The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4164: Three knives killing Fei Hepeng

Chapter 4164, Three Knife Killing Fei Hepeng

"Peng Ge! What happened to you?"

Fei Hepeng escaped and went out. Not long, he met a young man from a family of flying cranes. He looked at Fei Hepeng’s unbearable figure, and asked some mistakes.

You must know that Fei Hepeng spends most of his time in a stable personality.

Fei Hepeng is angry inside, being chased and killed, can you not be embarrassed?

However, he naturally would not say it.

"It's nothing."

Fei Hepeng's slow road.

"This is also true, with Peng Ge your strength, who dares to provoke you."

The young man has a flattering way.

"Peng Ge, I heard the front, it seems that there is a grave, we hurry to see it!"

Fei Hepeng heard the words, his eyes brightened and said: "Really?"


The two walked toward the front.


Xu Feng was invigorated by the spirit, looking for a circle, did not find the figure of Fei Hepeng.

However, all those who met the family of Feihe, without exception, were all killed by Xu Feng.

So many people now see Xu Feng, who have detoured, fearing that Xu Feng will be angry with them.

"Xu brother, is it okay?"

Dongyang Jie looked worried at Xu Feng.

He also heard news about Xu Feng, killing and killing the family.

With his understanding of Xu Feng, the other party is not killing innocent people and killing people.

Xu Feng took a deep breath and shook his head. He said: "I am fine, just want to kill the people of Feihe family. You said Fei Hepeng, where will you hide?"

Dongyang Jie turned over his eyes, and what happened to the Feihe family, provoked Xu Feng.

Even Xu Feng is so urgent, want to kill the people of the family of flying cranes?

"Xu brother, in the end, what happened to you, suddenly you have such a strong killing of the people of Feihe family. If there is anything, you can say it, don't force yourself." Dongyang Jie said.

Xu Feng will tell Dongyang Jie slowly about the kitten.

After listening to Xu Feng's words, Dong Yang Jie is also full of anger.

"Feihe Hong is really a jerk, and a monster is not let go."

Just at this time.

Zheng Haitao took the little leopard and finally found Xu Feng.

He panted to Xu Feng and Dongyang Jie, and looked at Xu Feng with some strangeness. He said: "Xu brother, you are really eye-catching, afraid of being a family of flying cranes, they will kill you." What?"

All the way up, Zheng Haitao heard about how Xu Feng killed the family of Feihe.

"I still fly He Peng!"

Xu Feng said.

The little leopard came to Xu Feng's body and gently licked Xu Feng to show comfort.


Xu Feng laughed.

Zheng Haitao’s face was a bit serious, and he said: “You have heard that there is no such thing. It is said that the tomb of the infinite monk has been discovered. It seems that many people are rushing toward the tomb.”

“Really? Can you know in what direction?”

Dongyang Jie asked some excitement.

“It’s in front, not far from here.”

Zheng Haitao heard the news along the way, that is, Xu Feng’s pursuit of the family of Feihe, and the news of the infinite monk’s tomb.

"Go, let's go and see, maybe Fei Hepeng is there." Dong Yangjie looked at Xu Feng and guessed.


The three men took the little leopard and walked quickly toward the front.



Just arrived at the scene, noisy voice, distance tens of meters, passed over.

Not far away, people are moving.

Xu Feng and other three people walked toward the front.

"Look, Xu Feng..."

When some people saw Xu Feng coming over, they all let a road open and fear.

Just kidding, Xu Feng successively chased and killed, killing nearly ten people in the Feihe family, but they are all genius disciples.

However, these people, in front of Xu Feng, are like cutting vegetables and cutting vegetables. They are even more afraid to provoke Xu Feng.

Not far away, Fei Hepeng saw the moment when Xu Feng appeared, and turned his head and turned to prepare to leave, but just a few steps away, Fei Hepeng almost did not vomit blood. .

"Peng Ge, where are you going? The grave is here!"

Following the youth of Fei Hepeng, he did not know the rumors outside, nor did he know that Fei Hepeng wanted to avoid Xu Feng.

He snorted here, and everyone looked at him and looked at Fei Hepeng.

However, immediately, the killing of Xu Feng appeared.

The Aurora Magic Knife appears in the hand.

"Get started!"

Xu Feng’s voice is cold and the killing is amazing.

The young man looked at Xu Feng and was full of excitement. He said: "Peng Ge Peng Ge, you will quickly grab Xu Feng and avenge your hatred. When you arrive, you will be grateful to you..."

Fei Hepeng is really squirting blood, not afraid of God's opponents, afraid of pig-like opponents.

But now I am facing a rival like God, and I also have a pig-like opponent.

I am so hard!

"To shut up!"

Fei Hepeng was full of faces and screamed at the youth.

On the body, Dan Yuanjing's eight-fold peak was repaired, and his eyes stared at Xu Feng. "The grave of the infinite monk is about to open. You really have to lose both. You must know that there are many treasures in the tomb. When we lose both, others benefit."

Tian Ying is also in the crowd, and his heart is full of fear. He said: "Fortunately, he and Xu Feng have not had too deep hatred. It seems that this opportunity must be reconciled with Xu Feng. This guy is too abnormal."

"There is so much nonsense!"

Xu Feng was too lazy to fly nonsense with Fei Hepeng. He grabbed the Aurora Magic Knife and smashed it out. The knives and mans continued to stir up, forming a horrible momentum. The void was slashed and cracked.

"Aurora kills the knife!"

The third-order killing of Xu Feng is accompanied by the second-order knife and the second-order gravity.

The most important thing is that his aurora kills the knife, cultivates into the environment, and the power is terrible.

It’s terrible to use a knife to stretch a few dozen feet.

Around the body around Xu Feng, they were all wrapped in a killing momentum.


The first knife broke out.

Fei Hepeng is fully resisted.

However, the aftermath of the knife, the earthquake quits.

Tearing the knife!

Xu Feng followed the second knife and pulled out again.

This time, the knife method became unstoppable.

Especially the third-order killing is really terrifying.

Fei Hepeng’s righteous power was completely suppressed by Xu Feng’s third-order ambition.

The power of the Holy Spirit of the whole person is greatly discounted.

"Xu Feng, you are pushing me... I am fighting with you..."

Fei Hepeng exhibited the seventh-order holy spirit technique, and the emptiness of the sky.

The power is endless.

Aurora infinitely kills the knife!

Xu Feng slashed out, the knife of the ruling, the knife of horror.

The people around them have gone backwards.

Among the twins of Xu Feng, there is the spiritual power of growth and death, which is integrated into the knife.


The whole void, where Xu Feng’s knife is, where the Aurora Magic Knife is located, the space is broken.

"Ah? How could it be so strong?"

Fei Hepeng thought that he and Xu Feng had a battle, but did not expect that only the third knife, before they started to play, he already felt dangerous. There is a sense of powerlessness in his heart, and he and Xu Feng’s mystical powers are far from each other.

(End of this chapter)

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