xu Feng, it will inevitably become stronger in the future."

An old man's voice is a little excited.

Dongyang Yunzhi is the jewel in the eyes of these old guys.

Naturally, it is impossible to give Dongyang Yunzhi, just find a mediocrity person.

However, Xu Feng is not very good except for his birth.

Others, whether they are personality, appearance or talent, are top-notch.

"I think Yunzhi has a little meaning for Xu Feng." Another old man with gray hair is also open: "But I am afraid that Xu Feng has not much interest in Yunzhi."

The old man’s words also made Dongyang’s ancestors frown, which is where he is embarrassed.

Before he was ready to meet Xu Feng and Dongyang Yunzhi to meet, I know that the two had known before.

In this way, he really did not know how to open Xu Feng.

With the temper of Xu Feng’s kid, I’m afraid I will not agree if I don’t agree, I will say it on the spot.

Yunzhi has been proud of her since she was a child. It is the jewel of everyone. If Xu Feng is refused on the spot, I am afraid it will be hit hard.

"But it is not a chance, it is the so-called male chasing female, the mountain, the female chasing the male, the compartment yarn. Just see if Yunzhi will seize the opportunity, find a time, we will give pointers to Yunzhi."

Not far from an old lady, she is more like Xu Feng, I feel more like it, I can't wait to enroll Xu Feng as a dragon in the Dongyang family.

Xu Feng walked toward the side of Dongyang's ancestors. He found that Dongyang's ancestors and others looked at their own eyes, and some were not right.

Each one has a smile on his face.

He reached out and touched his cheek and said, "You stare at me like this, isn't there a flower on my face?"

"Ha ha ha..."

A few old people are laughing and laughing.


Dongyang harsh has been full of anger recently, and there is nowhere to vent.

Today, Chen Hao finally hit the harsh gun of Dongyang.

Dongyang’s harsh eyes are filled with blood-red killings.

On the body, the cultivation of the six peaks of Dan Yuanjing continued to break out.

Second-order dead wood is righteous!

Although Dongyang’s character is arrogant, his strength is not weak.

Otherwise, it is impossible to fight Xu Feng for such a long time.

You must know that Xu Feng’s current strength, even the usual Dan Yuan Jing Jiu Jiu, is not his opponent.

"Chen Chen, are you not good enough to stay below? Why do you want to challenge me?" Dongyang’s harsh face was angry. He felt that Chen Hao must have felt that his Dongyang was so badly bullied that he would be on the stage and named The challenge of the surname, the depth of the voice, is a bit gloomy.

Chen Hao hahaha smiled, his face was disdainful, and slowly said: "How about the challenge of my name? You are not my opponent."

Chen Yu’s words are extremely confident, and the whole person stands there, giving people a sense of arrogance.

Dongyang was full of anger and anger. The second-order deadwood of the body broke out, and the sixth-order supernatural spirit was displayed.

We must know that Dongyang’s harsh approach to this method is a realm of cultivation and perfection.

At this moment, a palmarized bombardment went out, filled with the law of the dead wood, carrying the pressure of horror.

"Treading the waves and seven palms!"

At the moment when Dongyang's harsh palms are displayed, the spiritual power is like a wave, rolling out layer by layer.

There is a strong momentum in the palm of the hand, so it goes out toward Chen Hao and the bombardment.

"It is the first heir to the Dongyang family. Dongyang's harsh palms are very powerful."

“It seems that Chen Hao’s desire to easily defeat Dongyang’s harshness is not an easy task.”

"Dongyang's harsh palms are obviously cultivated to the realm of perfection. It should be the Dongyang family, the famous sixth-order best holy spirit, and the seven waves."


Many people have talked about it.

Chen Hao’s mouth is raised and he does not dare to care.

On the body of Dan Yuanjing seven mid-term repairs emerged, the whole person stayed on the moment, a punch burst out of golden light, his boxing method, the power is also very strong.

It is like a dragon like a virtual shadow, filled with huge images, bringing a horrible momentum.

In the face of Dongyang’s harsh and tidal wave, the greet greet.


The harsh palm of Dongyang and Chen’s boxing method, the moment of collision, the air waves flow toward the surroundings.

Dongyang does not have any retrogression, but instead exerts a slap in the face and continues to violently bombard.

Among the voids, the outbreaks are the waves of the boxing and palms.

In the depths of Chen Yu’s eyes, there is also a smear of dignity.

Dongyang's harsh second-order deadwood is really difficult.

The power of his boxing method is cut more than the dead wood.


Dongyang's harshness is that the Vietnam War is more and more courageous, and the depressed feelings that have recently been suppressed in the heart have completely broken out.

When the whole person only feels refreshed, the Dan Yuan above his body suddenly shows the horror of momentum and light.

"My repair is a breakthrough..."

The horror of Dongyang’s harsh face is incredible in the depths of his eyes.

He was trapped in the six peaks of Danyuanjing, and it has been almost half a year.

Many people feel the changes in the harsh atmosphere of Dongyang, and they all have wide eyes.

More surprised.

It is the first heir to the Dongyang family.

Actually broke through in the battle.

(End of this chapter)

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