The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4162: Xu Feng (four more)

Chapter 4162, Xu Feng, who started the killing (four more)

"I really don't understand. I have no enmity with your family. Why do you want to kill me? Is it just to please Chen Xianlong?"

Xu Feng stood in the distance of Feihe, not far away, his eyes slightly picked up, revealing the cold killing between the look.

He does not like to take the initiative to provoke others, but there are always people who think that Xu Feng is a soft persimmon, you can feel free to take it.

For example, at this moment, Feihe, just a short time ago, thought that Fei Hepeng could kill himself and threaten.

Feihe’s eyes are full of fear, and can feel the horrible killing of Xu Feng’s body. “Xu Feng... Please, don’t kill me, I will tell you the secret of a boundless monk’s grave... really This secret is only known to those of our family of flying cranes..."

Feihe桀 really does not want to die here. He has a high status in the family of Feihe. As long as he lives, he will be able to live in the flying cranes for the rest of his life. Who wants to die?

"Since there is a secret in your mind, I don't need to say it, I can know it."

In the depths of Xu Feng’s eyes, a strange light emerged, and the path of the holy soul was filled.

Feihe eyes wide open, staring at the golden three-clawed golden dragon shadow on Xu Feng's head, his face stunned, his voice trembled, his lips groaned: "How could you... you turned out to be a third-order soul master... impossible... …impossible……"

Feihe is very clear that the soul teacher needs to awaken the Holy Spirit, and only five levels of power can be cultivated.

How could Xu Feng be a third-order soul master?

"Purple konjac."

As Xu Feng's purple pole konjac appeared, Fei He's heart completely lost control, allowing Xu Feng to search casually.

Xu Feng constantly devours the memory of Feihe, and his face becomes more and more ugly. He squeezes his fist into a fist, and his nails are embedded under the palm of his hand, letting the blood flow continuously, and the third-order killing of the body. Around the body, it became a blood red.

The little leopard's eyes were full of fear in the depths, and quickly retired from Xu Feng's side.

It is really the breath of Xu Feng’s third-order killing, which is too horrible, and he can’t bear it.


Xu Feng will fly the soul of the crane, and the shock will be broken. The purple pole will be received directly. The whole person’s killing will be directed toward the oppression of the flying crane, making the blood of the flying crane. , all become counter-current.

Deep in the eyes are blood red, Xu Feng is completely angry.

He is looking for kittens for so long in the Northern Territory.

Unexpectedly, the kitten was actually caught by the people of the family.

Moreover, I also desperately tortured the kitten.

Make the kittens die in the family of flying cranes.

"Fei Hehong! Feihe family, if Xu Feng does not kill the blood of your flying crane family, I will not be a man!"

Xu Feng bit his teeth, a slapped fan on the face of the flying crane, blood flowing from the corner of the flying crane.

"Ah... you are a madman... what are you doing, you have the ability to kill me... I don't want to live..."

Feihe 真的 真的 真的 真的 真的 真的 真的 真的 真的 真的 真的 真的 真的 真的 真的 真的 真的 真的 真的 真的 真的 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑

"You fly the crane family dare to torture the kitten, I will let you fly the family blood into a river, chickens and dogs do not stay!"

Xu Feng’s words rang.

Fei He's face changed greatly. He stared at Xu Feng and said, "You mean that I was caught by my eldest brother?"


When Xu Feng heard the words of the scorpion animal, one foot stepped on the other arm of the flying crane, and the sound of the broken bone made the flying crane stunned directly.

However, Xu Feng does not want to fly to death and easily die, according to the memory of his search.

Feihe’s big brother Fei Hehong, the torture of the kitten, is even worse than this.


Feihe was tempted by Xu Feng's momentum, oppressed from the pain, and the pain of the heart made him huddle and tremble.

"Ah... you are a madman, I beg you, kill me..." Feihe smashed his face.

"I won't let you die so easily." Xu Feng said coldly: "You can rest assured that after you die, you fly to the family and enter the grave of the infinite monk, I will not let go, all Kill!"

Feihe is very clear, if Xu Feng is really a third-order soul master.

Then Xu Feng really has this strength.

"You dare... we will not let you go to the family of flying cranes..."

Ah, ah...

The miserable snoring is endless.

When the flying crane is dying, the eyebrows are bent and the skin is wrinkled and torn.

The **** eyes of both eyes can be said to be inferior to death and slowly die.

Stand up and come.

Xu Feng’s third-order killing is full of meaning.

Grabbing the Aurora Magic Knife, he said: "The kitten, my brother can't hold you! But you can rest assured that the pain and suffering of the Feihe family will give you a hundred times to give them!"

Xu Feng’s body was stunned, and the wings of Kun Peng emerged. The third turn of the Peng Peng nine-turn was exhibited. The speed was raised to the extreme, and the direction of Zheng Haitao’s pursuit was suddenly chased out.

Zheng Haitao took advantage of the spiritual flow and directly flew out the two young people of the Feihe family.

"Zheng Haitao, do you really want to be an enemy of our Feihe family? Do you want to know clearly?"

The two young people who fell to the ground were full of faces and took out the family of flying cranes to threaten Zheng Haitao.


When Zheng Haitao was preparing to start, a burst of gusts of wind swept over, and the horrible killing made his whole body pores erect in an instant, as if they were enemies.

When I saw it clearly, I found out that it was Xu Feng.

His eyes were wrong and he did not understand Xu Feng’s killings. How suddenly he became so strong.

Grabbing the Aurora Magic Knife, the knife is flashing, the blade points to the youth of the two flying crane family, the voice is cold and biting: "Say, how do you want to die?"

"No... don't kill us... Xu Feng, don't kill me...we..."

Both young people were completely astonished by Xu Feng’s killing.

They have seen such a terrible suffocation.

"From the time when your Flying Crane family dare to torture the kittens, they are destined to fly to the family, and the blood will flow into the river, and the dogs will not stay!"

The sound is cold.

Two young men fall into the ice.

Their eyes are round and round.

The entire family of flying cranes knows that Feihehong caught a very high-class monster and alien, and wanted to surrender, but the beast was unwilling to live and die.

They did not expect that Xu Feng would be so angry because of the kitten. It seems that the relationship between this person and a cat is extraordinary.

"No... don't kill me..."


The Aurora Magic Knife lifted up and the knife smashed out.

In an instant, the young people of the two flying crane families were torn by the knife.

Death can't die anymore.

Obviously, I am not blind.

They did not expect that they had just entered the infinite border of the monk, and they were killed in one day.

(End of this chapter)

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