The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4163: Don't cast wrong tires in the next life (five)

Chapter 4163, don't cast wrong tires in the next life (five)

After killing two people, Xu Feng did not stop.

Grab the Aurora Magic Knife and chase it in another direction.

The wings of Kun Peng suddenly fanned, and the speed was instantly raised to the extreme.

Xiao Leopard and Zheng Haitao, who want to catch up with Xu Feng, found that Xu Feng's speed is too fast, and in a short moment, Xu Feng won't have a shadow.

Zheng Haitao looked at the little leopard not far away, helplessly said: "Hey... your master is too abnormal... we can only follow this direction, he should be the one to chase the family of Feihe."

The little leopard did not answer, but silently chased after him. He followed Xu Feng for so long, and for the first time felt Xu Feng’s horrible killing, he could feel the despair and anger inside Xu Feng.



Xu Feng is in the third-order killing, and the horrible killing, wherever he goes, everyone is afraid.

Looking at Xu Feng's eyes one by one, they all have fear, their bodies are slightly trembling, and they are full of fear.

"God! How many people Xu Feng killed in the end, the suffocating body is so terrible."

"I feel the killing of Xu Feng. If I am coming towards me, I will be vomited."

"It’s just vomiting blood. Don’t you feel it, but he realizes that the third-order killing of the righteousness, I don’t know how many people are killed, can he concise, so terrible third-order killing.”

"We are the warriors of these mid-level Dan Yuanjing, I am afraid that in front of Xu Feng, one stroke can not escape."

"Hey! Xu Feng seems to be coming to fly cranes."


There are quite a few people around, who are whispering.

They don't know why Xu Feng is so horrible.

However, Xu Feng blocked the way to fly cranes.

The fear of flying cranes and faces.

Feel the moment of Xu Feng's killing, the legs are soft, and the whole person is kneeling in front of the ground.

"I beg you... don't kill me, I know it's wrong, I really don't want to provoke you, it's all flying cranes that force me... We don't dare to provoke flying cranes... Don't kill me..."

Fei Hemang did not expect that he had escaped so far, Xu Feng actually caught up.

Such a terrible killing is completely the rhythm of killing oneself.

"You fly the family of the crane, but if you enter the tomb of the infinite monk, you don't want to leave alive. You can rest assured that after I kill you, soon after, it is Fei Hepeng, that is Fei Heyu... Feihe I have been sent to the road."

Xu Feng's voice is cold and cold, and his face is angry.

The onlookers, when they heard Xu Feng killing the flying cranes, were wide-eyed.

This Xu Feng's courage is really too big.

The origin of Feiheyu is not simple. The big brother Feihehong is extremely talented. It is known as the Northern Territory. In the past 100 years, the first day of the Feihe family, it is conceivable how terrible it is.

What's more, Fei He's father, the contemporary owner of the Feihe family, is powerful and overbearing.

Feihe ancestors are also the pro-ancestor of Feihe.

Now, Xu Feng dares to kill Feihe.

However, if you think about Xu Feng’s offense, they feel relieved.

You must know that Xu Fenglian Chen Xianlong is not in the eye.

How is it possible to fear the family of flying cranes?


At the moment of spit out the dead words, Xu Feng grabbed the Aurora Magic Knife and smashed it out.

Fei Hemang turned and wanted to escape, but he was not willing to die like this.

The knife is extremely accurate, and his neck is cut off.

A head rolls on the ground, and the dead can no longer die.

Xu Feng even, too lazy to take the crane ring of the crane, the power of the body surging, the wings of the Peng Peng floating, the whole person disappeared more than ten meters away, leaving the scene to a person back.

"How do you want to die!?"

Flying cranes banned the news, his face was a bit aggressive.

A few people around, also looked at Xu Feng.

Feeling that Xu Feng is killing, the people around him have all retired.

One by one, the silence does not dare to speak.

"Xu Feng?"

Flying crane ban is very clear, he and Xu Feng have no innocence, why the other side wants to kill himself for no reason.

Of course, Feihe has passed through everyone. If you are in the grave of the infinite monk, you can meet Xu Feng and you must go all out to kill.

"I ask again, how do you want to die?"

The sound is cold and biting.

Everyone feels that the pores are erected.

Flying crane banned the words, his face was a little angry, said: "Xu Feng, don't deceive too much, you really think, I am afraid you can't!"

"Since it is not afraid, it is very good."

The third-order killing of Xu Feng’s body became horrible. He grabbed the Aurora Magic Knife and banned it from flying cranes.

Flying cranes can be banned by Dan Yuanjing's seven heavy peaks. Seeing the knives attacking, they display the Holy Spirit skills and greet them in an instant.


Wherever the knives go, it is completely invincible.

With just one knife, the Holy Spirit of the Flying Crane is directly resolved.

Knife Mang from the shoulders of the flying crane, squatting out.

The flying crane vomited blood and rushed out.

"Xu Feng... don't kill me... I don't want to be an enemy of you..."

Flying cranes banned their eyes with fear.

Xu Feng grabbed the Aurora Magic Knife and banned the flying crane. While walking, he said: "You don't want to be an enemy of me. Unfortunately, you fly the family, catch my most important brother, and let him live." If you die, you are destined to fly to the family, and the blood will flow into the river, and the dogs will not rest!"

Everyone is also very curious, in the end, who is the brother of Xu Feng, who is caught by the Feihe family?

"I don't know... that can't blame me..."

The flying crane ban is about to cry.

Where did he know, who the Feihe family had caught.

In his status and status, he is not eligible to participate.

"It is the kitten that Fei Hehong caught. He is my brother. He is a brother who lives and dies, and he does not give up! If anyone dares to move my brother, I will kill his family and destroy him. You are a family of flying cranes. Doubt, done!"

After Xu Feng finished, he walked to the front of the flying crane.

Flying crane ban completely understand.

The kitten, the brother in the mouth, turned out to be Xu Feng.

Thinking of this, Feihe banned his eyes and asked for mercy: "Don't kill me... I really don't know... I have seen the kittens you said twice, they are flying cranes, they are tormenting him... I beg you Don't kill me... I don't want to die..."

Flying cranes are imprisoned on the ground, constantly pleading.

"You remember, don't cast the wrong tires in your next life!"


The Aurora Magic Knife did not hesitate to succumb to the shackles of the flying cranes. He banned the whole body from the Feihe, and did not let the other party suffer.


The onlookers are in a state of silence.

I dare not say that one by one, the silence did not dare to look up to see Xu Feng, for fear of being angered by Xu Feng.


The wing of Xu Peng on Xu Feng continued to float. He chased him in the direction of Fei Hepeng’s escape.

Looking at the back of Xu Feng's departure, several people around him were breathing heavily, their legs were soft, and they fell directly on the floor, all of them were soaked in cold sweat.

Xu Feng’s killing is too horrible!

(End of this chapter)

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